Ascension Cemetery, Lake Forest, Orange County, California Submitted by Katie Gange, Senior Girl Scout, Troop 2116, 1 Feb 2005 Updated 9 Oct 2005 This file is part of the California Tombstone Project ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. ********************************************************************** Ascension Cemetery opened in 1965, and it's an all-catholic cemetery. Last First Birth Death Notes Hackett Celeste E. 1913 1968 Hackett Stephen F. 1914 1970 Haddad Antoinette 07/09/1928 03/21/2003 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Haddad Feris J. 08/10/1922 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Haddad Rafat Said 12/23/1955 02/09/1993 Haegeman Gwen L. 1931 1990 Haegeman Joseph C. 1928 Haiduk Robert Francis 08/07/1938 06/20/2000 Husband and Father Haigh Siard A. 12/01/1912 06/04/1986 V. Rev. Hainey Jean 1910 1993 Mother, Grandmother Hainey Robert 1906 1978 Husband and Father Hale John B. 1909 1975 Hale Lucile M. 1908 1996 Hale Melinda Lee 1978 1981 Hall Anelle T. 1911 2000 Hall Barbara Marie 1961 2003 Daughter, Sister, and Aunt Hall David Douglas 1913 2000 Hall Dorothy M. 1900 1972 Hall Jeremy R. 07/19/1981 7/191981 Hall Richard C. 1908 1984 Hall Robert A. 1961 1990 Hall Sadie H. 1890 1977 Hall Christopher J. 1960 1993 Son and Brother Hallacy George T., Jr. 1928 1979 Hallahan Arline C. Hallahan Gerald B. 1909 1999 Hallett Frederick G. 4/16/1947 5/2/1994 Father Hallett Michael James 9/27/1968 1/8/1991 Son, Brother Hallgren Margaret M. 1920 1969 Hallowell Florence G. 1977 Sister Halminski Henry A. 1914 1996 Halminski Marie C. 1920 1979 Halnon Joseph R. 1/26/1894 06/30/1984 CPL US Army, WWI Halpin Richard C. 1946 1972 Capt., US Air Force, Vietnam Haman Adelaide J. 1893 1985 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Haman Claire C. 1932 1992 Mother and Grandmother Hammond Phyllis J. 14602 Hammond Robert T. 12305 36188 Hampson Berniece L. 1910 1987 Hampton Lena M. 1920 Wife Hampton Robert R. 1922 2001 Husband Handley Dorothy Curnow 1905 1986 Handley Francis Keith 1904 1987 Handley William Thomas 1930 1987 Haney Anne 1894 1977 Haney Crandall 1893 1976 Hanf Philip M. 1915 1998 S1 US Navy WWII Hanley Eleanor J. 1919 1986 Hanley Joseph J. 10/03/1941 03/08/1996 Capt. US Marine Corps, Vietnam Hanley Kevin B. 1/-/1962 10/-/1971 Son, Brother Hanley Peter P. 1918 1976 Hanlon F. Emmett 1904 1979 Father Hanlon Jeanette G. 1910 1986 Mother Hanlon Robert 1909 1997 Husband and Father Hanna Violet 1913 Hanna William 1910 2001 Hannaford Homer H. 02/27/1922 10/24/2003 US Army Air Forces, WWII Hannaford Virginia M. 11/07/1922 Hannaman John Harrigan 1915 1991 Hannaman Mary Alice 1922 Hannan Ann 1907 1993 Hannan James S. 1907 1990 Hanrahan Donald Patrick 12/21/1937 Hansen George W. 1905 1982 Husband and Father Hansen Michael R. 1946 2003 SSGT US Air Force Hansen Mildred E. 1904 1972 Wife and Mother Hansen Vernon F. 1919 Father Hansen Virginia M. 1920 1992 Mother Hanussak Stephen J. 02/26/1926 01/09/1984 Infantry SGT US Army Hap Domenique Vu Viet 1907 1993 Harahan Frances A. 1922 1984 Wife and Mother Harbison J. Walter 1894 1974 Father Harbison Mae R. 1899 1975 Mother Harbor Bernice M. 10/04/1921 11/01/2002 Harbor Robert F. 08/04/1921 05/01/2002 Hardaker Fred 1913 1995 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Hardaker Winifred 1915 1984 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Hardebeck Robert A. 11/15/1917 06/03/1986 COX, US Coast Guard, WWII Harding Glen S. 1889 1970 Harding Lucy D. 1893 1987 Haren Ethel G. 08/26/1918 Haren James C. 12/08/1913 04/04/1978 Harker Mary Louise 1916 1997 Harkins Robert William 1930 1984 US Navy Harle Katharina 8/27/1903 8/30/1999 Mother and Grandmother Harle Peter 1/4/1932 3/18/1998 Husband and Father Harle Rosa Virginia 2/13/1928 6/7/1997 Wife and Mother Harlos Anna 1937 Harlos Warren 1935 1994 Harner Harold G. 1923 Harner M. Jeanette 1924 1987 Harper Anne M. 1911 1999 Parent and Grandparent Harper George T. 1911 1975 Parent and Grandparent Harris Anita M. 1936 1999 Mother, Mimi Harris George Edward 1916 1984 Harris Harry 1907 1981 Harris Margaret 1908 2001 Harris Mary Teresa Etenburn 1927 1995 Harrison Ann B. 1903 1978 Harrod Ozella B. 1917 1993 Mother Harrod William D. 1912 1984 Father Hart Daniel J. 1938 1995 Husband and Father Hart Genn C. 1937 2000 Wife and Mother Hart John L. 1910 1985 Husband, Father Hart Mildred A. 1915 2002 Wife, Mother Hartigan Janet M. 1914 1996 Mother Hartigan Kitty 04/26/1955 08/05/2002 Mother Hartigan Thomas F. 1912 1984 Father Hartley Ann T. 1919 1999 Mother Hartley Teresa M. 1955 1982 Daughter Hartsook Joanna 04/19/1926 Hartter Helen M. 1905 1971 Harvey Donald L. 1927 1995 Husband Harvey Gerry H. 1934 Wife Harvey Robert F. 05/03/1923 12/14/1995 LT COL US MCR Harvey Ruth Patricia 05/24/1924 Haskins Marian M. 08/13/1931 07/10/2001 Hassett Thomas J. 1938 1989 Husband Hastings Harvey E. 1900 1984 Husband, Father Hastings Loretta J. 3/20/1919 Hastings Robert E. 4/25/1917 3/4/2000 SGT, US Army, WWII Hatten Clarence M. 1903 1975 Hatten Pearl K. 1904 1985 Hatting James R. 1924 Dad and Husband Hatting Marjorie L. 1926 2003 Wife and Mother Hattman Henrietta K. 1896 1975 Aunt Hauenstein Henry J. 1906 1989 Hauenstein Theresa S. 1909 1980 Hausmann Christ H. 1905 1991 Hausmann Doris C. 1913 2004 Hausmann Ernest 1924 1993 Husband and Father Hausmann Patrick 1950 1993 Son and Brother Hauxhurst Audrey Voet 1915 1998 Hauxhurst Lawrence v. 1914 1994 1st LT US Army Havican Mary C. 1905 1987 Havican William P. 1897 1983 Hawkins Julia R. 1923 1976 Wife and Mother Hawthorne Rose Cortese 1918 Hawthorne Stanley Raymond 1922 1993 Hayden Catherine 1932 1970 Wife and Mother Hayes Anthony D. 1901 1988 Hayes David R. 7/1/1944 11/2/1989 Husband and Father Hayes Gertrude Stella 07/28/1970 02/08/2004 Nana and Mother Hayes Irene L. 1903 2001 Sister of Gertrude E. Naylor Hayes John Edward 01/08/1914 03/25/1976 Capt. US Army, WWII Hayes John Edward 01/08/1914 03/25/1976 Capt. US Army, WWII Hayes Nelle M. 1930 1996 Hayes Ralph L. 1905 1981 Father, Grandfather Hayes Susan V. 9/27/1946 Wife and Mother Heacock Dean C. 08/12/1923 11/02/2003 CS1 US Navy WWII Heacock Delores M. 06/24/1921 Healey Wm. Casey 1898 1977 Healy Ann M. 10/01/1903 02/03/2000 Wife, Mother Healy Lucille M. 1909 2002 Healy Malachy P. 01/11/1901 06/19/1981 Husband and Father Heaney Caitlin Rose 07/25/1989 09/27/1996 Daughter, Grandaughter, Sister Heaney Constance D. 1907 1988 Heaney Thomas Desmond 1924 1985 Papa, Husband, and Father Hebner Deborah Christine 07/04/1952 04/30/1997 Hebner Robert John 11/21/1948 Hedges Dorothy M. 1934 Hedges William M. 1917 1987 Heekin Edward Raphael 11/04/1917 Major, USAF retired Heekin Jane Potter 07/11/1915 11/18/1995 Wife and Mother Hefele Ella 1897 1972 Hefele Henry 1900 1978 Heffman Frank 1906 1986 Heffman Margaret 1911 2003 Heid Jack 1915 1975 Heid Kathryn 1916 1996 Heiliman Edward G. 1911 1990 Heiliman Norine A. 1915 1998 Heimann Johanna 1891 1984 Mother Heiner Angela K. 1907 1993 Heiner Lawrence 1896 1978 Heino Rose A. 1916 1985 Wife Helgrud Barbara Wilson 1930 1996 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Helm Rosemary 10/04/1919 02/20/2004 Helms Jon Merritt 1949 1992 Husband and Father Helstrom Nancy E. 12/05/1940 12/01/1998 Wife Helvoigt Francoise 1921 Helvoigt Kenneth 1906 2000 Hembacher Arthur V. 1891 1988 Father Hembacher Emily A. 1892 1977 Mother Hempel Mary D. 1892 1967 Hempel Robert H. 1896 1983 Henderson Elizabeth C. 03/03/1979 Mother Hendricks Mary Jean 1928 1979 Wife and Mother Henke John 1901 1980 Henriques Eric M. 1981 1986 Henry Alfred John 2/13/1940 9/17/1971 California, CPL US Marine Corps., Vietnam Henry John F. 1912 1984 Father Henry Ronald L. 1935 1989 Husband and Father Henry Sophie J. 1915 1999 Mother Henson Ellis Charles 1929 1992 US Army Korea Hentges Harold Theodore 1920 1969 Husband Heredia Roberto Hugo, Jr. 10/3/1986 10/3/1986 Herfurth Alice 1916 1996 Herfurth John 1908 1985 Hermoso Angelina S. 1913 1985 Hernandez Amada D. 1896 1967 Wife, Mamasita Hernandez Bryan Nelo 7/30/2004 7/30/2004 Hernandez Candida M. 10/3/1919 5/27/2000 Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother Hernandez Carlota T. 1918 1976 Wife, Mother Hernandez Carmen 1924 2004 Wife, Parent, Grandma Hernandez Eusebia 8/14/1936 4/24/1997 Hernandez Joaquin A. 1907 1982 Hernandez Lindsey G. 12/18/1991 10/19/1993 Hernandez Mary Carmen 1923 2000 Mother Hernandez Miguel A. 7/5/1915 10/7/1986 Father, Grandfather, Great-Grandfather Hernandez William 1923 2003 WWII Purple Heart, Husband, Parent, Grandpa Herr Fred 1937 1990 Herrera Alberto, Jr. 4986 34532 Tec 3, US Army, WWII Herrill Gertrude Sage 1901 1996 Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother Herrmann James Raymond 10/23/1948 10/17/1991 Husband, Dad Herron Edward A. 1912 2003 Author, Husband, and Father Herron Loretta Martin 1912 1990 Herschbach Bernhard 1906 1988 Parent Herschbach Clara 1910 Parent Hershowitz Bondie C. 1947 1966 Son and Brother Herud Frank 1902 1979 Herud Josephine 1901 1994 Herve Georgette C. 1896 1984 Mother and Grandmother Herzog Lourdes 1/29/1926 7/17/2000 Aunt and Sister Hess Arthur S. 06/08/1944 03/06/1989 Father, Husband, Son Heuer Leone Ann 10/7/1905 9/6/1992 Mother Heuer Marie Gertrude 1/17/1904 7/16/1993 Aunt Hewell Dolores Marie 07/08/1936 10/02/1993 Mother Hewell Earl Brian 06/24/1960 11/11/1990 Son Hickey Robert E. 4/6/1921 10/31/1987 S1 US Navy, WWII Hickey Robert K. 5/26/1920 6/18/1995 Higgins Mary M. 1929 Higgins Robert M. 1929 1989 Hightower Jason 1969 1987 Son Hild Stella R. 1891 1973 Mother Hildebrand Peggy J. 1929 1994 Hildum Charles L. 1905 1980 Father Hildum Gertrude M. 1911 1990 Mother Hillman Edward 1912 1997 Hillman Kathleen 1913 2002 Hillman Richard 1934 1972 Hills Mary Teresa 5/3/1894 04/09/1992 Mother Hills William Edward 07/22/1926 12/18/2004 Brother Hines Edith M. 1914 Wife Hines Harlow 1900 1972 Hines Nathan P. 1917 1972 Husband Hines Violet V. 1906 1971 Hionodache Maria 1899 1987 Mother and Grandmother Hippert Barbara E. 1889 1970 Mother Hiss Carol Lynn 1942 1992 Wife and Mother Hivner Susan Elizabeth 1968 1977 Hoa Maria Huynh-Thi 06/12/1914 01/01/1991 Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother Hoan Le Quang (Andre) 07/05/1923 12/19/1997 Parent Hoban Berenice 1901 1999 Hoch Esther T. 1922 1978 Hoch Florence A. 1896 1980 Mother Hoch George J. 1925 1994 Hodges Susan F. 1932 2004 Wife, Mom, Grandma Hodgson Joan Judith 1928 2001 Hoelzel Frances A. 1913 Hoelzel George J. 1910 1988 Hoelzel Maximillian D. 27983 35821 Son and Brother Hoelzel Stephanie Frances 05/11/1981 09/16/1990 Daughter and Sister Hoene Bernard H. 1908 1989 Hoene Gladys I. 1907 1980 Hoffart John L. "Red Russell" 1916 2003 Hofmann Clara M. 1885 1974 Sister Hofmann Laura M. 1897 1992 Sister Hogaboom H. Ray 4/30/1894 04/06/1972 California, 2D Lieutenant, US Army, WWII Hohler Ross 11/05/1939 02/21/1989 Hohman Ann Marie 1915 1990 Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Wife, Mother Hohman Vincent H. 1912 2003 Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Husband, Father Hohman William C. 1941 1980 Son, Brother, and Father Hokuf Martha E. 1911 1999 Sister and Mother Holbrook Mildred B. 1909 1979 Holden Florence N. 1898 1973 Holden Marilyn S. 1952 1973 Grandaughter Holden Thomas E. 1892 1984 Holko Sophie M. 1919 1997 Holleran Dorothy R. 1935 1999 Wife, Mother Holleran George J. Hollins Daniel 31146 31146 Son and Brother Hollis Ralph E. 1912 1985 Hollis Rose M. 1912 1989 Hollman Marie 1886 1973 Holmes James 1924 Holmes Richard N. 1923 1983 PVT US Army WWII Holmes Viola 1926 2001 Wife Holt Elba Ramos 02/12/1925 10/27/2003 Mother Holts Michael S. 1937 1989 Homen Manuel J. 1924 1984 Hookstratten Helen 1910 1997 Wife Hookstratten James W. 1907 1979 Husband Hoop Cecilia F. 1879 1970 Mother Hoover Ethel M. 1895 1978 Mother and Grandmother Hopson John R. 05/22/1926 01/06/1996 Judge, Retired, Husband, Dad, Grandpa Horan Vincent Paul 1901 1977 Horbol Anton M. 1924 1988 Father Horn Jeaneen J. 1928 2002 Mother Horn John J. 1926 1991 Father Hornecker Geraldine A. 1901 1975 Horsey Annabel Lee 1928 2002 Wife and Mother Horsey Harold Dean 1941 USN CPO Rmc, Husband Horton Rita Wathen 1925 1970 Horton William Landon 1909 1973 Horvath Benedict A. 01/31/1915 01/11/1998 Reverend Hosey Edward C. 1910 2001 Hosey Kathryn H. 05/21/1912 08/17/1998 Wife of Edward C. Hosey Hosey Marian E. 1898 1985 Hösli Benny 11013 38482 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Hottman Henry L. 1898 1974 Father Hough J. Homer 1890 1969 Hough Margaret C. 1893 1980 Houlihan Florence M. 1895 1983 Houlihan John F. 1895 1980 Hourigan Claudette 12/24/1930 12/29/1987 House James L. 08/11/1929 10/12/1997 Houser Helen J. 1895 1993 Houser Ralph B., Sr. 1902 1995 Husband Houston Matthew J. 5/18/1922 10/7/1998 SGT US Army, WWII Hovious Janie Statz 1925 Hovious John L. "Red Russell" 1927 1995 Hovland Charles E. 1916 1986 Husband and Father Hovland Margaret M. 1916 1990 Wife and Mother Howard Evelyn J. 1917 1971 Wife, Mother Howard William E. 1915 1992 Husband and Father Howe Kaylee E. 32013 32013 Hower Helen G. 1911 1999 Daughter Hrab Elena J. 12/04/1905 04/20/1995 Hrab John Alexander 03/30/1904 04/14/1994 US Army Hrtica Anthony J. 1919 1998 Hruska Charles J. 1/6/1904 4/8/1987 Hruska Rose A. 12/1/1902 8/13/1995 Hruz Michael Victor 1918 1988 Dad Hsu Mary 1890 1990 Mother, Grandmother Hubbard Randall W. 1939 1983 Husband and Father Huber C. Donald 1918 1987 Father Huber Edna R. 1912 2003 Wife, Mother Huber Eugene F., Sr. 1910 Husband, Father Huber Margaret P. 1920 1995 Huder Nicolena M. 1922 2004 Siste and Aunt Hudgins Louis E., Jr. 2/29/1918 12/19/1970 Virginia, Colonel US Marine Corps, WWII, Korea, BSM - NCM Hudson Paul L. 1954 1991 Father, Son and Brother Huffman Evelia 12/05/1927 11/02/1994 Sister, Mother, and Grandmother Hug Franz 1904 1988 Hug Mary G. 1905 1975 Hughes Eleanor M. 1905 1989 Hughes Frank J. 1905 1982 Hughes George Michael 1921 2003 SM1 US Navy, WWII Hughes Gerald Edward, Jr. 05/17/1962 02/09/1998 Son, Brother Hughes Lea 1923 Huguenard Elizabeth M. 1901 1983 Mother Huguenard Thomas W. 1894 1982 Father Huhn Marian Loe 1936 1988 Hulbert Bessie L. 1900 1990 Hulbert Raymond E. 1899 1973 Hulka Jeffrey 1975 1998 Amm Hulka-Armstrong Cheryl 1950 1998 Hulsy Stephen D. 1970 2003 Hung Cu Dao Thi 1891 1997 Born Bac Viet, VN Died Tustin CA Hung J. B. Le Trong 06/15/1946 Hungerford Shanon 10/15/1982 04/22/2004 Daughter Hunter Armand Lee 1914 1989 Hunter Bob 1907 2000 Father, Judge Hunter Maureen 1912 2004 Mother Huntley Sterling Winfield 1922 1985 Husband and Father Hurd Mary M. 11/3/1924 11/28/1993 Wife and Mother Hurst Jeanette Rhea 01/25/1958 03/11/1972 Daughter and Sister Huttig Kathleen A. 1924 1985 Huttle Helen V. 1896 1984 Hutton F. Truman 1910 1974 Husband Hutton Mary B. 1912 1975 Wife Huxtable Edna Mae 1921 2000 Huxtable Robert 1918 Hwang Ki Hwa 09/01/1913 02/10/2002 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Hyland Mabel 1898 1987 Y1, US Navy Hylton Herald C. 1909 1977 Husband, Father Hylton Mary Frances 1910 1980 Wife and Mother Ibarra Javier Cruz 1959 Husband and Father Ibarra Maria Isabel 1967 2004 Wife and Mother Iddings Darwin Patrick 08/23/1915 06/18/2003 S Sgt US Marine Corps WWII Iddings Maxine Elizabeth 09/23/1918 Ilagan Marcelo 11/1/1908 3/14/1994 T SGT US Army, WWII Ilustrisimo Juan Y. 1939 Husband Ilustrisimo Thelma V. 1939 1982 Wife Imbriale Vincent R. 1929 1978 Son, Husband, and Father Imperial Leo 3/12/1914 9/7/1993 PVT US Army WWII Ingoglia Charles A. 11/2/1936 11/12/1995 US Navy Ingram Helen A. 1895 1974 Ingram U. Edward 1894 1985 Innocenti Agnes S. 1920 1998 Innocenti Primo J. 1920 Inzitari Joseph M. 08/05/1936 11/02/1998 Husband, Dad, Poppa Irby Mary 1908 1984 Irby Noel Taylor 1902 1997 Ireland Sylvia 1925 1989 Sister Isaacs Dorothy Bryonton 1903 1992 Isaacs Urban Francis 1897 1990 Isas Manuel A. 1927 1995 Itaegeman Kristy Kay 1952 1970 Daughter, Sister Itague Douglas 11/14/1966 11/14/1966 Jackman Elsie 1905 1985 Wife, Mother Jackman Ewdward Paul 3/3/1893 11/20/1968 Ohio PVT Co H 23 Infrantry WWI Jackson Albert J. 1912 1985 Jackson John Wilford 1942 1999 Husband, Father, Grandpa Jackson Leiyah Jailynn Signo 11/30/2001 12/17/2001 Jackson Leiyah Jailynn Signo 11/30//2001 12/17/2001 Daughter, Sister Jackson Maria 1923 1997 Jackson Michael Daniel 1964 2000 Son, Brother, Uncle Jacob Frederick W. 1926 1978 AT 3 US Navy, WWII Jacobs John 1926 Father Jacobs Patricia 1925 1982 Mother Jacobson Raymond Roberts 1961 2001 Brother, Husband, and Father Jacobson Robert H. 1/14/1918 4/20/1972 CA, SGT US Marine Corps, WWII Jacoby Jacqueline 12/30/1995 Jaenisch Edward A. 1898 1986 Jaenisch Serah L. 1896 1989 Jaimes Daniel Beltran 1989 1990 Jakob Joseph 1905 1972 Jakob Rachel 1910 1992 James Ann M. 1922 2000 Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother James George Edward 1920 1982 Husband and Father James Leon G. James Rose Marie 1922 1969 Wife and Mother Jamieson Guy H. 09/21/1916 07/20/1998 US Army WWII Jamieson John R. 09/17/1910 05/05/1989 LT COL, US Airforce Jamieson Merrilu K. 07/03/1922 11/19/1994 Jamieson Theresa I. 01/27/1918 02/16/2005 Janes Patrick M. 1954 1999 Janisch G.J. "Fritz" 1925 1989 Janisch Mary Lou 1919 2004 Jans Steven F. 02/05/1922 12/16/1983 Husband, Dad, Grandfather Janton John A. 04/27/1916 02/17/1979 SGT, US Army, WWII Jaramillo Pablo A. 1944 1975 Father Jaramillo Pete R. 1968 1987 Son Jardim Christina E. 1903 1997 Wife, Mother Jardim Raymond F. 1900 1982 Husband, Father Jarmacz Francis W. 1938 1995 Husband and Father Jarosz Aleksander 1917 Husband, Father, Grandfather Jarosz Genowefa 1924 2003 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Jarrell James E. 1916 1973 Husband and Father Jarricot Matthew Patrick 6/12/2003 10/6/2003 Jarvis Brian K. 1958 1983 Father and Son Jasso Andrea Belany 1953 1976 Jaynes Kenneth C. 1928 Husband Jaynes Ruth K. 1921 1971 Wife Jean Clarence Lewis 4/10/1917 11/13/2000 US Navy, WWII Jean Dora A. 1892 1973 Aunt Jeanney Jean E. 1926 2000 Wife Jeanney Milton E. 1916 1992 Husband Jefferson Mamie C. 1883 1981 Mother Jefferson Mary E. 1904 1969 Wife, Mother Jefferson Ralph E., Sr. 18-Mar 1990 Husband and Father Jenkins Gene 1919 1974 Father and Son Jenkins Helen London 1924 1998 Grandmother and Mother Jenner Constance Mary 1926 2000 Mother Jennett Jason P. 1892 1936 Jennett Vida Jean 1895 1978 Jennings John C. "Popo" 9249 35351 Jennings Margaret Edna 1911 1993 Jennings William Thomas 1911 1977 Jensen Carl 1915 1989 Husband Jensen Helen L. 1912 1978 Jensen Virginia 1915 Wife Jepson Rosella 1923 1988 Mother Jett Catherine Margaret 1904 1994 Wife and Mother Jett William Joseph 1902 1974 Husband and Father Jette Omar R. 10/21/1912 09/14/1985 Husband, Father Jillson Eluera M. 1899 1985 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Jillson Harold Luke 2/2/1894 10/09/1967 Nebraska 1st Lt Ordnance Corps WWI Jimenez Alejandro 1902 1968 Father Jimenez Clara M. 1947 2002 Mother and Grandmother Jimenez Josefa L. 1900 1994 Mother Jiminez Pilar J. 1903 1987 Jiminez Simona J. 1907 Jinks Joseph 1906 1987 Father Jinks Olive 1909 1994 Mother Johnson Albert H. 1906 1988 Husband, Father Johnson Anne Flock 04/02/1930 Johnson Christian F. 8/12/1912 4/3/1994 AMM 2, US Navy, WWII Johnson Elizabeth 1926 1982 Mother Johnson Erma Jean 1926 1995 Mother Johnson Frank Seward 02/11/1930 07/20/1999 Johnson Gail Da Corsi 11/03/1942 02/05/1999 Johnson Harris R. 1910 Husband and Father Johnson Harry WM. 1915 1968 Father Johnson Jesse Byron 9/13/1889 5/23/1966 California Cpl US Marine Corps, WWI PH Johnson Kristin Eve 1978 1982 Johnson Lina Ruth Lopez 1940 Daughter Johnson Linda J. 1943 1979 Mother Johnson Louetta E. 1916 1994 Wife Johnson Maria Patricia 7/30/1982 7/30/1982 Johnson Mark Rutledge 1946 1982 Johnson Mary Alice 1925 1992 Wife and Mother Johnson Melda Rie 1916 1986 Wife Johnson Mildred M. 1913 2003 Wife, Mother Johnson Olga P. 4/16/1911 Johnson Ormond Lee 09/18/1914 06/18/1968 California, M SGT US Marine Corps Ret Johnson Raymond Marvin 1901 1999 Husband and Father Johnson Richard Edward 1923 1982 Husband and Father Johnson Richard L. 1915 1991 Father Johnson Robert Grey, Jr. 12/26/1943 Johnson Robert Peyton 1917 1993 Husband Johnson Roirann C. 02/10/1945 07/10/1990 Mother, Sister, Grandmother Johnson Ruth Anna 1907 1996 Wife and Mother Johnson Teresa Ann 1915 1990 Mother Johnson Viola M. 1893 1982 Mother Johnson William H. 1925 2003 Father Johnston Alice L. 1903 1996 Mother, Grandmother Johnston Marie 1896 1972 Mother Johnston Milton J. 1/4/1916 6/10/1974 PVT US Army Johnston Stephen Robert 6/3/1922 12/22/1999 Tec 5, US Army, WWII Johnston Stoddard H. 1909 1995 Joiner Huston "Bob" 1929 1986 Husband and Father Jones Donald H. 1924 1998 US Army Air Corps, WWII Jones Eva C. Hoyem 1914 2003 Jones Joseph McAdoo 9/24/1996 10/5/1998 Jones Marion Claire 06/29/1927 01/26/1976 Artist Jones Mark M. 1960 1982 Son, Brother, Uncle Jones Nancy Jean 1945 1995 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Jones Patricia A. 1951 1983 Jordan Kevin Blair 6/26/1981 4/25/1999 Son and Brother Jordan Lawrence R. 1914 1998 Husband and Father Jordan Lorraine F. 1920 1996 Wife and Mother Jordan Roy 02/13/1919 01/14/1996 Jordan Shirley Anne 07/13/1917 03/31/1999 Jorgensen Marta 1/29/1927 8/3/2001 Born in Chocz, Poland, Wife, Mother, Stepmother, Great-Grandmother Jourden Leslie A. 1912 1988 Husband and Father Jover Anita M. 1917 1997 Jover Manuel B., Sr. 1906 1992 Jowett Anne 1923 Jowett James 1921 1978 Joyce A. Margarel 1/22/1894 11/07/1990 US Army WWII Joyce Joseph P. 1933 1994 Father Joyce Margaret L. 1885 1969 Mother Joyce William H. 1952 1966 Son and Brother Joyce Yvonne J. 1934 Mother Jroski John V. 1894 1971 Husband and Father Jroski Lillian 1896 1991 Wife and Mother Juarez Gloria 10/21/1946 06/25/2000 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Juco Sixto, Jr. 1916 2002 Parent Judd Anne Louise 1901 1978 Mother Judd Howard 1910 Father Judd Ruby 1912 1996 Mother Judd Suzanne 1937 Daughter Judge Agnes C. 1911 1997 Judge James C. 1909 1991 Judith Joseph H., Jr. 11/17/1920 3/18/2004 CDR, US Navy, WWII, Korea, Vietnam Judith Marianne S. 12/17/1922 10/13/1995 Y1, US Navy, WWII Juergens Louis A. 10/15/1891 12/14/1974 Sgt US Army Juergens Mary C. 1894 1986 Jurczak Stanislaw 09/25/1928 01/30/1999 Just Ave Maria 1899 1967 Mother Kaarpati Zoltan 1896 1984 Kacsir Jerold Michael 12/28/1953 06/14/2001 H Papa, God papa Kahilihiwa-Hess Helen Mae Napuakalánialiii1938 1974 Wife, Mother Kahn Walter, Sr. 03/14/1943 07/18/2002 Kallal Thomas David 1968 1984 Son and Brother Kaluger Michael M. 05/10/1917 09/05/1983 Cem US Navy WWII Kaminski Clementine 1919 2003 Wife Kaminski David Ryan 04/26/1978 06/06/1995 Doctor, Son, Brother Kaminski Ligmund 1915 Husband Kanda George 1910 2000 Husband, Father, Grandfather Kanda Helena 1923 1994 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Kanda Janet Aillene 1949 1982 Kane Calvena M. 1901 2001 Mother Kane Joseph I. 1899 1972 Father Kang Patrick Yoongsung 11/18/1969 03/29/1987 Son, Born in Rolla, MO. Died El Toro, CA Karamolegos Eleanor I. 1925 1968 Wife, Mother Karas Fabian A. 1/13/1922 12/12/1975 CPL US Marine Corps, WWII Karnya Calvin J. 1908 1986 Father Karnya Mary 1917 1990 Mother Karuschkat Theodore G. 10/08/1920 03/11/2004 US Army, WWII Katafiaz David J. 1909 1975 Husband and Father Katzmark Estelle M. 1889 1966 Mother Kaye Irving A. 1914 2003 Father Kaye Mabel 1918 Mother Kayser Ralph W. 1911 1944 Keane Mary K. 1901 1993 Keane Melvin J. 1900 1979 Kearney Donna I. 1944 Wife and Mother Kearney Jack 1966 1986 Son and Brother Kearney John B. 1938 2003 Husband and Father Kearney-Dilauro Grant J. 6/30/1937 11/8/2004 Keating Bernard Walter 10/8/1892 09/05/1969 Keating Edwin Lewis 1926 2002 ETM3 US Navy WWII, Husband, Father, Grandfather Keating Ethel O. Lewis 06/11/1902 06/24/1999 Keegan Anne 1894 1991 Mother Keegan Arthur 1888 1989 Father Keegan Edward A. 1907 2001 Keegan Margaret S. 1906 2005 Keenan Allen H. 1932 1999 Father and Grandfather Keenan Donald M. 1903 1986 Husband Keenan Jeannie R. 1933 Mother and Grandmother Keenan Kathleen M. 1901 1986 Keenan Paul C. 1902 1976 Keller Clarence J. 1906 1991 Father Keller William 04/30/1924 08/10/1995 AS, US Coast Guard, WWII Kellerman Kuno Francis 11/21/1913 09/07/1990 CWO4 US Air Force, WWII, Korea, Vietnam Kellerman Loraine 1919 Kellerman Ludwig 1914 1982 Kelley Rachel 1914 2002 Wife, Mother, "Fifi" Kelley Robert P., Sr. 1914 2005 Husband, Father Kelley Sarah E. 1891 1977 Kellner James T. 1910 1993 Husband, Father Kellner Nancy 1909 Wife, Mother Kelly Ann 1913 1987 Wife Kelly Barbara J. 1926 2001 Wife Kelly Clarence J. 1905 1971 Kelly Clyde Leon 8/16/1917 4/21/2000 Capt., US Army, WWII Kelly Edith 1906 1981 Kelly Elaine N. 6/28/1920 8/21/2003 Kelly Helen R. 1906 1994 Kelly Joseph "Joe" Patrick, Jr. 1952 1996 Father, Brother, and Son Kelly Joseph J. 1918 Dad Kelly Kevin F. 1949 1971 Son and Brother Kelly Mabel M. 1908 2003 Kelly May 1892 1974 Mother Kelly Patricia A. 1920 1999 Mother Kelly Patricia E. 1937 1979 Mother Kelly Raymond 1912 1978 Husband Kelly Robert J. 1906 1984 Kelly Tommy P. 1907 1996 Kelly William L. 1921 Husband Kelso Phyllis M. 1937 Kendall Maxine L. 5/8/1918 10/18/1995 Wife Kendall Wilbur H. 8/1/1915 4/5/1999 Husband Kenealy Arthur G. 1890 1969 Kenealy Ellen 1881 1968 Kenealy Joseph J. 1911 1996 T SGT, US Army, WWII Kennard Mary P. 1932 Wife Kennard Richard C. 1920 2001 Husband Kennedy Andrew Patrick 1976 1993 Son, Brother Kennedy Eva M. 1908 1984 Sister Kennedy Frank J. 1909 2002 Kennedy Josephine Duran 1906 Kennedy Mary Eileen 1904 1993 Wife, Mother Kennedy Mattie L. 1908 2000 Kennedy Tom Arthur 1904 1992 Kennefick Ruth 1936 1994 Wife and Mother Kenney Aileene M. 1899 1990 Mother Kenney Clarence J. 1931 1992 Husband, Father and Grandfather Kenney Edward J. 1900 1994 Father Kenney Joan Lougee 1934 2003 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Kenny Erin Eileen 1938 1999 Daughter and Sister Kenny John J. 1904 1987 Husband, Father and Grandfather Kent Maria Teresa "Tessy" 03/31/1947 06/10/1995 Keogh Jeannette V. 1911 1998 Mother Keogh Thomas A. 1905 1987 Father Kern Bradford E. 1909 1978 Kern Katherine C. 1908 1996 Kerr Patricia 1926 1991 Sister, Aunt, Twin to Rosemary Brown Kertesz Patrice 1962 2002 Kesoler Anne 1915 1986 Mother Kesoler Joseph 1909 1976 Father Kesterson Dorothy "Doe" 1912 1991 Mother and Grandmother Kiakis Connie 1914 1998 Wife Kiakis Harry 1929 Husband Kidwell Alice Josephine 1933 1978 Kidwell Lena W. 1905 1982 Wife Kidwell Robert E. 1905 1993 Husband Kiefer Marguerite E. 1910 1982 Kiefer William J. 1906 1986 Kielty John Francis 11/04/1961 05/17/1980 Kiepe Frank J. 1923 1979 Husband, Father Kieran Lillian 2/25/1930 3/15/1995 Kiernan Catherine A. 1922 Kiernan John B. 1915 1989 Kiesewalter Herbert 1904 1984 Kiesewalter Rose 1908 1974 Kiesselbach Albert Leo 01/09/1930 06/08/1998 US Navy, Korea Kiesselbach Diane 04/12/1932 Kildoyle Alice 1901 1968 Kiley Marjorie 1932 1993 Kilfoy John L. 5/10/1897 6/9/1989 PVT US Army Kilkelly Robert Edwin, III "Bobby" 1952 2002 Son and Brother Kilmmer Mary T. 1911 Kim Eun Young Chai 1940 Mother Kim Kevin B. 08/05/1986 01/01/1990 Kim Tae Hoon 1936 2002 Father Kimmel Richard Clement 1957 1974 Son and Brother Kinack Ronald J. 1937 1997 Kincaid Edison J. 05/20/1929 01/25/1997 QM3 US Navy, Korea Kincaid Margaret M. 07/07/1933 Kindlein Lea 1928 1974 Mom Kindlein Nick 1923 1974 Dad King Jane 1906 1987 King Lacie Louise 08/02/1990 08/02/1990 King Margaret W. 1906 1989 King Myra 1912 1981 King Peter P. 1905 1983 King Tammy Marie 1972 1972 King Virginia M. 1903 1978 King William 1912 1969 Kingsley Catherine 1944 2005 Cousin, Mother, Sister, Aunt, and Grandmother Kingston Anne 1914 2003 Kingston Charlotte A. 1940 Kingston Robert 1912 1988 Kingston Robert T. 1938 1994 Kinney Michael Timothy 04/15/1969 10/05/1997 Son and Brother Kipps James R. 1960 2000 Husband and Father Kirby Dorothy Rose 1905 1993 Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother Kirby Lucian Charles 1902 1975 Husband and Father Kirk Gretchen P. 1908 1975 Wife, Mother Kirsch Estelle H. 1914 1993 Kirton Mary T. 1922 2004 Mother Kirton Rick K. 1952 Son Kitty Joan 1931 1995 Wife and Mother Kitty William 1932 Husband and Father Kivenas John Joseph 10/21/1966 11/02/1966 Klarmann Michael A. 1976 1977 Klarmann Veronica Mae 1928 1997 Wife, Mother, Nana Klebusits Larry Jr. 1969 1987 Son Klebusits Louis J., Jr. 02/19/1921 12/31/1999 PVT US Army WWII, Purple Heart Klecker Frank 02/10/2005 07/02/1990 Father and Grandfather Klein Chester 1914 2004 Father Klein Frederick 09/01/1906 08/03/2002 LT COL US Air Force WWII Korea Klein Lauretta 1916 1994 Mother Kleinhenz Katherine E. 1898 1987 Kleinhenz Leroy C. 1901 1973 Klement Helen T. 1911 1995 Klimkavien Alice V. 1898 1987 Klimkavien Leon J. 1901 1976 Klimmer Elmer R. 1905 1991 Kline Margaret R. 1900 1986 Mother, Grandmother Klingelhofer Albert 1898 1994 Klingelhofer Freda 1893 1982 Kloman Elizabeth F. 1897 1989 Mother Klosterman Marietta C. 1942 1984 Wife, Mother Klouda Kelly Teresa Scanlan 1962 1995 Kluewer Elizabeth M. 1923 1975 Wife, Mother Knaus Carole 1937 2003 Wife and Mother Knaus James F. 1922 Husband Knight Kathryn T. 1910 1969 Knight Louis F. 1924 1994 Reverend, Ordained 6/29/1949 Knight William John 10/26/1920 11/24/1970 California, M GY SGT US Marine Corps, WWII, Korea Knipschild Alice E. 1905 1996 Knipschild Leon F. 1900 1976 Knitter Sarah Marie 04/08/1986 07/06/1989 Knoble Gerald N. 05/29/1932 12/24/1974 S SGT, US Air Force Knope Michael King 1953 1971 Son and Brother Knox Thomas Anthony 1963 2001 Son, Uncle, Brother Koch Norma E. 7/21/1923 1/16/1998 Wife and Mother Koczela Lynn Mary 1971 1974 Koenig Mary Artale 07/21/1909 12/24/1993 Mother, Grandmother Koenig Matthew 1903 1994 Kohl Kristin M. 6/15/1978 28656 Koistra Helen Corinne 1930 1991 Daughter, Mother, Grandmother Kojima Laura G. 1977 1987 Kolasinski Helen A. 1925 Wife Kolasinski Robert J. !949 1989 Kolasinski Tadeusz S. 1921 1995 Husband Kolb Catherine J. 1894 1970 Kolesar Anna M. 1910 1996 Mother Kolesar Joseph S. 1905 1982 Father Kondrath John 1906 1995 Husband and Father Kondrath Theresa J. 1909 1986 Wife and Mother Koneski Thomas S. 1939 1979 Kopp Alfred H. 1904 1982 Husband Kopp Iva mary 1904 1978 Wife Koritzer Herbert R. 1902 1986 Father Koritzer Mary A. 1906 1997 Mother Korzelius Eileen 1932 2000 Korzelius Gerald 1933 1979 Kosak Anne M. 1912 1982 Kosak Clement W. 1910 1990 Koschwanez Carolyn J. 10/31/1930 09/09/1982 Koschwanez Frances 1901 1993 Wife and Mother Koschwanez John E. 02/27/1929 Koschwanez Joseph 1902 1989 Husband, Father Kosinski Alberta J. 1929 1989 Mother and Grandmother Kosinski Joseph J. 1928 1985 Father and Grandfather Koster Jean Marie 6/3/1933 11/13/1992 Kotenko Catherine T. 11/22/1928 11/13/1996 Mother, Nana Koty Gerald 1917 1995 Koty Maria M. 1929 1998 Kovacs Lajos Paul 1927 1989 Husband and Father Kovas Anne M. 1913 1991 Sister and Wife Kovas Joseph J. 1910 1988 Brother and Husband Kowalski Frank 1919 Husband Kowalski Yolanda 1913 1999 Wife Kozlowski Donald 1931 1986 Kragh Margherita 1909 1991 Nana and Mother Krak Rudwin John Gustav 1964 1988 Son, Grandson, Brother, Fiancé Kramer Carole L. 1943 1999 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Kramer helen S. 1899 1994 Kramer James F. 1905 1973 Kramer Margaret 1911 1975 Kramer Victor A. 1900 1987 Kresser Mildred 1920 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Kresser Robert 1923 1998 Husband, Father, Grandfather Kreuzer Robert F. 09/20/1951 12/15/1991 M.D., Husband, Father Krickel Godfrey George 03/28/1926 09/14/1990 S1 US Navy, WWII Krieg Bernard A. 1914 1990 Husband and Father Krieg Regina C. 1914 2004 Wife and Mother Kristof George 1920 2004 Husband and Father Kristof George 1920 2004 Husband and Father Kristof Yolie 1926 2004 Wife and Mother Kristof Yolie 1926 2004 Wife and Mother Krudy Elizabeth 1893 1984 Mom, Grandmother Krueger Steve W. 11/08/1963 08/21/1993 Father, Son, Husband Krumpols Henry A. 1920 1996 Krumpols June E. 1927 1981 Wife, Mother Krupski Tony 1926 2002 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Kuda Peter K. 1914 1984 Father Kudasz Daniel Christopher 06/27/1970 06/27/1970 Kuehn Robert Joseph 03/28/1927 07/25/1983 BK3, US Navy, WWII, Husband and Father Kuhl James 1920 Veteran WWII Kuhl Marguerite 1918 1996 Kuhner Helen I. 1903 1980 Kuhner John W. 1905 1983 Kukulski Henry 1914 1993 Father Kukulski Lottie 1915 Mother Kulig Joseph 1897 1988 Father and Grandfather Kummer Mary B. 1921 1999 Wife, Mother Kummer Oscar E. 1915 Husband, Father, Grandfather, US Air Force Kurze Iva M. 1890 1975 Mother, Grandmother Kustra Kenneth A. 1947 2003 Kutcher Victoria M. 1889 1984 La Follette Paul T. 1912 2003 La Follette Pauline Anna 1913 1998 La Forte Frank 1912 1993 Husband La Forte Frank 1912 1993 Husband La Forte Lennie 1891 1983 Mother La Forte Rose 1912 1998 Wife La Forte Rose 1912 1998 Wife La Mar Lillian M. 1923 1995 La Rocca Joseph M. 1909 1998 Husband La Rocca Rose A. 1909 1993 Wife La Valley Betty 1926 Wife, Mother La Valley James 1925 1997 Husband, Father Labat Helen 1889 1970 Mother and Grandmother Lach Leo S. 1920 2002 Husband, Father Lackner Martha S. 1909 1994 Lackner Robert 1902 1990 Lacko Marianne Elizabeth 06/23/1943 06/13/1998 Lagier Ernest "Ernie" A. 8/12/1911 8/11/1994 Husband and Father Lagona Edmund 02/15/1999 Lagunas Salomon 2/14/1933 7/12/2003 Laidlaw Shirley J. 1924 1995 Wife and Mother Laine Vicki 12/25/1906 11/22/1996 Mother LaJeunesse Doris M. 1923 1992 Mother, Grandmother LaJoie Antoinette Rose 8/29/1896 07/03/1994 Lakatos Erma Jane 1919 1999 Wife, Mother, Gram Lakatos Joseph 1916 1984 Husband, Dad, Papa Lake Inez 1910 1984 Lake Paul 1909 1991 Lake Rose Marie 1924 Lake William Scott 1923 2005 Lamanno Edward V. 6/12/1944 10/27/2001 Lambers Anna M. 1894 1980 Mother, Grandmother Lambers Charles Paul Ngo Tac 2/18/1890 02/23/1987 Father Lambers Frank H. 1892 1967 Husband, Father Lambert Ame N. 1904 1970 Father Lambert Anne Marie Nicole 03/24/1994 10/18/1995 Lambert Helen V. 1906 1999 Mother Lambert Joseph A. 1904 1996 Lambert Mary E. 1905 1992 Lambert Michael Anthony 08/07/1985 08/09/1985 Lamoreaux Mary 1907 2000 Lamoreaux Park 1907 1967 Lamson Helen O'Brien 1910 1980 Lan Ysave Ta Thi 1908 1987 Landell Joyce Lorraine 1922 1992 Mother Landis Mary S. 1889 1981 Landon Theresa M. 1889 1969 Lane Richard L. 1939 1997 Us Army Lang Adolph J. 1892 1984 CPL US Army Lang Jack 8/20/1904 7/6/1968 California, PFC 56 SVC SQ Air Corps Lang Josephine 1900 1988 Lange E. Jeffrey 1947 1996 Lange Edward J. 1921 1987 Lange Eleanor L. 1905 1986 Wife, Mother Lange Harry A. 1906 2001 Husband, Father Lange Inez Florence 1921 1984 Lange William O., Jr. 1918 2000 Langie David B. 1916 1972 Lanko Beverly J. 06/02/1928 07/18/2001 Mother Lanko Ernest A. 03/22/1929 Father Lanning Charles B. 04/30/1923 04/24/1971 Oregon, SGT 505 FTR SQ AAF, WWII Lantagne Dorothy 1909 1994 Mother Lantz Jean Claire 1931 1983 Mother Lanzi Luigi 1902 1976 Husband, Father LaQua Amelia M. 04/21/1909 09/29/2002 Mother Large Freddie 1908 1968 Father Large Thelma 1910 1986 Mother Larios Jose De Jesus 1965 1971 Larkin Elizabeth A. 1900 1987 Chicago Larkin Harry J. 1917 1990 Parent Larkin Laurence J. 1891 1982 Ireland Larkin Wilhelmena 1919 1993 Parent Larsen Colleen 1952 2003 Wife and Mother Latham Theresa M. 1898 1967 Wife, Mother Latimer Alice Rose 1909 1990 Aunt and Sister Lau Anna Tran Thi 1915 2003 Mother and Grandmother Laurendeau Hilda 1890 1971 Laurendeau Rose 1889 1989 Lauterbach Lawrence 1904 1999 LaVigne Carol A. 1942 Wife LaVigne Carolyn 1933 1991 Wife, Mother, Grandmother LaVigne David 1959 1968 LaVigne Richard P. 1944 2003 Husband Lawless Frank E. (Pete) 1908 1977 Lawless Thelma T. 1909 1997 Lawrence Harvey 1897 1978 Father Lawrence James Edward 1945 1995 US Marine Corps, Vietnam Veteran Lawrence Kenny C. 11/11/1913 1/28/2003 Husband, Father, Grandfather Lawrence Marie 1894 1975 Mother Lawson Brandon Taylor 10/20/2000 5/4/2001 Layman Alice Bedell 1904 1998 Le Loi Van 01/01/1914 07/18/1988 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Le Phuc Thi 03/10/1918 Leache Irene L. 60 years together Leache Jesse Willett 60 years together Leagh Alice M. 1908 1984 Leagh Ben F. 1909 1980 Leahy Eileen 08/23/1928 12/10/1996 Wife, Mother Leahy Eileen D. 1923 2001 Parents and Grandparents Leahy Joseph M. 1921 Parents and Grandparents Leahy Marie 1894 1983 Leal Pedro S. 1939 1991 Husband and Father Lear Charlotte A. 10/30/1944 Lear Gerald W. 07/16/1939 03/11/2004 Lear Marie R. 1915 2004 Wife Lear Sheldon R. 1905 1998 Husband Leary Esther H. 1888 1987 Mother, Grandmother Leavens Lisa L. 03/18/1976 11/10/1976 Leber Lester E. 10/13/1926 7/5/1980 US Navy, WWII Lechtenberg Eleanor A. 1903 1979 Lechtenberg Otto P. 1898 1974 Ledbetter James 1932 Parent, Grandparent, Husband, and Father Ledbetter Monica 1928 1996 Parent, Grandparent, Wife, and Mother Ledet David Michael 12/01/1967 06/26/1999 Son, Brother Lee Cecilla Lewis 1905 1980 Mother in Law and Mother Lee Kathryn 1909 1983 Wife, Mother Lee Robert 1910 1983 Husband, Father Lee Teresa Y. 11/11/1917 2/17/2000 Lee Valle 1951 1985 Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, and Aunt Lee Winston Y. 2/5/1918 1/9/2000 Legacki Carolyn 1921 Legacki Walter F. 1924 1991 Legere Gerald 1924 1974 Legere Margaret 1924 Le-Hoang Nguyen Thi Hai 10/08/1950 11/03/1983 Marie-Therese Lemanski Joyce Ann 1927 1978 Mother, Wife Lemanski Monty Gene 1953 1993 Brother and Son LeMay Robert Upton 12/31/1927 06/20/1972 Rhode Island S2 USNR Korea Lemmon Petronila V. 06/29/1950 12/19/2002 Lendino Bernard A. 11/29/1929 8/28/1997 Brother, Uncle, US Army Lenhard Alfred C. 1932 Parent Lenhard Mary C. 1928 1992 Parent Lenz Lillyon A., "Jackie" 1918 1989 Wife and Mother Lenz Scott Scotty 1916 1990 Husband and Father Leon Alice 1907 2004 Leon Henry 1906 1982 León Beatrice 1920 2004 Mother, Grandmother León David 1959 1968 Leonard Arthur C. 1901 1966 Husband, Dad Leonard Vernis M. 1902 1996 Wife, Mother, Nana Leone Angelo G. 1902 1987 Leone vivian 1910 1992 Leon-Guerrero Gilbert Cruz 1958 2005 Lepore Shirley Diane 1932 1993 Wife and Mother Leslie Clyde D. 1903 1985 Leslie Josephine B. 1900 1979 Lester Hugo N. 1917 2003 Lt. Col., Grandpa, Dad Lester Louise M. 1918 2002 Nana, Wife, and Mother Lestina Rosalie 1905 1974 Wife, Mother Letzkus Margot Keller 1943 1980 Daughter Levack Gordon K. 06/18/1950 05/25/1999 LeVan Benedict J. 1904 1985 Husband, Father, Grandfather LeVan Dorothy E. 1907 1994 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Lewin Alma B. 1905 1968 Lewin Karol C. Lewis Joan V. 1940 Wife and Mother Lewis Warren H. 1940 2000 Husband and Father Leyerly Elizabeth Marillyn 07/05/1994 08/08/1994 Daughter of Diane and Ray, Sister of Chip and Christina Liberto Frank 1911 1988 Husband, Father Liberto Mary 1915 1980 Wife, Mother Licari Carmela T. 1911 1995 Licari John J. 1911 1975 Licata Felicita Sophia 1893 1967 Mother and Grandmother Liewer Henry 1920 1999 Liewer Margaret 1919 Lighthouse Herbert J. 07/05/1928 01/04/1992 Lilly Stella Sampson 1877 1967 Limardo Clotilde 1928 2001 Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother Limebrook Joseph Warren 8/24/1990 Limebrook William H. 12/10/1921 5/14/1984 LTJG US Navy Lind Donald William 1929 1976 BT 3 US Navy, Korea Linden Helen Jean 1922 1984 Wife and Mother Lindsay Irma 1912 1970 Lindsay Russell 1911 1972 Husband and Father Lineberry Homer W. 1917 1996 Lineberry Marie E. 1908 Lingan Anna H. 1890 1974 Wife, Mother Lingan James J. 1888 1969 Husband, Father Lingenfelter Brian J. 11/6/1979 11/29/1979 Linh Maria Nguyen Thi 07/22/1916 02/09/2004 Linkiewicz Casimir E. 1917 1994 Col., US Marine Corps, WWII, Korea, Purple Heart Linkiewicz Geraldine Ruth 1917 1990 Y1, US Navy, WWII Linkiewicz Joseph C. 1922 2000 Linkins Arthur E. 1900 1977 Linkins Lula B. 1896 1988 Linkins Mary Ellen 1928 Listecki Emil Frank 5/15/1904 4/4/1979 SGT US Army Litchfield Margaret A. 1898 1978 Mother Litschgi Carmen 1908 1977 Litschgi Elmo 1906 1982 Litteken Joseph Robert 1928 1987 US Air Force Litterst Richard J. 1925 1995 Father Litterst Vivian B. 1927 Mother Littlefield Gaston D. 1937 1991 Husband Littlefield Mary Jo 1946 Wife Littlefield Robert C. 1898 1979 2nd LT, US Army Liu Anna 02/01/1919 05/14/1982 (Chinese Writing) Llamas Alma B. 08/13/1972 11/13/1972 Llamas Erik Flores 11/24/1980 03/03/1996 Llamas Raymond L. 6/-/1973 7/-/1973 Son Llamas Xochilt O. 08/15/1976 05/11/1980 Loan Maria Tran Thi Chau 1928 1968 Lobo Richard L. 1918 1976 SGT, US Army, WWII Loc Vu Anthony 1921 1984 Husband and Father Loch Louis Nicholas 08/07/1915 08/30/1998 Father and Grandfather Lockard Daniel Thomas 5/3/1965 1/6/1984 Locke George F. 1930 Father Locke Patricia L. 1932 1982 Mother Locke-Yaeger Catherine M. 05/31/1909 09/04/1996 Mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother Loehr Agnes J. 02/10/1927 Loehr Charles J. 03/21/1921 06/30/1995 1st LT US Marine Corps WWII Korea Loera-Mandl Ingrid Elvira 01/08/1944 06/26/1987 Loew Irma 1922 1992 Logan Catherine M. 1921 1994 Mother, Married 54 years Logan Eunice K. 1933 1980 Wife, Mother Logan Francis M. 1914 2001 Father, Married 54 years Logan Marion E. 1906 1987 Lohre Jordan Milan John 10/28/1997 10/28/1997 Lombardi Carl 12/20/1912 03/11/1997 Lomonaco Joseph A. 1918 2003 Us Army, WWII, Purple Heart Lomonaco Leona A. M. 1918 Lonero Jake Anthony 10/01/1991 10/01/1991 Son Long Charles V., III 07/29/1947 02/10/1981 MAJ US Marine Corps Vietnam Long Douglas Allen 1940 1971 Husband and Father Longton Lawrence 1899 1987 Longton Wilma 1910 Loome James Thomas 1901 1979 BRIG GEN, US Army, WWII Loomis Clark L. 8/18/1913 3/24/1998 US Army, WWII Loomis Zellinor D. 3/24/1913 Lopez Amelia R. 1889 1972 Mother Lopez Arthur Ignacio 7/31/1914 9/19/1982 PFC US Army WWII Lopez Christopher Nathan 2/4/2001 10/7/2002 Lopez Christopher Nathan 02/04/2001 10/07/2002 Lopez Delfina 1914 1990 Mother Lopez Emilio 05/14/1925 11/11/2001 Lopez Emilio R. 11/14/1916 07/24/1975 TEC 3, US Army, WWII Lopez Enrique 1909 1991 Father Lopez Juanita M. 1895 1982 Mother, Grandma Lopez Manuel A. 8/28/1921 8/29/1998 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Lopez Marisela 1979 1981 Lopez Martin H., Jr. 06/05/1963 05/07/2000 Daddy Lopez Monica L. 1960 1976 Daughter, Sister Lopez Rafaela 08/26/1924 Lopez Ricky J. 1962 1974 Son, Brother Lopez Viola C. 1905 1969 Mother Lopez Luz 1894 1980 Mother Lopez H. Maria P. 1952 1990 Lopinto Chloe Rose 05/10/1999 05/10/1999 Lopizich Adele L. 1903 1994 Lopizich Ivo N. 1903 1981 Lordan Marguerite Jean 1939 Lordan Ryan Jerome 31845 31845 Son Lordan Thomas George 1928 2000 Lorden James J. 1919 1972 Lorden James J. 1919 1972 Lorentz Joseph B. 1927 1986 Father Lorenz Raymond Jerome 1908 1985 SM3 US Navy Love Francis M. 1894 1986 Love Herman W. 1890 1971 Lovell Aida M. 1904 1998 Lovell Archie H. 1904 1989 Lovil Rommie D. 1920 1972 Father Lovil Virginia W. 1920 Mother Lovitt Helen M. 7/4/1914 4/25/1997 Lovitt Ray K. 6/17/1910 7/22/1989 1st LT U.S. Army Low Adeline Marie 1901 1996 Mother, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother Lowe Burton J. 1899 1986 Lowe Marion H. 1896 1986 Lozano David 1962 1985 Son, Father, Brother Lua Uriel Ochoa 1947 1999 Lucas Helen Mary 10/2/1912 11/1/1999 Lucchino Conchetta Mary 1911 2002 Parent Lucchino Joseph Anthony 1906 1992 Parent Luce Raymond E. 1921 1972 Luce Rheta P. 1921 1975 Lucha Irene 1928 1975 Mother Luciano Louis A. 1927 1987 Father Luciano Louis A., Jr. 1950 2000 Son and Brother Luciano Michael E. 1954 1975 Son, Brother Luckett Gary Francis 10/25/1940 3/16/2003 Husband, Father, Grandpa Luc-Si-Ma Ignatius 8/3/1910 8/16/2001 Great Grandfather, Grandfather, Husband, Father Ludwick Jean C. 1909 1993 Ludwick Neil A. 01/05/1911 08/17/1979 US Army Ludwig Delbert C. 1934 1993 Father Ludwig Francis C. 19/17/1914 3/13/1976 TEC 4 US Army Ludwig Hazel A. 1937 1998 Mother Ludwig Margaret H. 3/15/1922 9/10/1988 Luehrs Natalie 09/05/1974 09/09/1974 Lugo John J. 7/27/1915 5/10/1976 PFC US Army WWII Luhmann Ruth M. 3/28/1904 5/15/1987 Wife, Mother Lujano Lucina 06/29/1924 10/19/2000 Mother and Grandmother Lujano Teresa A. 1930 2002 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Lum Doris Lum Robert 1929 2004 Luma Nicholas A. 1916 1979 Husband and Father Lumbard William 1917 1976 Lumpp Charles J. 1891 1985 Lumpp Juliana R. 1902 197? Wife Luna Elisa 1927 Luna Juan 1901 1972 Luna Margaret Z. 1937 1985 Wife, Mother Luna Octavio 1923 1979 Luna Refugio 1901 Lund Marietta C. 1911 1985 Aunt Lunetta St. John Neil 3/24/1972 3/24/1972 Luong Henry Nam 5/19/12 7/1/1989 Father Luong Maria Ba 9/3/1919 Mother Luppi Alfred Philip, M.D. 2/3/1910 11/11/1997 Luppi Helen E. Reynolds 5/1/1913 8/13/1990 Mother Luthiger Louise 1899 1984 Luthiger William 1902 1974 Lutz John Donaldson 1946 1979 Husband and Father Lutz Prudence Morinne 12/10/1924 10/16/1980 Wife of Samuel B. Lutz Lynch Dennis James 1942 1988 Lynch Elizabeth M. 1897 1989 Lynch Evelyn Frances 1912 1983 Mother and Grandmother Lynch H.C. "Camp" 1916 1989 Husband and Father Lynch MaryAlice 1926 1984 Lynch Rosemary 1920 1992 Wife and Mother Lynch Thomas J. 1895 1979 Lynch William Henry 1926 1998 Husband, Father Lyons Dolores H. 7/18/1907 5/29/1991 Lyons James S. 3/26/1907 5/19/1994 Lyons John Collum 1905 1973 Lyons Margaret Olive 1908 1993 Lyons Mary Hynes 1901 1977 Lyons William F. 1899 1976 Col, US Army, WWI, WWII Lytle Helen D. 1934 1993 Mother, American Artist