Los Angeles-Sacramento County CA Archives Biographies.....Joughin, Andrew January 11, 1857 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ca/cafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila L. Wakley iwakley@msn.com July 11, 2010, 7:52 pm Source: California and Californians, Vol. IV, Published 1932, Pages 59 - 60 Author: The Lewis Publishing Company ANDREW JOUGHIN was born in Illinois, but since infancy has lived in California and is in every important sense a real Californian and a western man. He has given his active career to farming, oil operations and the administration of the large estate left by his father, the late Andrew Joughin. Andrew Joughin was born at Rockford, Illinois, January 11, 1857, and was about three years old when his parents, Andrew and Ann (Cannell) Joughin, came to California. They first lived at Sacramento, and Andrew was about nine years old when the family established their home in Los Angeles. He attended public schools there, but from early boyhood was given an increasing share of responsibilities in the work of his father's lands and ranches. At the age of sixteen he took the management of his father's ranch. Gradually this ranch was subdivided and sold. Mr. Joughin was about thirty-two years old when his father died, and after that he assisted his widowed mother in the management of the estate. The Los Angeles Times recently carried an interesting story of oil developments on the Joughin ranch at Torrance, and from that article the following paragraphs are taken: "Andrew Joughin and his five sisters, and Mrs. Wilhelmine Joughin, widow of John T. Joughin, and her two children, John T. and Mrs. Gertrude Tuttle, are the beneficiaries of the transaction, now nearly half a century old, by which Haley & Roberts, a well-known Los Angeles firm of 1880, sold to Andrew Joughin approximately five hundred acres fifteen miles from what was then the center of Los Angeles. At that time there was nothing to distinguish the Joughin ranch from the country around it, the principal topographical characteristics of which were the number and size of its sand dunes. A few years later the Joughins acquired another one hundred acres, adjoining their original purchase. The cost of the six hundred acres was about $20,000. "The Joughins never lived on their Torrance ranch. It has always been operated under lease, the family living on their ranch at Hyde Park for many years, or at the Tom Gray ranch of about three hundred acres, which is now covered by the residence section around Adams and Arlington streets. "Mr. Joughin tried to lease his Torrance ranch to the Standard Oil Company and other operators fifteen years ago, but no one was interested. Even at the last the oil men were hard to convince, and when the Torrance oil boom came C. C. Maggenheimer, who held the lease with William Keck of the Superior Oil Company, had no idea he owned one of the best oil leases in the field. "Maggenheimer, who headed the Sentinel Oil Company, and Keck split the Joughin ranch into strips of about one hundred acres each, the Sentinel taking alternating strips aggregating 300 acres, and the Superior taking the other strips, totaling 300 acres. "The Sentinel Oil Company eventually sold 100 acres of its lease to the Standard Oil Company, disposed of forty acres to E. J. Miley and developed 160 acres on its own account." It has been estimated that the total daily production of these four companies was nearly 8,000 barrels of petroleum, one-sixth of which represented the royalty paid to the Joughin family. Mr. Joughin is also one of the directors of the Great Western Milling Company of Los Angeles. He is a Republican, a member of the Episcopal Church and the Los Angeles County Pioneer Society. He married at Los Angeles, May 3, 1883, Miss Elizabeth Davis. She likewise has been a resident of California from early childhood. She was born in Syracuse County, New York, and was seven years of age when brought to the Pacific Coast. Her father was John Davis. She was educated in public schools at Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Joughin have had two daughters, Glenn dying at the age of eight years. Ruth Elizabeth is now Mrs. Carl Bilger, of Los Angeles. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ca/losangeles/bios/joughin1025gbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/cafiles/ File size: 4.6 Kb