Henry Berry Arizona Silver Belt October 31, 1891 The telegraphic account to various Territorial journals concerning the killing in the town of Maxey, adjoining Fort Thomas, of Henry Barry by Lt. C.P. Johnson of the 10th Cavalry, and post quartermaster at Fort Apache, is not borne out by reported testimony given by witnesses of the melancholy affair, before the coroner's inquest and therefore we feel it incumbnet to rectify the statement as given in the dispatch. The testimony as furnished shows Johnson the agressor and it was upon the sworn statements of facts that given that the magistrate was warrented in committing Johnson without bail, to await the action of the Graham County grand jury on a charge of murder. The facts, as related by our correspondent are briefly that Johnson had been drinking heavily and was quarrelsome. He stood behind the bar in Leahy's store and Barry and two other persons were on the oppposite side of the counter, one of whom wore a Mexican hat which attracted Johnson's attention and being a good shot, he remarked that "he could shoot off the buckles without hitting his head." Barry suggested it would not be best to try it and in the converstation which ensued Johnson called Barry a liar and at the same moment said, "I will prove it to you that you are," and advanced from behind the bar and attempted to stirke Barry in the face. It was then that Barry threw a tumbler and hit Johnson between the eyes. Johnson then fired at Barry's head and missed his mark. He instantly fired a second shot and hit Barry in the stomach, mortally wounding him, his death occurring the next day. Johnson is now in the Graham County jail. Barry is in his grave. We have made inquiry of persons in Globe who knew Barry and among the number are Judge Thurmond and Dr. Largent who were acquainted with the deceased and represent him as an inoffensive man and expressed regret at the manner of his sudden taking off. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. submitted by burns@asu.edu