JOHN CLAUSON Arizona Republican Newspaper Naco, Pima Co. April 3, 1903 A fatal shooting scrape took place in Naco Monday evening which resulted in the death of John Clauson, says the Prospector. From what we were able to learn of the affair it seems that Clauson was somewhat under the influence of liquor and was engaged in fighting with a woman in one of the wine rooms in the rear of one of the saloons when the cries of the woman reached the ears of Deputy Sheriff Nody Wilson. He entered the room and told Caluson to stop beating the woman. Clauson replied that he would not, at the same time reaching for his gun, and succeeded in getting it out of his pocket when Wilson shot him through the chest. Clauson's gun went off but the shot went through the side of the building. A coroner's jury exonerated Wilson from all blame.