Maricopa County AZ Archives History - Schools .....Chandler High School Class Of 1919 June 6, 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Fairall May 7, 2007, 4:50 pm 9 GRADUATE INTO HIGHER LIFE'S WORK - "The commencement exercises of the Chandler High school began Sunday evening when services were held on the school house lawn. Prayer was offered by R. C. Hakes, while Bishop Henry L. Peterson delivered the innvocation. Several songs were given. Rev. W. C. Miller delivered the sermon of the evening to the class, 'The Quest for Wisdom.' In lucid and eloquent language he pointed the way to the young people for a useful life and gave them many pointers that were as helpful to the older folks as well. About 1,000 attended the services.... The principal address was delivered by J. L. Felton of the Tempe Normal, who took for his theme the class motto, 'Impossible, is un-American.' Prof. Felton dwelt on the miracle of America, of the Arizona desert, of Chandler, and told how the impossible had been achieved. He gave an interesting sketch of European history. He also admonished the graduates on the value of wisdom vs. popularity, and told how one could be popular, and then be forgotten, or give the world real genius and live forever. In the absence of President Peterson, of the school board, Prof. Keeley presented the diplomas, while Rev. W. C. Miller delivered the invocation and benediction. Those graduating were: PAULINE E. APPLEBY, ALMA CLARA BEYE, MABEL CHITWOOD, DOROTHY GRAY, DANIEL GRUWELL, RUTH JOHNSON, WINONA MARSH, CHLEO THRAILKILL and CHAS. WILLIAMS." File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb