Los Angeles County CA Archives Biographies.....Schutte, Gustav W. 1866 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ca/cafiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher sdgenweb@gmail.com January 1, 2006, 2:07 am Author: Luther A. Ingersoll (1908) GUSTAV W. SCHUTTE has been a resident of California since 1874. He came to Los Angeles at nine years of age. His father, August Schutte, a cabinet maker by trade, worked many years for Dotter & Bradley. Young Schutte attended school in the old building that stood at the corner of Spring and Second Streets, where now stands the Bryson Block. His teacher was Miss Bengaugh. He also attended Miss Parker's school on Eighth Street, between Broadway and Hill Streets. He attended the old high school then on the present site of the Los Angeles County Court House. He was born in Berlin, Germany, August 1st, 1866, baptized in St. Stephen's Church. The family came to America in 1868 and lived for a time at Allegheny City, Pa. Later they came overland to San Francisco. Mr. Schutte learned cabinet making and was an expert in the business, but by reason of poor health was compelled to abandon the same, and took up the study of music, perfected himself as a cornetist and violinist under German masters, notably Prof. J. H. Ohllwedal, a graduate of Leipsig Conservatory. Mr. Schutte pursued music as a profession for six years as a member of the original orchestra with Lillian Russell, later in Nellis Boyd's "All Gold Instrument Band Dramatic Company," two seasons, in which he was known as the boy band leader. He was six years in the band of the Pacific Branch of the National Home for Disabled Veteran Soldiers. He was compelled to abandon music because of loss, of health and eyesight, and took up his residence at Santa Monica. He organized an orchestra of string instruments in his home city and is its leader. Mr. Schutte married Miss Sarah Wright, a native of Hillsdale, Michigan. She grew up and received her schooling at Washington, D. C. They have four children, Bertrand, Raymond, Varney and Jessie, a daughter. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Ingersoll's century history, Santa Monica Bay cities: prefaced with a brief history of the state of California, a condensed history of Los Angeles County, 1542 to 1908: supplemented with an encyclopedia of local biography and embellished with views of historic landmarks and portraits of representative people. Los Angeles: Luther A. Ingersoll (1908) File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ca/losangeles/bios/schutte248bs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/cafiles/ File size: 2.8 Kb