Fresno County CA Archives History - Books .....The Chief Sources Of Wealth 1892 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 10, 2007, 4:19 pm Book Title: Memorial And Biographical History Of The Counties Of Fresno, Tulare, And Kern, California THE CHIEF SOURCES OF WEALTH. To the early Californian the chief sources of wealth were cattle and gold mines. Mining was the chief industry, and stock-raising received great attention. Over the richest soil of this great valley, roamed large herds of cattle, horses and sheep; but in the course of time, as population increased, the country, watered by the San Joaquin and King's rivers, was found to be most fertile and productive. The dwellers of these valleys engaged in tilling the soil, and the dwellers of the hilly parts of the Coast Range and Sierra Nevada, which are better adapted to grazing, became the owners of herds of cattle and sheep. At the present day the sources of wealth are, in addition to the foregoing, everything in the line of agriculture and horticulture. Details are given in the respective county histories further on. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Memorial and Biographical History OF THE COUNTIES OF Fresno, Tulare, and Kern, California Illustrated Containing a History of this Important Section of the Pacific Coast from the Earliest Period of its Occupancy to the Present Time, together with Glimpses of its Prospective Future: with Profuse Illustrations of its Beautiful Scenery, Full-page Portraits of Some of its most Eminent Men, and Biographical Mention of Many of its Pioneers, and also of Prominent Citizens of to-day. "A people that take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants." -Macaulay. CHICAGO: The Lewis Publishing Company. Undated, but OCLC lists a publication date of 1892 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb