Alameda County CA Archives Obituaries.....Kergan, Henry Sidney May 10, 1933 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Harrison July 30, 2010, 2:49 pm Oakland Tribune, May 10, 1933 Oakland Tribune May 10, 1933 (Wednesday) Page 1, Column 2 “DR. H. KERGAN OPERATES TO SAVE CHILD, DIES HIMSELF Prominent Oakland Surgeon Succumbs to Strain of Midnight Emergency [with photo of “Dr. H. S. Kergan”] Dr. Harry S. Kergan [aka Henry Sidney Kergan], 62, veteran Oakland surgeon, saved the life of Johnny Lalantonis, 7, at midnight last night by performed an emergency operation. Four hours afterward, apparently affected by the severe strain of the ordeal through which he passed, Dr. Kergan died at his home at 459 Mountain Avenue, Piedmont. The immediate cause is believed to have been a heart attack. The Lalantonis boy was reported recovering this morning by attendants at East Oakland hospital, where the operation, an appendectomy, was performed. The child is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lalantonis, 317 Foothill Boulevard. Stricken ill yesterday afternoon while at school, the boy was taken to his home. At 3:30 o’clock Mrs. Lalantonis summoned Dr. Kergan, who ordered the boy’s immediate removal to a hospital. On arrival there the physician determined that the case demanded an immediate operation, and the operation was performed at midnight. It was concluded successfully, but it evidently exacted a heavy toll from Dr. Kergan. Dr. Kergan was widely known in Eastbay medical and social circles, having practiced in Oakland for more than generation. He was a native of Michigan and came to Oakland as a youth, living in the city for more than 40 years. His family has long been prominently identified with the medical affairs of the city, his two brothers, Dr. W. W. Kergan and Dr. J. F. Kergan, being physicians in Oakland. Besides the brothers, he is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Van Gordan [Gorden] Kergan, residing at the family home at 459 Mountain Avenue, Piedmont; two daughters, Mrs. Marian K. Bruck, wife of a San Francisco physician and Mrs. Janice K. Street, also of San Francisco, and a sister, Mrs. Harry Brandt of Seattle. Dr. Kergan was a member of various medical societies, the Elks, the Masonic order and the Shrine. Funeral services will be held from the Chapel of the Chimes on Piedmont Avenue [in Oakland] at 10:30 o’clock Friday morning.” END AND Oakland Tribune May 11, 1933 (Thursday) Page 2, Column 5 “Dr. Kergan Funeral Set for Tomorrow With eleven intimate friends serving as honorary pallbearers funeral services for Dr. Harry S. Kergan, 62, prominent Oakland physician, who died early yesterday at his home at 459 Mountain Avenue, Piedmont from a heart attack, will be held tomorrow morning, at 10:30 o’clock. The services will take place at the Chapel of the Chimes on Piedmont Avenue [in Oakland] and the Rev. Ronald Merrick [sp?], pastor of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, will preach. Dr. Kergan, for 40 years a resident of Oakland, succumbed at his home four hours after performing a midnight emergency operation on a seven [year] old boy. The pallbearers will be Frank Ball, Frank Avery, Frank Watson, Harry Miller, Glen Bernhardt, Ray Simmonds [sp?], Edward Hulse, Thomas [?], Sherwood Swan, Harry Maxheld [?] and Ambrose Beede [?].” END Additional Comments: Note that there are two newspaper articles above related to the death and funeral of Dr. Kergan. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb