Mendocino-Statewide County CA Archives Biographies.....Maddux, Joseph May 20, 1898 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ila Wakley October 31, 2010, 8:41 pm Source: California and Californians, Vol. IV, Published 1932, Page 112 Author: The Lewis Publishing Company JOSEPH MADDUX is a native son of California, a practicing attorney at Fort Bragg, is a World war veteran, and member of a family that was established on the Pacific Coast in the forty-nine days. He was born in Sonoma County, May 20, 1898. His grandfather, John Parker Maddux, was a Tenneseeian who in the early days of the gold rush helped drive a band of cattle across the plains to California. After the cattle were sold he returned east, made arrangements to establish his permanent home in the West, and after arriving with his family bought a portion of the Mark West land grant. On this land he lived the rest of his life, was a farmer and rancher, and some of the property is still owned by his descendants, after an unbroken ownership in one name for eighty years. This pioneer Californian married Serena Gibson, and she and all of their eight children came to California. The father of Joseph Maddux was Jefferson Davis Maddux, who was born in Sonoma County and spent all his active life there as a farmer. He married Mary Polhemus, whose people also came to California in 1849, from the vicinity of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Joseph Maddux is one of three children. He attended grade and high schools in Sonoma County, and in 1924 was graduated LL. B. from the law school of the University of California. For three years he practiced law with a San Francisco firm, served one year in the office of the district attorney of Yolo County and in October. 1927, moved to Fort Bragg. Since 1928 he has been city attorney and he handles the law work of the local banks. Mr. Maddux had his military experience before studying law. He enlisted in June, 1918, with the Forty-seventh Coast Artillery, and spent six months in France, returning home in April, 1919. He was discharged in May, 1919. He is a member of the American Legion, the Fort Bragg Chamber of Commerce, Business Men's Club, and in politics is a Democrat, following the tradition of the family in Tennessee and Virginia. He is a member of the Mendocino County and California State Bar Associations. Mr. Maddux married Cynthia Kirkman, who was born at Benecia, California. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb