Statewide County AZ Archives Obituaries.....Otis, Mrs. Ada 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: D. Joshua Taylor and Elizabeth Burns July 16, 2005, 8:55 pm Arizona Republican-August 20, 1909 MRS. ADA OTIS August 20, 1909 Through the surprising efforts of someone unknown, the death by suicide of Mrs. Ada Otis, in the Van Nuys Hotel, Los Angeles did not become known in Phoenix where the woman was wel known till yesterday. Mrs. Otis took a dose of morphine August 4 and died at the Good Samaritan Hospital four days later. The cause of her death would probably never have been known publicly had not her father, a wealthy resident of Chicago, sent a detective to Los Angeles to investigate the cause of her dath. The dead woman left a single note behind her. It was addressed to William Coleman of San Francisco who is also known in Phoenix. He was here during last winter. He was at that time a guest at Palm Lodge. Mrs. Otis was the divorced wife of Thomas Otis who was associated with Colonel Epes Randolph in mining interests in the territory in 1898. Mrs. Otis spent some time in Phoenix where she was considered an unusually handsome and attractive woman. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb