Mohave County AZ Archives History - Businesses .....Aubrey Mining District 1881 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 17, 2007, 3:34 pm AUBREY, MOHAVE COUNTY. This is a large district in the southern part of the county, bounded on the south by Bill Williams Fork, and on the west by the Colorado River. The eastern part embraces the Hualapais range of mountains, in which, during the past ten years, a large number of silver ledges have been discovered. At present but little is being done in the district, the rich discoveries in other more accessible sections of the Territory having diverted attention from this promising region. The noted McCracken Silver mine, located in the northeastern portion of the district, was discovered in 1874 from croppings which extended nearly north and south for a distance of ten miles. The vein at the surface is, in some places, eighty feet wide. The best milling ore of the McCracken averaged about ninety-five dollars per ton, although there were narrow streaks which were much richer. This mine has been worked to a considerable extent, and for a time yielded a large amount of bullion. The Signal and Palmetto are adjoining mines on the same ledge, which have also produced a large amount. At the Peabody mine, ore is being extracted and worked in a twenty-stamp mill at Signal. Additional Comments: Extracted from: RIZONA BUSINESS DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER; CONTAINING THE Names and Post-Office Addresses of all Merchants, Manufacturers and Professional Men in the Territory of Arizona; TERRITORIAL, COUNTY, CITY AND TOWN OFFICERS. A DESCRIPTION OF THE DIFFERENT MINING DISTRICTS AND THE NAMES OF MINING SUPERINTENDENTS. ALSO, A GAZETTEER OF THE COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS, Giving a full exhibit of their Mineral, Agricultural and Manufacturing Resources. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF WHOLESALE MERCHANTS AND MANUFACTURERS IN THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. W. C. DISTURNELL, COMPILER AND PUBLISHER, 534 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. BACON & COMPANY, PRINTERS. l88l. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1881, By W. C. DISTURNELL, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb