Merced-Fresno County CA Archives Biographies.....Cooper, Walter B. 1861 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 6, 2006, 11:01 pm Author: John Outcalt (1925) WALTER B. COOPER A citizen of much worth, Walter B. Cooper is highly esteemed by all who know him. Since coming to Gustine in 1907 his influence has been felt in the upbuilding of the best interests of the town and he has won a position of prominence among the representative men of the community. He was born in Berlin, Wis., on March 11, 1861, a son of George and Lucy M. (Frankish) Cooper. George Cooper was born in Derbyshire, but reared in Nottinghamshire, England, was a wagon-maker by trade and came to the United States in 1848, landing in Buffalo, N. Y. He removed to Rochester, Wis., where he followed wagon making. Still later he went to Berlin, Wis., and engaged in the wagon and carriage making trade; he built 3000 wagons in Berlin, and he was the inventor of the hub machine used in turning out wooden hubs for wagons and which was very generally adopted and used by wagon manufacturers throughout the United States. In connection with his trade he built a sawmill, at that time the largest in the State, at Winneconne, Wis., operating it successfully. His wife came from Lincolnshire, England. The Cooper family left Wisconsin and settled in Mantorville, Minn., where the father continued his wagon and carriage manufacturing. One year later he lost his factory by fire, and in 1865 the family settled in Kasson, Minn., where Mr. Cooper operated a manufactory. Sixteen children were born to this worthy couple, of whom but four survive, namely: Frank M.; Tryphena, now the wife of William Hall; Minnie, now Mrs. Anderson; and Walter B., our subject. In 1884 the father retired from active business cares and in July of the same year passed away at the age of seventy-one, the mother lived to be seventy-five years old, passing away in 1894. Walter B. Cooper received a grammar and high school education in the schools of Kasson, Minn., and while growing up learned the wagon and carriage-making trades. After his father's death he took charge of his eighty-acre farm in Minnesota, which he conducted for one year. After leaving the farm he opened up a paint shop in the building formerly occupied by his father. In 1904 he came to California and first located at Fresno, where he followed the painter's trade three years. Then he located in Gustine and that year built the first section of his paint shop and as his business expanded, the following year he built another section; he has since followed painting contracting and enjoys a good business in his line. He is an inventor of note, having five valuable inventions to his credit. He is now working on a new electric sign and four other inventions. At Kasson, Minn., April 28, 1900, Mr. Cooper was married to Miss Lydia G. Johnson, native of Sweden, daughter of Peter and Caroline (Hallstrom) Johnson, farmer folk in their native land of Sweden. There were ten children in this family: Emma C.; Maria W., deceased; Albert; Alfred; Johannes; Lydia G., wife of our subject; Trofit; Axel, deceased; Leonard, deceased; and Hjalmar, deceased. Both parents are now deceased. Mrs. Cooper received her education in the public schools of Sweden. Upon her arrival in the United States she located in Nebraska, then resided in Cheyenne, Wyo., and later in Big Timber, Mont. In 1899 she returned to Sweden for a visit, remaining for one year, when she came to Kasson, Minn., and the same year was married to Mr. Cooper. Mr. Cooper is a Republican in politics, and fraternally is affiliated with Romero Lodge No. 413, I. O. O. F. of Gustine. Mrs. Cooper is a member of the Rebekah Lodge of Gustine. Additional Comments: From: HISTORY OF MERCED COUNTY CALIFORNIA WITH A Biographical Review OF The Leading Men and Women of the County Who Have Been Identified with Its Growth and Development from the Early Days to the Present HISTORY BY JOHN OUTCALT ILLUSTRATED COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME HISTORIC RECORD COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 1925 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb