UTHER JEWELL December 15, 1905 The Republican a few days ago received a telegram from Tucson stating that the dead body of Luther Jewell, a mining man well known in Tucson had been found in an old pit near Llano, Sonora. Jewell was a capatalist of San Diego who a year or more ago became interested in mining property in that region. The information of the finding of the body was contained in a letter from Raymond Powell, formerly employed in the Southern Pacific offices at Tucson. Mr. Powell wrote: "The body of Luther Jewell, the mining man who mysteriously disappeared last June and who was believed to have been murdered has been found. The identification is not complete, but there seems to be no doubt it is the body of the missing man. The brother of the murdered man, Mr. Fred Jewell, a prominent banker of San Diego has been notified by wire. "As you may have fogotten I will give you some of the details. Last June, Jewell came to Sonora from Alaska and began looking for mining properties. He was backed by his brother and a group of San Diego capatalists and was well supplied with funds. One morning Jewell set out on his horse alone, saying that he was going to look at a property that a Mexican had told im about. The next day his horse wondered back alone and from that time on no trace had been found of the missing man. "His brother, Fred Jewell came from San Diego and offered a liberal reward for any trace of the body. Finally the brother gave up the search and returned to his home." The gruesome discovery of the murdered man's body was made by H. Gordon Glors, a mining expert, who is well known on the Pacific Coast and by Mr. Barnes of Llano. Mr. Glors was engaged on behalf of some well known capatalists, supposed to be Messrs. Randolph and Lindsay. From the color of the hair and the arrangement of the teeth, as wel as from the clothes and varous other articles, Mr. Barnes, who was acquainted with the murdered man, was able to identify the remains.