Statewide County AZ Archives Obituaries.....Matos, Loretto 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: D. Joshua Taylor and Elizabeth Burns July 16, 2005, 7:47 pm Arizona Republican-July 4, 1909 LORETTO MATOS July 4, 1909 The dead body of Loretto Matos was found early yesterday morning lying in the brush about 200 yards south of the Linville School. At an inquest held by Coroner Johnstone it was found that death was the result of a combination of heat and alcoholism. On Thursday Matos had been about his accustomed haunts, which include the whole southern portion of the city, very drunk. On Saturday morning he made his rounds and he was then quite sober. Early in the day three drunken Mexicans came along and called to him and he went away with them. He was seen alive no more. The assumption is that he joined them in a debauch which was his last. When he was found his hands were folded across his breast and there was a look of peace on his face. He was probably sober enough to know that he was going to die and he determined to die as decently as possible. He removed his shoes and composed himself into such shape as the undertakers place those who are put under their care. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb