HARRY AUSTIN DAVIS Arizona, the Youngest State, pg. 589 Harry Austin Davis is founder and promoter of the Arizona State Press, which conducts an extensive and profitable general publishing, printing and binding business. He belongs to that class of citizens whose enterprise and energy are effective forces in promoting public prosperity as well as individual success. In the field of business he has gradually worked his way upward and merit and ability have constituted the source of his advancement. Mr. Davis is a native of Nebraska, his birth having occurred in Franklin County, November 23, 1879. His parents were Charles H. and Angie M. (Friend) Davis, both of whom were representatives of old New England families. The father became a pioneer of Nebraska and there devoted his time and energies to farming and merchandising. In the state of his nativity Harry A. Davis spent the period of his boyhood and youth and in the acquirement of his education attended the public and high schools, being graduated from the latter with the class of 1895. In early manhood he was employed in the mines of Colorado, where he made close study of mineralogy and became known to the public as a writer of special articles. He started in the newspaper business in Norton, Kansas and later was connected with the Salina Kansas Herald. On leaving that state he was employed in newspaper work in Oskaloosa, Iowa for a time, after which he went to Beaumont, Texas where he acted as business manager of the Beaumont Daily Journal. Subsequently he was connected with the Hot Springs Daily News, afterward with the New Orleans Item and with other papers in the south, becoming well known as a leading figure in journalistic circles. At length he purchased a paper in Minden, Louisiana and continued its publication until 1908 when he came to Arizona. He was thereafter editor of the Bisbee Review for a brief period but in December of the same year came to Phoenix, where he established the business now conducted under the name of the Arizona State Press. Mr. Davis recognizes the fact that satisfied patrons are the best advertisement and moreover he takes pride in having everything sent out from his establishment of the highest class of workmanship. The business is now well organized. While a resident of Iowa Mr. Davis was united in marriage in 1902 to Miss Alice Greenhalgh, of Oskaloosa, Iowa and they have three children: Helen, Harry Austin, Jr. and Franklin. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for commercial presentation by any other organization. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. submitted by burns@asu.edu