Maricopa County AZ Archives History .....Ostrich Farming In Arizona 1896 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 7, 2005, 12:23 am OSTRICH FARMING IN ARIZONA. The ostrich farm of J. Harbert is situated four miles northwest of Phoenix, on what is known as the Alhambra tract, and. within one-half mile of Alhambra station on the S. F., P. & P. R. R., where there is a thriving little town situated in the heart of the country and only two miles from the end of the street car line from Phoenix. The daily attendance at school is 35. It has a large warehouse, 75x150, storehouse, blacksmith shop and two other places of business. In interviewing Mr. Harbert, we give his experience in ostrich farming in his own words. He says: In the spring of 1891 I started with one pair of ostriches worth $600, which have increased until they now number 69. I raised them on alfalfa, not feeding anything else but bone and gravel, except the breeding birds: these are fed about a pint of corn apiece per day. It requires about ten acres of alfalfa in the growing season to keep the flock, and the last crop on about the same amount of ground to carry them over the winter. The birds are all well grown and healthy, no disease whatever among them. I have never lost one yet from disease, but lost two or three by getting cut on a wire fence. I think we have the best climate (for ostriches) in the United States, being warm, dry and free from fogs. Men from Africa inform me that they never saw better birds in that country. Many of the birds in my flock will, I think, weigh from three hundred to three hundred and fifty pounds each. When the birds are six months old we make the first plucking of feathers, and every eight months thereafter, averaging a pound of feathers to the bird at each plucking. Feathers bring on the average about $20.00 per pound, and would bring double that sum if manufactured by ourselves, as the feathers after passing through the hands of expert feather manufacturers, readily sell at a large margin. Eggs that do not hatch are blown, and we sell the shells at $1.00 to $1.50 apiece, and have always sold all we had of this kind. The gate fees have paid for taking care of the birds, leaving the increase and sales of feathers and egg shells clear profit. The hens do not generally lay until they are four years old, and there is no certainty of the eggs hatching, as they do not seem to be fertilized, but the eggs laid when the hens are five years old generally hatch. The cocks alternate half and half time in setting on the nest in shifts of twelve hours each during the hatching season. The eggs hatch in six weeks. I have eight hens that will commence laying this season. During the time I have been engaged in ostrich farming, I have sold about $3,300.00 worth of feathers and egg shells. I consider the pair I started worth $600.00 at the time, and I consider the flock now worth $8,000.00, and they have not cost me a cent in taking care of them. Value of birds at present $8,000 Receipts for feathers and shells 3,300 Total $11,300 Cost of two birds at start $600 Interest on same four years 288 Total $888 Balance for pasturing $10,412 I think I am now prepared to go into ostrich farming right, and ready to raise birds, as having only one pair to start with made it slow work. It will cost but little more to care for a thousand birds than what I have got. I consider every bird I have worth to me $30.00 per year in cash. I will sell the birds and farm or the birds alone, as I am getting too old to look after them. J. HARBERT. Additional Comments: From: A Historical and Biographical Record of the Territory of Arizona Published by McFarland & Poole, Chicago, 1896 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.3 Kb