Statewide County AZ Archives Obituaries.....Macdonald, A.F. 1903 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: D. Joshua Taylor and Elizabeth Burns July 17, 2005, 12:42 pm Arizona Republican-March 25, 1903 A.F. MACDONALD Arizona Republican Newspaper March 25, 1903 Saturday evening W.A. MacDonald of Mesa City received a telegram notifying him of the death of his father, A.F. MacDonald at Casa Grandes, Mexico. Accompanied by his brother, G.A. MacDonald and his sister, Mrs. Maggie Sorenson he left on the evening train for Mexico. The death was very sudden and was a terrible shock to the family. Mr. MacDonald had been in the mountains where he was taken very sick, and after getting some better he was taken to El Paso for treatment, remaining there but a short time. On his return to Casas Grandes he suffered another attack which proved fatal. A.F. MacDonald was one of the early settlers of Mesa City and was the first president of the Maricopa stake of the Mormon Church or Latter Day Saints and was released from that position only when he left for Mexico. He has been a pioneer all his days and probably has done as much as any man with similar advantages to colonize and settle up the new countries in the south and west. He had a master mind and was a born leader of men, commanding their love, respect and confidence in all positions. His loss will be felt in the colonies of Mexico and he will be mourned by all who knew him. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb