Maricopa County AZ Archives History - Schools .....Chandler High School Class Of 1918 May 24, 1918 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Fairall May 7, 2007, 4:39 pm FIRST HIGH SCHOOL CLASS GOES OVER TOP NEXT WED. - "The first Senior Class of the Chandler High School will, to use their own expression, 'Go Over the Top' of public school work into the battle of life in the business and professional world next Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. The graduation exercises will be held, through the kindness of Dr. A. J. Chandler, in the Arcade of The San Marcos Hotel. The public is invited. The Chandler High School was founded four years ago when Ella Page Seward was principal, the next year it became a two year school under the direction of Mr. L. E. McFadden, the next year it expanded into a three year high school under the guidance of Supt. Rice and finally it grew into a full fledged four year school last fall. The members of the graduating class are MISS NORA CHITWOOD, BRUCE HERBERT ROBINSON and EARNEST JOSEPH KOCH, JR. The members of the class are sending out pretty graduating announcements this week. The class motto is the famous English war slogan, 'Carry On.' The Junior Class will give an informal reception to the Seniors at the school house Saturday night. In order to put into practice the democratic spirit of the public high school in the matter of dress and in order to spend no unnecessary money at this time of war strain, the Board of Trustees has passed a resolution that all graduating classes shall wear the cap and gown for a graduating costume. This is the practice of all the large high schools of the east and middle west and is very appropriate. Instead of wearing the black of college custom the caps and gowns are of light grey.” File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb