Los Angeles-El Dorado-Mariposa County CA Archives Biographies.....Dobson, Robert Crawford 1836 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ca/cafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@gmail.com January 1, 2006, 1:57 am Author: Luther A. Ingersoll (1908) ROBERT CRAWFORD DOBSON is a typical California pioneer. He came overland to California in 1850 via the northern route; that is, along the north fork of the Platte River from Platte County, Mo. He was born in Greyson County, Va., June 26th, 1836. His father, Robert Dobson, was a potter by trade, who raised two sons and seven daughters. Robert Crawford left home when a boy and lived with a sister. At thirteen years of age he joined the rush to California, a result of the discovery of gold. He mined gold in the placer diggings at Hangtown, later at Agua Trio, in Mariposa County. He came south to Los Angeles in 1860 and was appointed jailer of Los Angeles County by Sheriff Thomas Sanchez, who was in office at the time of the unofficial hanging of Laschenes and the occurence of the Chinese riot. He served eight years in this capacity and was later on the city police force several years under William Warrens, who as marshal, was Chief of Police. He left Los Angeles about 1887 and has for some years past lived at Santa Monica His present and permanent home is at Irwin Heights Mr. Dobson married Miss Marcalie Melindrus, a native of Los Angeles County, and they have two living children—Mary, who is Mrs. C. E. Towner, and Virginia. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Ingersoll's century history, Santa Monica Bay cities: prefaced with a brief history of the state of California, a condensed history of Los Angeles County, 1542 to 1908: supplemented with an encyclopedia of local biography and embellished with views of historic landmarks and portraits of representative people. Los Angeles: Luther A. Ingersoll (1908) File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ca/losangeles/bios/dobson242bs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/cafiles/ File size: 2.2 Kb