CHARLES BLAKEY Roy Winchester Arizona Republican Newspaper, Phoenix April 4, 1903 Kingman--News has reached Kingman of the murder of Charles Blakey, known as the "Cowboy Pianist" and Roy Winchester, a young miner on the trail forty miles from this place by James McKenney. Nothing definite is known of the cause of the murder but it is thought that McKenney who is wanted for the killing of William L. Wynn at Porterville California last July, took the men for officers and laid in wait for them on the trail. A sheriff's posse is now in pursuit of the murderer. Blakey was well known here. He was not only a pianist but was also something of a boxer and attained quite a reputation in this part of the territory. Mr. McKenney is said to be an American, about forty years old, five feet seven and weighs about 160 pounds. His eyes are blue, his complexion florid and his features are broad and square. He is missing two joints off his left forefinger and was previously shot in the leg. He is by occupation a barkeeper and is a gambler and he smokes and drinks.