MRS. JOHN SEE Arizona Republican Newspaper May 21, 1892 Globe--The horrible murder committed on Salt River Wednesday evening has created great excitement here. All the men on the river have joined the pursuit and if captured, the murderer, See, will probably be lynched. Great indignation was felt when the news was brought to Globe of a terrible murder which was committed on Salt River. John M. See shot and killed his wife at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Gann. See, who is a worthless scoundrel has not lived happily with his wife and some time ago, exasperated by his cruelty she left him and at the time of her death was living with her sister, Mrs. Gann. See hung around the house all day trying to have her go back to live with him but she refused. About 6 o'clock she went to the corral to milk and while she was thus engaged See came up behind and shot her twice. The first bullet entered over the heart and the second entered at the pit of the stomach. Deputy Sheriff George Pemberton left for the river yesterday morning. See was but recently released from jail.