Alameda County CA Archives Obituaries.....Meek, Fidelia (Stone) August 30, 1891 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Harrison August 3, 2010, 1:22 am Oakland Tribune, August 31, 1891 “A HOME’S SORROW. Death of Mrs. Fidelia Meek of San Lorenzo Last Night. Sketch of the Life History of a Noble Woman Whose Deeds Live After Her. Mrs. Fidelia Meek, one of the pioneer women of Alameda county, died at 11:30 o’clock last night at her handsome home place near San Lorenzo. Mrs. Meek was the widow of the late William Meek, the leading farmer and horticulturist of the county, and the mother of Horry W[ert] Mee, W[illiam] E. Meek and the Misses Susie and Ethel F. Meek, all of whom are well known in society in this city and county. Mrs. Meek was a Miss Stone, sister of the late Lyander Stone of Eden township, and an aunt of Tax Collector [can’t read initials in scan on Internet] Stone and Egbert Stone. She came across the plains from Michigan, the State of her birth, in 1853 and settled in Oregon. There she met and married Mr. Meek, the pioneer nurseryman of that State, he having brought to Oregon the first budded fruit trees, and established a nursery at Milwaukee, a town on the Willamette river about five miles from Portland. In 1859, Mr. and Mrs. Meek moved from Oregon to California, and settled at San Lorenzo, purchasing 400 [?] acres of the Soto grant from H. W. Crabb [?]. Subsequently they added 1600 acres to this. Mr. Meek farmed his holding so carefully that at the time of his death, about ten years ago, he was the model farmer as well as the largest farmer in the county. Under the management of Mrs. Meek and her sons the property has greatly increased in value, and is today far richer in products and wider in extent than some of the European principalities. Mrs. Meek had been an invalid for some time, an insidious disease sapping her vitality, and resisting the best efforts of the physicians. So her death was not unexpected. It was none the less a shook to her loving children, who clustered about her bedside during her last hours with wet eyes and sorrowful hearts. Mrs. Meek leaves a place in the society of the county which it will be hard to fill. She had a kindly nature and her good deeds are recorded in the hearts of hundred. She was charitable and generous. She made the poor of her neighborhood her special charge, but extended her kind acts beyond her immediate vicinity. She was a life member of the Old Ladies’ Home at Temescal, which great charity has profited by her generosity and advice. Not long ago she gave $3000 to establish a fellowship at Mills College, and she also endowed the California Baptist College at Highland Park [Alameda County?] with $6900. These are merely a few of her many good deeds. She will be sincerely mourned by all with whom she was brought in contact. The funeral will take place from the family residence at San Lorenzo at 1:30 P.M. on Wednesday [September 2]. The Rev. S. B. Morse of California College, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Perkins of San Lorenzo, will conduct the services.” END Additional Comments: Oakland Tribune, August 31, 1891 (Monday), Page 8, Column 1. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb