Ascension Cemetery, Lake Forest, Orange County, California Submitted by Katie Gange, Senior Girl Scout, Troop 2116, 1 Feb 2005 Updated 9 Oct 2005 This file is part of the California Tombstone Project ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. ********************************************************************** Ascension Cemetery opened in 1965, and it's an all-catholic cemetery. Last First Birth Death Notes Saba Antonio J. 1931 2003 Husband, Father, Brother, Grandfather, Born: Palestine, Died: USA Saba Elizabeth G. 1902 1980 Mother Saba Jacobo 11/24/1927 09/03/2004 Doctor Saba Jadallah G. 1892 1976 Father Sabage Margaret 1934 1984 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Sabatino Frank 1891 1971 Father Sabatino Marietta 1894 1987 Mother Sachse Thomas J. 1952 1983 Son, Brother Sadler Marjorie K. 1911 1994 Wife and Mother Sadler Raymond J. 02/15/1909 10/15/1966 Louisiana, M SGT, US Marine Corps, WWII Saggers Katherine 1895 1987 Mother Sajeski Arthur W. 1903 1980 Sajeski Mary J. 1906 Saldana John E. 1954 1985 Son and Brother Saldini Anne C. 1902 1970 Saldini William P. 1902 1977 Saldivar Raymond Josell 7/13/1938 6/18/2001 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Salkind Frances Monica 1928 1985 Salvati Vendetta L. 1936 1990 Wife, Mother Salvetta Michael 1911 1994 Father Salvetta Rose 1915 2003 Mother Samuels Henry D. 1921 1987 Samuels Mary F. 1920 1983 Samuelson Edward J. 1917 1997 Father Sanborn Robert H., Sr. 5/28/1924 2/20/1971 California, GY SGT US Marine Corps, WWII, Korea, Vietnam Sanchez Alejandro 02/18/1984 10/10/1984 Sanchez Alfonso Anthony 5/10/1946 9/4/2000 Vietnam Veteran Sanchez Andrew Martin Ramos 6/17/1964 6/10/1989 Son, Brother, Father Sanchez Benita G. 1913 1994 Mother Sanchez Domingo 10/26/1939 10/15/2004 Sanchez Eleazar Diaz 4/10/1978 10/6/1996 Sanchez Ernesto G., Sr. 1914 Father Sanchez Fidencio 1887 1976 Sanchez Francisco P., "Pancho" 02/09/1948 07/27/2000 Sanchez Francisco P., "Pancho" 1911 1994 Father Sanchez Gilberto V. 1912 1978 Sanchez Gregoria Lua 1907 1995 Sanchez Isabel C. 1910 2002 Mother Sanchez Jesus A. 05/05/1910 01/01/1999 Sanchez Josephine 1913 1994 Wife and Mother Sanchez Lupe 10/20/1944 06/29/2001 Mother, Sister, Aunt, Grandmother Sanchez Maria 1917 2000 Sanchez Maria L. 1947 1992 Sanchez Mary Louise 1943 2003 Wife, Mother, Grandma Sanchez Mercedes 1907 1979 Sanchez Nicolas 1906 Father Sanchez Socorro 1928 1999 Mother Sanchez Teresa 05/15/1963 08/23/2002 Mother, Daughter, Sister Sanchez Zeferina G. 08/23/1903 12/21/1998 Sanders Cornelius 11/1/1894 01/07/1973 Colorado, PFC US Army, WWI Sanders Lloyd Peter 10/6/1918 8/25/1986 SGT, US Army, WWII Sanders Lyle Peter 1942 1972 Father, Son, Brother Sanders Yvonne Marthe 1893 1990 Sandoval Gabriel M. 8/5/1972 8/4/2002 Brother, Son, Husband, and Father Sandoval Jose Ernesto 10/31/1962 01/19/2003 Sang Anna Dao 07/02/1903 10/12/1990 Sang Tran Van 06/22/1926 07/06/2004 Sangalang Consalacion 1933 1994 Wife and Mother Sanh Agnes Nguyen Thi 09/04/1900 09/15/1994 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Santilli Louis A. 1913 1995 Husband Santilli Sonja G. 1927 1993 Wife Santin Lawrence 1930 Santin Vittoria 1896 1999 Mother Santini Maria Tina 1931 Santini Victor A. 1922 1985 Santoni Carmela 1901 1993 Mother Santoni Pacific 1897 1977 Father Santora Ernestina Vasquez 1903 1994 Mother and Grandmother Santoro Stephen J., Sr. 11/22/1919 08/17/1999 SGT, US Army, WWII, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Red Sox Fan Santos Benjamin F. 3/30/1931 Father Santos Ernesto 1935 1998 Husband and Father Santos Roldan F. 1924 1998 Santos Teresita F. 5/4/1933 2/24/2005 Mohter Sarabia Frank Rochin 3/9/1934 10/3/1982 US Army Korea Sarabia Gabriela Lucy 09/22/1998 09/22/1998 Sardo Joseph 1907 1983 Sardo Mary 1909 1989 Sargeant Alice B. 1905 1987 Mother, Grandma Saribay Peregrina L. 1919 1994 Saribay Teofilo B. 1904 1989 Sarno Joann M. 1945 1976 Daughter Sarno Nicolina (Lee) 1922 Mother Sarno Ralph Charles 1919 2000 Father Sartor Aldo J. 12/16/1927 Husband Sartor Camilla L. 02/01/1935 05/01/2001 Wife and Mother Sassi Maria G. 4/24/1905 6/23/1993 Mother Saucedo Jesus C. 2/5/1903 12/23/1988 Husband, Father Saucedo Martha Y. 7/2/1915 2/4/2003 Wife, Mother Saunders Sally Ann 1942 1980 Wife, Mother Saunderson Lucy 06/30/1915 04/08/2000 Mother, Nana Sauter Anthony F. 1898 1966 Husband and Father Sauter Marilyn J. 1935 1991 Sauter Mary E. 1896 1983 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Sauter Richard E. 1931 Sautter Mary 8/28/1949 2/5/1999 Savritch Betty Lou 1929 1989 Wife, Mother Savritch Louis 1926 1991 Husband, Father Sax John William 1895 1989 Sax Maxine Jones 1909 1985 Saxby John Neal 1933 1991 US Army Sayer Michelle M. 6/13/1961 6/12/1996 Scalzo Marian C. 1942 1994 Sister, Daughter Scalzo Marion E. 1910 1998 Scalzo Martin E. 1914 1987 Scanlin Christina Marie 05/04/1988 10/14/1988 Scanlon Estella Mae 1887 1972 Mother Scarabino Albert 1919 Husband and Father Scarabino Helen 1918 2003 Wife and Mother Scarantino Jesse 1916 1984 Father Scarantino Joan 1931 Mother Scarantino John J. 1932 1995 Father Scarantino John J. 1963 1982 Scarantino Marty M. 1934 1999 Mother Scarantino William A. 1927 1992 Scarpello Peter Joseph, Jr. 09/25/1968 03/15/1988 Schafer Amel W. 1901 1986 Schafer Paul Wesley 10/20/1937 4/20/1997 Schafer Rose E. 1902 1994 Scharfe James Albert, Jr. 6/27/1930 4/23/2002 W6SKC Schauer Edward 1904 2000 Schauer Mary 1910 2001 Scherbart John Donald 1918 1986 LT JG US Navy, WWII Schiffert Karl Hubert 1908 1983 Schiffert Rose Ravizza 1910 Schill Dorothy V. 1912 2000 Schill Julius J. 1905 1980 Schiller Eva Z. 1900 1971 Schiller Frank L. 1898 1968 Schillig Harold 1911 2004 Schillig Margaret 1908 1991 Schirmer Joseph P. 1906 1994 Schirmer Margaret M. 1914 1979 Schlarb Carl A. 7/10/1928 11/8/1986 SFC US Army Schludecker Lawrence L. 1906 1997 Husband Schludecker Ruth 1911 1995 Wife Schmidt Jack 04/06/1921 04/05/1984 BMC, US Navy Schmidt Ruth 1923 1986 Mother Schmit Charles E. 6/18/1919 1/29/2001 US Army, WWII Schneider Alberta O. 1898 1981 Schneider Austin E. 1887 1975 Schneider Clara 1900 1986 Wife and Mother Schneider Dorothy F. 1928 1997 Wife and Mother Schneider Harry T. 1897 1989 US Army, WWI Schoepe Bernice K. 1908 1985 Schoepe Frederick K. 1905 1985 Schoepe Paul R. 1901 1987 Schoepe Romanita J. 1909 2002 Schoos Eileen 1922 1983 Mother Schopp Helen N. 1890 1984 Schopp William C. 1887 1979 Schrecongost Mary J. 1925 1976 Army Air Forces WWII Schroeder Robert F., Jr. 05/12/1948 11/18/1988 Son, Brother Schu Martha P. 1903 1991 Schu William 1912 1997 Schuler Nora 1905 1999 Parent Schuler Victoria A. 1905 1996 Parent Schulte Ashley Elizabeth 32015 32015 Schultes Carl 9/25/1912 9/24/1995 Husband, Dad, Grandfather Schultes Heidi M. 2/1/1947 5/1/1995 Mother Schuster Jerry L. 08/02/1929 12/03/1996 Sclafani Claire Rose 1925 1986 Wife and Mother Scordato Frank S. 08/19/1956 05/22/1984 Son, Brother Scotkovsky Stephanie 9/19/1911 3/25/1998 Mother and Grandmother Scott Adelaide N. 06/10/1918 Wife and Mother Scott Arthur 1918 1985 Husband, Father Scott Arthur R. 1915 1987 LT US Navy WWII Scott Doretta 1910 1988 Mother Scott Dorothea Eviston 1919 1998 Mother Scott Eugene 1920 1992 Husband, Father Scott Fletcher T. 1911 1986 Scott George W. 08/31/1920 05/02/2004 Husband and Father Scott Hazel M. 1893 1982 Scott Jackson Eugene 02/28/1949 10/17/2000 US Army, Vietnam Scott James R. 1914 1981 Husband and Father Scott Joseph 1909 1998 Father Scott Leo B. 1905 1973 Scott Ronald Eugene 03/15/1947 09/21/1990 Son, Brother Scott Rose Marie 1907 1984 Mother Scott Susan Fletcher 1943 1978 Daughter Scott Suzanne 1913 1981 Mom Scovil Francis W. 9/18/1928 5/12/1975 EN1, US Navy Scully Harriet M. 1978 Scully Leo E. 1902 1992 Sealy Charles Teague 8/8/1947 4/12/1997 US Army, Vietnam Seaman Evelyn H. 1918 Wife and Mother Seaman Joseph C. 1912 1991 Husband and Father Seamon Evelyn H. 1918 Wife and Mother Seamon Joseph C. 1912 1991 Husband and Father Sechrist Frank w. 1906 1995 Sechrist Grace C. 1910 1973 Secundino-Medina Alicia 1958 Secundino-Medina Pablo 1957 1996 Segro Nicholas R. 11/3/1924 1/8/1998 PFC US Army, WWII, Purple Heart Seilbert Fred T. 1906 1984 Seilbert Mary K. 1912 1993 Selawski Norbert J. 6/24/1928 10/17/1993 Selawski Ruth M. 10/24/1930 2/28/1996 Seleb Stanley S. 09/25/1924 03/01/1995 US Army, WWII, Husband, Father, Grandfather Selegue Louis Q. 1905 1974 Selix de Corona Maria Marcos Selufsky Elaine 1927 1976 Seminara Antonio 1/17/1910 11/26/1998 Seminara Josephine 9/25/1996 Senyei Ervin 1925 2002 Husband and Father Senyei Ibolya 1927 Wife and Mother Sepe Sylvester 11/19/1922 06/17/2002 Husband, Father Sepior Anna 1900 1976 Mother Serapiun Garabed Minas 1909 1988 Serey Gail D. 1934 1991 Mom, Sister, Grandmere Serey Robert E. 1917 1988 Serino Michelle Marie 4/8/1951 4/11/1988 Serio Roy F. 1910 1985 Serio Sarah W. 1914 2003 Serna Henry B., Jr. 1930 1971 Husband and Father Serrano Fedeliz M. 1905 1982 Serrano Mary E. 1910 1981 Settino Clara R. Annerino 1918 1987 Mother Settino John C. 1913 Father Sevilla Maria 1922 1989 Sevilla Ramon 1900 1989 Sevilla Rosio 06/25/1970 06/25/1970 Son Sewalk Anne M. 1927 1998 Wife Sewell Carol C. 06/02/1929 Sewell Jack K. 05/03/1922 04/19/1998 Col. US Air Force World War II Korea Sexton Joan 1930 Sexton John 1927 1995 Sfregola Frank 1891 1976 Father Sfregola Katherine 1899 1987 Mother Sgambellone Angelo 06/11/1982 03/29/1987 Sgambellone Beverly G. 1918 1993 Wife, Sister Sgambellone Frank P. 1915 1993 Husband, Father Shafer Jay Thomas 1/9/1889 10/17/1967 Indiana Lt. Col. US Army Res WWI Shaker Victoria Laurice 1917 1999 Granny and Mother Shannon John Vincent 1931 1990 Shannon Marcella Shea 1933 Shanta Adelle V. 1927 Wife and Mother Shanta Peter L. 1921 2004 Husband and Father Sharif Victoria Petros Kaldani 1921 1996 Mother, Grandmother Sharkey Florence 1914 1984 Wife, Mother Sharkey James 1909 1985 Husband, Father Sharkey John M. 5/6/1931 9/28/1992 PFC US Army Sharkey Patricia A. 12/7/1930 Shaw Cressie 1902 1989 Parent Shaw Joseph C. 12/13/1917 38389 Father Shaw Riley 1902 1988 Parent Shaw Ruby M. 10/18/1919 Mother Shay Thomas F. 1929 1974 Husband, Father Shea Dorothy M. 1928 1992 Shea James Vincent 08/23/1916 03/29/1980 SGT, US Army Shea John Francis 1906 1981 Shea Patrick Joseph 2/16/1889 10/22/1968 Montana, PFC CO K 34 Engineers, WWII Shea Sarah Berry 1907 2000 Shea Stephen A. 1925 Sheahan Harriette C. 1916 1972 Mother Sheahan John W. 1918 1992 Father Sheehan Agnes 1903 1986 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Sheehan John F. 01/14/1975 Husband, Father Sheeron Charles 1895 1969 Husband, Father Sheeron Kay Mary Sebastian 1902 1992 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Sheffield Robert A. "Sheff" 1947 1978 Husband, Daddy, Uncle Sheffler Julia May 1911 1991 Mother and Grandmother Sheffler Russel N. 1918 1974 Husband and Father Shehadeh Abla 1906 1995 Teta and Mother Shepardson Leonard E. 7/3/1922 12/14/1983 SSGT US Army WWII Shepardson Leonard E. 07/03/1922 12/14/1983 SSGT, US Army, WWII Shere Gerald Dean 1918 1975 Husband, Father Sherlock George M. 10/2/1914 3/29/1972 Illinois WO US Marine Corps Retired, WWII Korea Sherman John Orville 14741 36267 Father Shields Charlotte E. 1897 1999 Shields Hugh J. 1895 1983 Shields John E. 1937 1991 Husband and Father Shipman David E. 11/21/1906 9/25/1991 Husband and Father Shirley Gordon L. 1931 Shirley J. Joyce 1936 1995 Shoffner Maurine 1917 1986 Mother, Nana Sholseth Norman A. 11/17/1923 03/26/1968 AE TM 2, USNR, WWII Shomaker Mary Kay 1923 2000 Shore Gloria Marie 8/2/1922 10/9/2002 Mother and Grandmother Sibley Mae C. 1897 1974 Sicat Celestino L. 1922 1996 Husband, Father Sicoli Edward 1889 1975 Father Sicoli Theresa 1891 1973 Mother Siconolfi Alphonse 1902 1977 Father Siconolfi Irene 1907 1982 Mother Siedel Benny 1892 1971 Father Sifo Harry R. 1900 1984 Sifo Lillian A. 1901 1974 Signorelli Helen A. 1908 1990 Mother Silk Harry William 8/30/1930 5/10/1990 GMSN US Navy, Korea Silk Mary G. 8/31/1932 10/23/2001 Silva Paul Andrew 1955 2002 Father, Son, Brother Silva Ruben S. 1936 1976 US Army Simmon David Leroy 08/16/1944 03/16/1968 SGT, BLT 2 4 mar 9 mab, Vietnam PH Simmons Mary Brennan 1923 Simmons Richard D. 1922 1995 Simon Lester E. 1919 1982 Husband, Dad Simonin Frederick Paul 1938 1982 SN, US Navy, Husband, Father Simpson Nicole Brown 1959 1994 Sims Andrew 1899 1975 Sinacori Sarah 12/13/2001 7/15/1963 Buried in Rochester, NY Sinacori Vito 1/12/1899 7/12/1984 Sinclaire Muriel L. 1906 1988 Gram Siu Ignatius Iok Kun 1918 1993 Father, Husband Siu Paulina L. 1927 2004 Mother, Wife Skaron Catherine 1920 1984 Skaron Louis M. Skaron Michael L. 1955 1982 Son and Brother Skatkowski Kate 1884 1972 Mother Skoczulek Mary Agnes 1915 1984 Mother and Grandmother Slattery John Patrick 03/02/1944 02/09/1995 Father Slattery Louis E. 1902 1991 Husband and Father Slattery Mary L. 1910 2002 Wife and Mother Slavinski Raymond E. 1913 1988 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Slawinski Serena 10/25/1999 10/25/1999 Slayton Adelaide M. 1926 1991 Mother, Grandmother Sleiman Nouhad 1946 1998 Wife and Mother Slevin Joseph F. 10/10/1921 12/22/1973 Avn Cadet US Army Sliney Edward G. 6/19/1905 2/20/1980 Capt. US Navy, WWII, Korea Sliney Josefine B. 3/24/1911 4/22/1996 Slovak Dorothy B. 07/17/1910 02/08/1994 Wife, Mother Slovak John Paul 12/25/1909 05/12/1989 Husband, Father Smith AnnaMarie 06/04/1925 11/20/1994 Smith Arthur Berchman 1905 1982 Smith Barbara 1935 2001 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Smith Charles H. 1894 1973 Smith Clotiel G. 1892 1972 Wife Smith Donald Lee 07/31/1929 06/30/1980 CPL, US Army, Korea Smith Dorothy A. 11/20/1932 10/22/1994 Mother Smith Dorothy Mae Warburton 1910 1997 Smith Evelyn L. 1914 1976 Wife, Mother Smith Frank G. 4/21/1927 3/12/1966 Dad Smith Gail 1894 1979 Smith George 1934 2002 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Smith George William 3/31/1894 03/06/1983 PFC US Army Smith Glenn Murray 1916 1998 Smith Gretchen Anne 10/03/1991 10/03/1991 Smith Helen E. 1906 1984 Smith James T. 1906 1981 Father Smith Joseph 03/07/1919 10/30/1991 Major, US Navy, WWII Smith Joseph John 12/10/1928 04/18/1996 Husband, Father, Grandfather, Married 46 yrs., May 6, 1950 Smith Kathleen 1908 1986 Sister Smith Laverne Rutherfurd 1918 Smith Leo E. 1898 1997 Smith Lillian E. Soto 05/20/1917 02/01/2002 Sister, Wife, and Mother Smith Mary A. 1912 Mother Smith Mary E. 1900 1990 Smith Mona Louise 1947 1986 Smith Phyllis Marie 7/30/1935 Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister Smith Ramona Coughlin 1922 Smith Raymond G. 1895 1975 Husband Smith Robert E., Jr. 05/14/1925 05/21/1998 CPL, US Marine Corps, WWII Smith Robert F. 1903 1985 Smith Sheila M. 1911 1987 Mom Smith Sophia Kulig 09/07/1930 Wife, Mother, Granmother, Married 46 yrs., May 6, 1950 Smith Stanley John 4/30/1920 11/29/1997 Husband, Father, Grandfather Smith Tony Haddad 1959 1996 Husband Snarski Elsie Beth 1913 1982 Snavely Robert L. 1949 1985 Husband, Father Sniadowski Frank S. 1915 1994 Sniadowski Mary D. 1918 1993 Snodgrass Howard H. 4/6/1900 4/29/1978 Kansas, PVT US Army, WWI Snow Bertha 1908 2003 Snyder Betty Lyle 06/08/1924 Snyder Mary Ann 1923 1979 Wife Snyder Robert E., Sr. 1918 1986 Father Snyder Ruth B. 1915 1989 Oblate of St. Benedict, Mom Snyder Stephen Olin 05/16/1915 09/13/2003 Snyder William G., Jr. 05/08/1926 09/01/2002 US Navy, WWII Sobieski Joseph 1919 Father, Parent, Grandparent Sobieski Lydia 1919 2001 Mother, Parent, Grandparent Sobraske Agnes G. 1902 1978 Wife Sobraske Joseph L. 1894 1985 Husband Solan John M., Jr. 1967 1968 Sole Anabel 2/7/1911 12/4/2002 Wife, Mother, Grandma Solis B, Kimberly 12/21/1998 03/02/1999 Solleder Amelia 1893 1968 Solomito Agnes O. 1915 Solomoto Quirino J. 1913 2001 Solone Barbara E. 1927 1979 Wife, Mother Sommers Freida Doram 1920 1981 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Sommers Gail Lynn 1953 1972 Daughter, Sister Sommers John Peter 7/21/1920 1/28/1988 SN US Navy, WWII Sonoga Sandra L. Toomey 08/20/1940 04/19/1999 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Sonoga Thomas M., Sr. 10/31/1940 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Sorensen Andrew 1906 1996 Husband Sorensen Catherine 1903 1984 Wife and Mother Sotelo Pedro O. 1908 1985 Papa Soto Dorothy Lorene 1932 1973 Wife and Mother Soto Josephh Del La Luz 1909 1990 Soto Louis H. 1912 1999 LTC USA, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, buried at National Cemetery Arlington, Va. Soto Marion B. 07/06/1921 04/30/1999 SGT, U.S.M.C., Brother Soto Pilar C. 1911 1971 Wife and Mother Soto Wilhelmina "Billie" 1911 1992 Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother South Matthew Duran 10/25/1991 10/28/1991 Sowden Hugh Mark 10/27/1887 5/8/1969 California Ensign US Navy, WWI Spagnola Frances M. 1911 1983 Spagnola Frank 1912 2002 Sparks Charles 1926 2004 Military Symbol Sparks Henrietta 1916 1989 Shares grave with Esther Donnellan Spata Elaine Jane 1/30/1928 10/2/2003 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Spata Eugene Andrew 10/2/1926 2/13/2003 Husband, Father, Grandfather Spath Frank G. 5/21/1896 12/10/1975 PVT US Army WWI Spath Josephine M. 12/28/1904 1/21/1976 Spear Susan C. 1925 1984 Spears Alpha 06/04/1911 04/01/1996 Husband, Father Spears Oleiva 12/31/1917 03/27/2004 Wife, Mother Spencer Avis 04/22/1914 Spencer Lee J. 1930 1986 Husband and Father Spencer Raymond John 01/02/1916 12/23/1994 M SGT US Army Spengler Aurelia M. 09/26/1966 Spengler Julia 04/10/1969 Sperry Marshall Sperry Rosalie Spingola Anita 1914 1987 Mother Spingola Louis J. 1901 1997 Spooner Brett 11/21/1967 02/03/1980 Son Sporrer Otto E. 1912 1993 Reverend Monsignor, Ordained 4/3/1938 Sprague Helen Elizabeth 12/13/1909 12/23/1991 Sproul Joan Andrea Regan 1932 2002 Born: Methuen, MA Died: Yakima, WA Squires Larry K. 1955 1983 Sroczyk Helen M. 10/13/1914 3/10/1994 Sroczyk William M. 3/27/1916 7/2/1988 AOM US Navy, WWII St. Amour W. Chance 1907 1990 St. Amour Winifred 1910 St. Cyr Bertha M. St. Cyr Ernest M. 1917 1988 St. Onge Ray 1928 1994 Papa St. Onge Ray 1928 1994 Papa Stable Sylvio S. 1913 1970 Husband and Father Stack Gerald 1911 1976 Stack Louise 1911 1995 Stack Wickliffe 1894 1988 Stagner Clara M. 1906 1992 Stagner Dale D. 1899 1971 Stagner Dale H., Lt. 1929 1967 Husband, Father, California Highway Patrol Stanfield Dora B. 1910 1999 Wife Stanfield Earl J. 1904 1974 Husband Stankiewicz Louis J. 1914 Stankiewicz Margaret M. 1910 1981 Stanley Frances (Kika) 1934 1988 Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother Stanley Rosalio T. 11/13/1960 6/25/2002 Wife, Mother Stansbury Avelina J. 1933 Wife and Mother Stansbury Willie E. 1930 2002 Husband and Father Stanton Gertrude H. 1894 1989 Stanton Henrietta Isabelle 4/8/1920 1/23/2005 PVT, US Army, WWII Stanton Joseph E. 1892 1971 Stapleton Helen A. 03/07/1910 09/15/1997 Sister and Aunt Starkowicz Lily 1927 1976 Wife Starman Sarah Alexandra 04/12/1988 06/12/1988 Starr Greg W. 1959 1976 Son Stauff Harold R. 01/07/1913 06/12/1974 CWO US Marine Corps Stauff John L. 09/19/1947 01/17/1970 Rhode Island, SP4 US Army, Viet Nam Stebbins Carroll S. 1902 1975 Stebbins Helen M. 1905 1985 Steed Mary T. 02/21/1939 02/10/2000 Wife, Mother A.K.A. Gwendolyn Steed Richard Raymond 01/26/1932 01/11/1982 CPL US Marine Corps Steele Mark Andrew 10/29/1961 09/06/1967 Stefanec Anna G. 1908 1988 Mother Stefanec Frank W. 1959 2001 Husband, Father, Son and Brother Steinmeyer Beatrice M. 1914 1989 Steinmeyer Harry P. 1907 1994 WWII - Officer Steinriede Debra L. 1953 1986 Mother, Wife, Daughter Stekyl Charles Eugene 10/05/1931 02/08/2000 US Air Force Korea Stella Mary 1902 1995 Stenersen Josephine 1919 1972 Stenerson JoAnne Marie 07/18/1940 04/03/2001 Mother Stenzi Albert F. 1897 1971 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Stephen Lester J. 1904 1988 Father Stephen Margaret M. 1910 1975 Mother Stevenson Robert R. 7/26/1940 8/7/1987 1st LT US Marine Corps., Vietnam Stewart Owen C. 05/05/1920 02/22/1998 Husband, Father, Grandfather Stewart Sharon M 1947 1972 Wife and Mother Stewart Victoria 11/3/1920 33422 Mother Stienwage Elizabeth Bettie Jean 1927 2000 Mother Stierley Gina Florence 1957 2002 Daughter and Sister Stierli Catherine 1908 2000 Wife, Mother Stierli Walter R. 1911 1989 Husband Stifter Thomas J. 1943 2000 Husband Stokes Gertrude Marie 01/19/1922 01/11/2001 ENS US Navy, WWII Stokes Valerie 4/9/1923 12/20/2002 Mother Stonberg Charles H. 1907 1980 Stonberg Corinne G. 1907 1997 Stoner Myrtle L. 1902 1984 Stormes Marie R. 1901 1992 Mother Stout Paul E. 09/02/1920 02/19/1998 US Coast Guard, US Army, WWII, Korea Strassel George A. 1922 1998 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Strassel Valeria 1926 2003 Streib Mary J. 1906 2002 Sister Strickland Jacqueline Elisa 2003 Daughter Strickland Robert Eugene 1968 2003 Husband and Father Strohm Clare C. 1905 1987 Strohm Paul J. 1900 1984 Stuart Helen C. 1898 1984 Aunt Stubbs Ellen 8/27/1992 Stubbs Irene 6/21/1991 Studeny Victoria 1910 1978 Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother Sturgeon Olga M. 1928 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Sturgeon Robert A. 1919 2000 Husband, Father, Grandfather Sugrue Elizabeth 1921 2000 Wife Sugrue James 1924 1997 Husband Sullivan Cornelius S. 1903 1982 Father Sullivan Daniel Jerome 1/23/1899 10/09/1978 Pvt US Army WWI Sullivan Doris D. 1907 1982 Mother Sullivan Dorothy Davids 1910 1994 Sullivan Fabian Joseph 1915 1995 Sullivan Ivan 1904 1971 Sullivan James R. 8/16/1921 2/26/1971 Missouri M GY SGT US Marine Corps, WWII, Korea Sullivan James Thomas 04/24/1930 2000 CPL US Army, Korea Sullivan Mary 1917 Ma Sullivan Mary B. Sister Sullivan Mary H. 1908 1982 Sullivan Maurice 1912 1997 Pa Sullivan - Stenzi Marjorie F. 1901 1983 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Surdez Eugene E. 1915 1989 MMC, US Navy, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam Surdez Helena 1921 1992 Surdez Mary Elizabeth 5/23/1916 Surdez Victor Ernest 1/27/1917 12/8/1993 S SGT US Army, WWII Surmenean Gheorghe 1907 1989 Husband and Father Svejkovsky Frank C, 1898 1985 Svejkovsky Lulah J. 1903 Swan Edward A. 1921 Husband Swan Eudoxie M 1915 2002 Wife Swanfeldt Bruce 1925 1997 Husband, Father Swanfeldt Winnie 1926 2002 Wife, Mother Swavitkowski Michael S. 09/28/1941 04/17/1982 ETN 2 US Navy Sweeney Marie R. 1894 1981 Swenson Michael Eugene 1960 1979 Son, Brother Swierczek Frank S. 06/25/1927 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Swierczek La Vergne J. 06/19/1927 6/22/2001 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Sydor Daniel J. 1941 1989 Husband, Father Syfers Esther Elizabeth Alexandre11/30/1919 04/24/2004 Mother and Grandmother Szajner Stanley 1923 1990 Szanto Desi J. 1909 1999 Husband ad Father Szanto Margit Makoyec 1914 1990 Wife and Mother Szarski Andrew 1899 1972 Szarski Irene 1901 1972 Szczepanski Anna Marian 1935 1992 Mother Szerbinski Adeline A. 1916 Szerbinski Elmer W. 1921 1990 Retired C.P.O. WWII and Korea, Navy Szilagyi Joseph 10670 35572 Apu Szilagyi Terezia 12450 Anyu Tabar Nikolaus 1914 1991 Father Tabar Theresia 1920 Mother Tacconelli Theresa 1921 Wife Tacconelli Victor 1918 2003 Husband Taculog Agapito A. 1907 1986 Father Taculog Vineca E. 1911 1988 Mother Taddeo Frank 1910 2002 Father Taddeo Nicoletta 1907 1996 Mother Tafrof Alexander 1910 1991 Tafrof Della 1920 2004 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Taklo Frances Birmingham 1886 1973 Aunt Talman-Scott Irene H. 08/09/1925 12/19/1999 Mother, Nana Talmon Peter G., II 10/27/1947 07/02/1967 Tamburino Agrippina 12/25/1923 12/25/1923 Sister Tamburino Joseph 1920 Brother Tamburino Mario 1916 2005 Brother Tanaka Junior 1934 1980 Father Tangherlini Eugene F. 1921 1997 Parent, Grandparent, Husband Tangherlini Frederick J. 12/21/1949 11/7/1992 Sp4, US Army, Son and Brother Tangherlini Vincenza C. 1923 2000 Parent, Grandparent, Mother Taormina Jesephine 1915 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Taormina Joseph 1912 2003 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Tapper Doris L. 1918 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Tapper George C. 1918 2003 Husband, Father, Grandfather Tarasowits Pearl 1928 2001 Mother Tarira Maria E. 1918 1999 Mother Tartaglia Margaret 1922 1981 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Tater Anna Maria 1899 1982 Wife and Mother Tater George W. 1890 1988 Husband and Father Taylor Anna P. 1911 1979 Taylor Arlene F. 1946 2002 Taylor Marie A. 8/7/1934 3/24/2003 Taylor Mildred Louise 3/11/1925 2/8/1995 Taylor Robyn Liebman 7/9/1952 5/15/1994 Mother, Daughter, and Sister Taylor Robyn Liebman 07/09/1952 05/15/1994 Mother, Daughter, Sister Tenhaeff Arthur E. 1893 1977 Tenhaeff Suzanne 1883 1972 Tepper Ruth Mary A. 12/30/1902 9/15/1989 Terrazas AL' L. 06/18/1935 02/26/1996 Husband and Father Terry Helen C. 1919 Terry John J. 1917 2004 Terwey Jeffrey C. 12/04/1967 12/02/1990 Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew Tessier Amos E. 12/25/1918 01/07/1988 Husband and Father Tessier Marguerite E. 11/07/1919 Wife and Mother Thaete Edward H., Jr. 1901 1991 Thaete Harriet H. 1905 1999 Thallmayer Rudolf Georg 4/21/1940 4/14/1902 Husband, Father, Grandfather Thanh Thi Bui Teresa 4/19/1935 9/1/1997 Theirrien Adolphis 1921 1994 Father Theirrien Guillermina 1926 1993 Mother Thelen Cecilia A. 1913 2001 Mother Thelen Robert T. 1908 1987 Father Thera Marie 1896 1988 Thibault Florence M. 8/22/1898 05/24/1980 Thibault Melville F. 2/7/1898 02/26/1973 S2 US Navy Thielheim Arthur R. 1904 1975 Thielheim Estelle E. Thien Toma Bui Van 06/15/1912 11/06/1993 Thiffault Florence T. 1893 1983 Thi-Lien Martha Tran 1896 10/17/1979 Grandmother Thomas Betty Jean 1972 2001 Wife and Mother Thomas Edward Ettare 1921 1974 Husband and Father Thommes Bertha Simone 1907 1997 Thommes Mathew William 1906 2000 Thompson Kenneth T. 9/17/1921 6/5/1988 SGT US Army WWII Thompson Madeline E. 1969 Wife Thompson Robert Patrick 1952 1998 Son, Brother, and Father Thompson Roy L. 1967 Husband Thornborrow Elsie M. 1902 1982 Mother Thornborrow Evelyn M. 1927 1988 Daughter, Sister Thornborrow Jack W. 1886 1967 Fahter Thorne Charles Thorne Katherine 1993 Thorne Ruby Cecelia 1900 1967 Wife Thu Dominico Pham Minh 02/25/1930 09/17/1995 Husband and Father Thu Maria Pham Dieu 08/14/1958 09/20/1990 Thuãn Lê Duy Dôminicô 1935 1998 Thummel Neva I. 1917 1972 Wife Thummel Wendell B. 1919 1984 Husband Thura Paul 1899 1993 Thurin Mary Jo 1913 1991 Mother, Grandma Thuss Mary L. 1906 1974 Thygesen Arnold P. 1912 1976 Husband Thygesen Eleanor G. 1903 1996 Wife and Mother Tien Tran Duc "Thomas" 1922 1993 Tien My Dominico Nguyen V. Tien 1918 1985 Tierney Carl M. 1915 2003 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Tierney Matthew K. 1954 1995 Son and Brother Tierney Michael J. 1946 1977 Husband and Father Tierney Raynette M. Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Tihanyi Robert J. 1944 1988 Tilton Kathryn Anne 3/20/1985 9/23/1985 Daughter and Sister Timmins Dorothy F. Timmins Lawrence P. 09/02/1990 Timo Lolesio M. 1939 1978 Husband, Father Tin Maria Trinh Thi 01/01/1902 01/30/1988 Tindall Anna M. 1907 1983 Grandmother Tindall James G. 1912 2000 Grandfather Tinker James R. "Jim" 1927 1988 Husband and Father Tinker Verleen E. "Rickey" 1930 1988 Wife and Mother Tinley Edwin T. 1908 1971 Tintle Michael Denis 05/16/1984 05/01/2002 Son, Grandson, Nephew, Cousin Tippett Mary A. 1873 1968 Tipton Glen 1931 2005 Tipton Laura 1931 Titus Raymond J. 1930 1991 Husband and Father Tkach Peter A., Captain 1964 1993 Toal Irene A. 1927 1984 Toal Monica 1970 1972 Toal Rchard, V 1927 1990 Toal Richard, VI 1954 1971 Toan Tran Cong 1920 1993 Husband and Father Tobin Marie B. 09/13/1912 05/04/1998 Sister, Mother, Grandmother Todaro Dorothy M. 12/19/1920 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Todaro Henry M. 10/22/1915 6/13/2001 Husband, Father, Grandfather Todd Sharron P. 1937 1978 Wife, Mother Toledo Nanay Nena 07/05/1914 04/15/2002 Toledo Tatay Pitch 03/01/1907 10/29/1988 Tomasulo Louise M. 1927 2001 Sister Tomazich Mary 1896 1989 Tomazin Vinko 1936 1981 Father Tomsic Janice M. 1938 1984 Granddaughter Tondreau George J. 1898 1978 Husband, Father Tondreau Lucille 1901 2004 Wife, Mother Tonila Thomas F. 1907 1988 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Toomey Cornelius R. 1900 1980 Toomey Thelma C. 1909 Tornetta Massimo 08/30/2003 09/05/2003 Tornetta Nicholas 08/26/1903 08/26/1903 Torok Alexander 1914 1994 Husband, Father, Opi Torres Amalia L. 1929 1983 Wife and Mother Torres Aristeo L. 1947 1987 Torres Esther 1921 1997 Mami, Nani, Wife Torres Ferdinand J. 1930 1976 1st LT, US Marine Corps, Korea, Vietnam Torres Luis 1918 2001 Tata, Ito, Papi, Husband Torres Mariano L. 1892 1985 Torres N. Baldemar 2/15/1934 4/21/1997 Son, Husband, Father Tortorici Victor E. 5/22/1921 1/26/2001 PVT, US Army Air Forces, WWII, Husband and Father Toscano Arturo P. 1927 1998 Husband Tosti Carlo Ralph 6/23/1920 26449 NY, Colonel, US Air Force, WWII, Korea Toth Margit N. 1911 1991 Mother Toth Stephen Bert, Jr. 01/20/1930 07/28/1973 CPL, US Army, Korea Toth Zoltan 1909 1979 Father To-thi-nhon Martha 6/25/1918 9/16/2003 Great Grandmother, Grandmother, Wife, Mother Touher Brian 1929 Touher Phyllis 1934 1992 Tovey Bessie M. 6/20/1888 5/21/1984 Trabucco Bridget 1916 1986 Wife and Mother Trabucco Joseph R. 1912 1983 Husband and Father Trachy Jeffrey Jay 02/14/1981 02/15/1981 Tracy Margaret M. "donna" 1918 Wife and Mother Tracy William A. 1904 1969 Tracy William J. 1918 1999 Husband and Father Tracz Walter I. 1916 1975 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Trafton Pascalline 1915 1982 Mother Tran John My Ngoc 1936 2000 Tran Maria Thinh Thi 12/16/1916 04/16/2003 Great Grandmother, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Tran Phi Thien 1907 1972 Husband and Father Trejo Ramon Zuniga 09/12/1951 05/15/1999 Son and Brother Tremblay Exerilda Dee 1913 1973 Trespalacios Cipriano 4/3/1923 1/3/2001 Husband, Father, Grandfather Trespalacios Maria 5/5/1938 4/1/2000 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Treveso Angela Micale 1917 1996 Wife Treveso Arthur F. 1918 1998 Husband Trinidad Peggy N. 10/29/1961 05/26/2004 Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter Tripi Jeffrey Alan 1962 1982 Son Trischler Charles G. 1895 1985 Trischler Florence H. 1896 1987 Truckey Edwin A. 1894 1975 US Navy, Husband Truckey Vera E. 1905 1993 Wife Truran Donald Keith 1919 1989 Husband and Father Truran Mary Marcella 1919 2002 Wife and Mother Tucci Robert J. 1934 1989 Tucker Howard P. 4/10/1896 7/2/1981 LT, US Navy, WWI, WWII Tucker Mary Helen 12/1/1897 7/13/1976 Tucker R. "Sandy" 1907 1990 Aunt Tucker Willard M. "Wid" 1914 1994 Father and Grandfather Tuckosh Julia M. 11/15/1919 10/5/2004 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Tuell Foster L. 1897 1978 Capt., US Army Tuell Helena B. 10/24/1902 08/02/1993 Tully Anne Marie 1909 1984 Wife, Mother Tully Constance W. 1918 1992 Mother and Grandmother Tully John J., Jr. 1907 1986 Husband, Father Tumminello Helen 1918 1998 Wife, Mother Tumminello Joseph 1919 2003 Husband, Father Tutschek Mary R. 1911 1986 Mother Tutschek Wilfred W. 1905 1990 Father Tutt Chloe A. 1907 1994 Mother and Grandmother Tverdal Arild 1959 1982 Tye Marie L. 1903 1996 Mother Tye Raymond Joseph 1896 1969 Husband and Father Tyler Agnes "Peggy" 12795 34479 Tyzbir Anne Marie 1916 1982 Sister, Mother, and Wife Tyzbir Mano "Ham" 1915 1993 Ueha Tokuko 1946 1987 Wife, Mother Ullo Frances 1911 1995 Ullo Sam 1911 1987 Ulrich Grace F. 1915 Ulrich Leo P. 1911 1981 Unzelman Jayne Marie 1947 1973 Daughter, Sister Upton Anne 1903 1977 Mother Upton Clark 1896 1978 Father Urata Christine 6/1978 6/1978 Urata Dawn 6/1978 6/1978 Uribe Mario M. 1912 2004 Husband and Father Urlaub Marciann H. 1933 1973 Mother Urquidez Gloria 1903 1990 Wife Urquidez Nick 1889 1987 Husband Ursula Sally 1912 Ursula Stephen 1915 1990 Urteaga J. Angelica 8/2/1894 10/9/1991 Mother Ustariz Elaine M. 1932 1976 Wife and Mother Ustariz Joseph L. 1925 1984 Husband and Father Ustariz Juan P. 1878 1950 Father Ustariz Lana Lee 1941 2002 Mother, Grandmother Ustariz Mary D. 1896 1975 Mother Ustariz Michael Leon 1953 1993 Utsler Brittany Morgan 03/21/1992 03/21/1992 Daughter Vaccaro Alphonso J. 1917 2005 Father Vaccaro Anna 1924 1998 Vaccaro Joseph 1922 1983 Vaccaro Michalin M. 1915 1974 Mother Vachna A.D. 1918 2004 Vachna A.W. 1912 2003 Vachna J.J. 1915 Vail Helen Miller 1911 2001 "Grandmommy" Valdapena Enedina 1926 1990 Valdapena Gonzalo 1920 1980 Valdez Ramoncita 1887 1978 Mother Valdéz Concepción 05/05/1935 Mother, Grandmother, Wife Valdéz Luis O. 12/28/1932 02/26/2003 Father, Grandfather, Husband Valente Rose M. 1911 2001 Mother Valente Salvatore D. 1906 1982 Father Valenti Dina 1909 1997 Wife Valenti Fred 1899 1984 Husband Valenzuela Angelina R. 1901 1975 Mother and Grandmother Valore Kurt R. 1962 1995 Son Van Tran Thi Cam 06/19/1958 03/01/1979 Teresa Van Boom Basil Paul 1935 1986 Husband and Father Van Buskirk George W. 1889 1972 Van Buskirk Mae K. 1893 1984 Van Dyke Frederick H. 1904 1990 Father Van Dyke Sibylla M. 1905 1994 Mother Van Eaton Billie Kathrine 1929 1981 Van Haaster Maria Agnes 5/26/1959 6/1/1998 Sister, Wife, Daughter Van Liefde Martine 1950 1974 Van Liefde Michele 1963 1972 Van Long Francois Xavier Hong 09/23/1911 01/07/1988 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Van Ness Dolores Gloria 1939 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Van Ness Myron Steven 1940 2004 Husband, Father, and Grandfather V?n Nguy?n Quyên 13212 36099 Guise, Born in Tây Ninh, Viêtnam, Died in Mission Viejo, California, Husband, Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather Van Stralendorff Charles F. 1917 1985 Husband and Father Van Wagenen Helen Anne 1905 1979 Van Wagenen Raymond J. 1902 1969 Vance Darlene L. 1945 1967 Daughter and Wife Vance Eleanor M. 1917 1985 Mother Vance Norman F. 1913 Father Vance Patricia Lynn 1952 1972 Daughter and Sister Vander Pyl Jean 1919 1999 Mother and Grandmother Vandergeest Bill 1947 1982 Husband, Father Vandewalle Gretchen Kintz 1940 Vandewalle Jerome M. 1939 1997 Vangalis Daniel V. 1957 1975 Son and Brother Varela Francisco R. 1880 1968 Varela Josephine R. 1881 1976 Vargas Maria 1900 1989 Vario Angelina 04/30/1918 01/04/1997 Mother Vario Gerardo 07/23/1908 02/16/1993 Father Varosy Anna G. 1911 Varosy Paul A. 1910 2002 Vasquez Armand Mary Louise 1910 2002 Vasquez Eva 1949 Vasquez Jose Louis 1943 1996 Vaughan Charles 1954 1975 Vavruska Peter 19209 34490 Son and Brother Vazquez Abraham Juarez 03/16/1933 07/27/2003 Vazquez Jose Francisco 1962 1996 Vda, de Jiminez Clotilde 1901 1992 Mother Vega Carlos, Jr. 6/30/1945 2/25/1989 Vega Gildardo 10/7/1942 3/22/2002 Vegiga Lauro Llena 1924 1986 MS1 US Navy, WWII, Vietnam Velarde Virginia R. 1888 1979 Mother Velci John G. 1900 1984 Velci Mary Langie 1913 Velky Anne M. 1916 1972 Wife and Mother Velky Stefan 1909 1984 Husband and Father Velletri Rocco 1886 1972 Husband and Father Velton Charles 1923 2002 Husband, GYSGT, US Marine Corps, WWII, Vietnam, Korea Velton Leeta R. 1930 Venegas Maria A. 1915 2003 Venegas Ramon 1913 1987 Ventura Catherine 1920 1999 Mother, Grandmother Venus Eleanor 1904 1974 Venus Raymond 1904 Vera Josephine 1916 1975 Wife and Mother Vera Nicolas V. 1923 1978 Father Verheyden Emil B. 1902 1967 Verheyden Marie L. 1907 1969 Vernon James C. 04/05/1930 08/16/1978 Vernon Maria A. 04/22/1933 10/26/1991 Vesco Elizabeth G. 1904 1992 Vesco Julius P. 1906 1987 Vestil Rosendo M. 3/1/1928 1/28/1989 Husband and Father Veta Michael Anthony Angelo 05/27/1954 09/21/1999 Husband, Father Vetromile Frances Mary 11/02/1915 09/28/1994 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Vetromile Gerard A. 04/19/1910 03/10/1991 Father, Grandfather, Capt US Army Air Corps WWII Vetromile Mamie 1888 1981 Wife, Mother Vetromile Mario 1874 1970 Husband, Father Vidrio Quirina 1892 1979 Viera Mark Anthony 2/3/1954 2/3/1981 A 1C US Airforce Viera Mark Anthony 02/03/1954 02/03/1981 A 1C US Air Force Viktor Alfred J. 1887 1989 Father Viktor Frances M. 1896 1976 Mother Vilcko Janina J. 02/21/1924 Vilcko John A. 02/02/1919 12/21/2004 Villalpando Pedro N. 1920 1978 Husband and Father Villapando Pedro N. 1920 1978 Husband and Father Villas Renee Emma 12/30/1906 10/27/1995 Villasenor Armando M. 11/10/1926 01/04/1993 Husband, Father Villegas Salvador 09/14/1920 02/11/2005 Tata, Husband, Father, and Grandfather Villoria Charles J. 05/29/1912 06/19/1996 Y3 US Navy World War II Villoria Elizabeth M. 07/08/1930 Vincent Catherine I. 1909 1968 Vincent James Raymond 1937 2000 Husband, Father, Grandfather Vincent Virginia Y. 11/7/1944 11/6/2003 Wife, Mother, Grandma Vincze Emery 1928 1981 Husband, Father Vine June L. 1929 1970 Wife and Mother Virgil Patty L. 1921 1996 Virgil Thomas M. 1915 1981 Visintin Christina 1902 1973 Wife Visintin Louis 7/1/1897 8/30/1980 PVT, US Army Viviano Peter L. 1922 1995 Husband, Father, Granfather, Papa, Married 4/4/1948 Viviano Sage Marie 8/17/1991 8/19/1991 Daughter of Dave and Melanie Vjekoslav Ante 1925 1989 Husband and Father Vlugt Harry F. 1928 2003 Father and Grandfather Voelckel Marguerite M. 05/14/2001 Voelkel Herbert 1904 1976 Grandfather Voelkel Johanna 1897 1976 Grandmother Volk A. Vincent 1924 1982 Husband Volk Rodney D. 1952 1999 Voller Donald J. 1931 Husband Voller Helen Savage 1934 1994 Wife and Mother Volpe Eduardo S. 08/28/1914 02/12/1998 WWII Von Harz James L. 1993 Von Harz Mary Jane 1995 Von Lohmann Euphrosine 1895 1983 Mother, Grandmother Von Lohmann Romauld 1934 1996 Son Voorhees Leahrae 1942 1977 Wife, Mother Wade Margaret T. 02/24/1924 10/06/1993 Y2 US Navy, WWII Wade Robert 10/31/1923 11/10/1991 Lt Col US Marine Corps WWII Korea Wagener Eileen 1921 2001 Wife Wagener Richard 1926 1999 Husband Wagner Dorothy Grosse 1901 1976 Wagner Glenn I. 1907 1994 Husband Wagner Jerome 1914 1980 Father Wagner Mary R. 1932 1980 Wagner Ruth 1917 1999 Mother Wakin Mary A. 1929 1991 Wife and Mother Waldron Charles D. 1903 1979 Waldron Viola J. 1910 1999 Waligora Lorraine C. 1922 1997 Wife and Mother Waligora Robert A. 1919 1986 Husband and Father Walker Donald H. 1922 Husband Walker Frank T. 1894 1980 Walker Miriam L. 1895 1987 Walker Nevaley W. 1925 1974 Wife Walker Peter James 1971 1974 Wall Alice L. 1915 Wall Bernice A. 1912 1971 Wall Robert E. 1909 1971 Wall Violet 1907 1967 Wall William T. 1912 1994 Wallace John J. 1904 1981 Father Walling Leon C. 06/25/1920 04/05/1996 SGT, US Army Air Corps, WWII Walsh Ann M. 1913 Mother Walsh Gene 1890 1972 Walsh Helen K. 1906 1989 Walsh James R. 1904 1979 Walsh Joseph E. 1905 1997 Walsh Julia Ann 1894 1987 Wife and Mother Walsh Kay 1912 2003 Mother Walsh Leslie E. 1912 1996 Father Walsh Mark J., Sr. 1913 2000 Father Walsh Merle James 1922 1995 Husband, Father Walsh Myrtle G. 1904 1978 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Walsh Renee 11/9/1926 6/10/2001 Wife, Mother of 13 children Walsh William 1901 1971 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Walsh Zillah 1894 1977 Walters Darlene A. 10/1/1954 3/7/1959 Walters M. Donald 1910 2002 Husband and Father Walters Mae W. 1885 1989 Walters Nelson P. 1887 1966 Walther John S. 1912 1999 Walther Pauline E. 1918 2004 Walthour Patricia J. 07/23/1936 10/11/2000 Daughter, Sister, Mother, Momma Wanninger Estelle 1903 1996 Mom Wanninger Rudolph 1904 1991 Pop Ward Adam Wade 04/03/1984 09/29/1984 Ward Alexander David 11/21/2000 11/21/2000 Ward Eric Michael 1909 1989 Father Ward George R. 1911 1995 Ward Kenneth L. 7/24/1972 9/30/1972 Ward Ketta Marie 1952 1978 Ward Lucille R. 1907 1992 Ward Marie D. 1927 Mother and Grandmother Ware David Curtis 10/30/1894 09/09/1977 PVT US Army WWI Ware M. Katherine 1894 1984 Wife and Mother Warner Bradley C. 1955 2001 Father, Son, Husband Warner Rosie H. 1956 Mother, Daughter, Wife Warren Robert P. 1915 1989 Watkins James D. 2/19/1916 6/15/1972 California, LT. COL. US Airforce, WWII, Korea, AFCM Watkins Marguerite A. 1906 2001 Wife Watkins Peter J. 1906 2001 Husband Watson Ofelia 1921 1989 Mother, Grandmother Watters Peggy J. 1922 1986 Nana, Wife, and Mother Watts Gertrude L. 1892 1991 Watts Nelson H. 1901 1978 Weaver Rae D. 1932 1990 Mother Weaver Richard P. 1931 1982 Father Weaver William J. 1935 1989 Husband, Father Web Dorothy M. 05/01/1931 07/09/1987 Wife and Mother Web James C. 08/01/1923 Husband and Father Webb Anne 1913 1990 Wife Webb John T. 1912 1993 Husband, Father Webb Kathi Elizabeth 1958 2003 Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother Webber Anna P. 1880 1971 Weber Angela S. 1907 1982 Weber Beatrice 1925 1987 Mother Weber Dolores B. 1913 1994 Wife and Mother Weber Haruko 04/03/1940 04/10/2005 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Weber James 10/28/1940 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Weber Joseph G. 1910 1992 Husband and Father Weber Pauline 08/06/1969 08/06/1969 Sister and Daughter Weber Rufus L. 1897 1988 Webster Kathleen Marie 9/30/1897 1/1/1976 Y1 US Navy WWI Weeks John W. 1901 1966 Husband, Father Weeks Marvin G., Sr. 9/27/1931 11/14/1997 GM2, US Navy, Korea Weeks Sophia F. 1902 1998 Wife, Mother Weems C. Gene 8/9/1927 11/13/1999 US Navy, WWII, Husband, Father, Papa Wegel Frank A. 1907 1995 Wegel Mary J. 1911 2002 Wehan Harold 1900 1990 Father Wehan May 1901 1989 Mother Wehrly Beverly J. 1925 1993 Mother Wehrly Harry A. 1919 2004 Father Wehrly Joseph Malachi 1915 1998 Married 7/3/1946 Wehrly Margaret Elizabeth 1926 Married 7/3/1946 Weiler Evelyn L. 1919 2000 Weir Harry 1981 Weir Margaret M. 2002 Weise Gertrude I. 1896 1971 Mother and Nana Weisgerber Lester 1908 1979 Father Weisgerber Lorena 1910 1987 Mother Weiss Patricia L. 9/7/1934 Nana, Wife, and Mother Weiss Ronald W. 2/17/1935 3/25/1997 Papa, Husband, and Father Weitzul Edward A. 1908 1973 Husband and Father Welch Bruce Edward 1939 1991 Husband, Father, Poppa Welch Custer Harold 6/25/1918 8/11/1995 Capt., US Army, WWII, Purple Heart Welch Grace A. 1899 1981 Mother Welch Mary Frances 1923 2000 Welch William L. 1929 1992 Son and Brother Welle Albinus E. 1893 1975 Father Welle Gertrude S. 1900 1995 Mother Wellington Evelyn 1913 2004 Wife and Mother Wells Bobbett C. 1936 Wells Elizabeth J. 10/06/1923 Wells Frances Helen 1906 1970 Wife, Mother Wells Frank D. 1898 1978 Husband, Father Wells Harold B. 02/08/1922 02/11/2005 Major Sargent US Marine Corps WWII Korea Wells Kelly B. 1939 1982 Welsh Anne R. 1909 1995 Wife and Mother Welsh Laurence V. 1906 1993 Husband Wentz John C. 07/13/1956 06/16/1989 Wentzel Anna Werlemann Philip C. "Bob" 1918 1990 Husband, Father Werner Marilyn Eimers 6/26/1923 2/16/1986 Werner Paul 1917 1984 Werner Roberta 1920 1996 Werner Thomas Nation 10/13/1923 8/12/1985 LT, US Navy Wert Irene L. 1896 1978 Westenberg Blanche D. 1897 1988 Westenberg William C. 1889 1984 SGT US Army Westenhaver John Leroy 1895 1982 Westenhaver Rosalie Bourgeois 1898 1982 Westerland Angeline 1915 Mother Westerland Edward 1914 2001 Father Weston Catherine E. 1944 2001 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Weston Dorothy R. 1903 1990 Aunt Weston Jack W. 1942 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Whalen Emmett Martin 10/07/1916 07/27/1996 Capt., US Army, WWII Whalen William 1905 1971 Wheeler Jerry Allen 1932 1995 Wheeless Rosalie M. 1909 1978 Mother Wheeless Virgil H. 1904 Father Whelan Adela C. 1908 1998 Whelan Desmond J. 1904 1981 Whelan Robert T. 1944 1976 US Army Whelan Timothy G. 1954 1985 Son and Brother Whiddon Josephine V. 1898 1983 Whitaker Patricia 1921 Wife Whitaker Stephen 1922 2004 Husband Whitbread George P. 09/05/1917 04/26/1983 SGT, US Army, WWII Whitbread Harriet M. 4/21/1917 12/10/1994 LT, US Army, WWII Whitcher Lindsay Anne 10/25/1989 02/15/1990 White Clarence E. 1896 1976 White George Arthur 1925 1986 S1 US Navy, WWII White James H. 1914 1975 Father and Grandfather White Marion B. 1899 1973 White Pamela L. 1959 1983 Daughter and Sister Whitmore Katherine M. 1909 1978 Sister Whitney Grover W. 2/25/1919 8/28/2001 TEC4, US Army, WWII Whittington Charlton W. 197? 1992 Son, Grandson Whitworth Grace 1914 2004 Wife, Mother, Grandma, Great-Grandma Whitworth Warren 1914 2003 Husband, Father, Grandpa, Great-Grandpa Widen Helene 1910 1993 Widman Erick L. 1892 1972 Husband Widman Frances A. 1892 1984 Wife Wiegand Agnes F. 1911 2003 Wiegand Frank A. 1905 1968 Wigro Nicholas S. 05/23/1923 04/17/1975 SGT Army Air Forces Wikenheiser Vickie 1955 1999 Wikenheiser Wayne 1954 Wilbert Marion 1916 1998 Mother and Grandmother Wilbert Michael J. 1986 1987 Wilczak Margaret 1920 1996 Mother Wilczak Stanley A. 1918 1995 Father Wild Judith T. Frederick 1940 1989 Wife, Mother, Daughter Wile Don E. 1942 Husband and Father Wile Virginia Anne 1938 1990 Wife and Mother Wilhelm Frank 9/2/1918 3/23/2001 Husband, Father Wilhelm Mary B. 9/22/19223 Wife, Mother Wilkerson Judy K. 1944 1997 Mother Wilks Alice 1916 Mother Wilks Bill 1912 1993 Father Will Daniel F. 1919 2000 Will Geraldine I. 1920 Wife and Mother Wille Germane Anthony 191 2001 Willett Doris Lee 1929 1996 Wife Willett Marion Joseph 1926 1987 Husband Willett Paul Anthony 1957 1992 Willhoff Cyril J. 1902 1986 Father Willhoff Louise M. 1911 1994 Mother Williams Katie Marie 07/14/1982 02/02/1985 Williams Mary K. 1923 2000 Williams Maureen Elizabeth 01/25/1968 01/25/1968 Williams Norman J. 1922 Williams Phillip Edwin 10/20/1983 10/21/1983 Willis Diane S. 1942 1997 Wife, Mother, Sister Willis Leola May 1921 1989 Wife and Mother Willis Ralph L. 1937 1999 SP4 US Army Wilson Catherine Ann "Catzo" 06/09/1970 08/20/1991 Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Niece, Cousin Wilson Lucy E. 1900 1982 Wilson Mark A. 1974 1992 Son, Brother Wilson Paul C. 1903 1985 Wilson Virginia P. 1895 1994 Wimsatt-Culver Cora Louise 1901 1990 Mother, Grandmother Winiarski Jean 1906 1988 Daughter Winkleman Merrill G. 5/8/1923 4/22/1967 California, CPL 460 Base Unit AAF, WWII Winkler Norval H. 12/2/1917 9/22/1990 Winter Kathryn Jane 1912 1995 Winter Winfield Scott 1908 1977 Winterbourne Daisy M. Yorba 1900 1979 Mother Winterbourne Frank L. 1897 1972 Father Winters George 1917 2001 Father of 7 Winters Marilyn 1922 1999 Mother of 7 Winton Courtlandt 1895 1968 Husband, Father Winton Joyce M. 04/07/1940 12/23/2003 Sister Winton Ruth M. 1902 1978 Wife, Mother Wise Andrew Taylor 10/16/1991 Witt Francis X., Jr. 09/08/1920 10/17/1997 Lt Col US Marine Corps WWII Korea Wittinberg William W. 1931 1996 Witting Justin Thomas 04/15/1982 02/24/2001 Wittmann Roxanne Phelan 1954 1988 Daughter Wlezien Maureen 3/9/1945 10/6/2004 Wodakski Bernard "Ben" 1911 1985 Dad Wodakski Theresa "T.D." 1912 1999 Mother Wolfe Joseph G. 3/17/1924 10/5/1994 TEC5, US Army, WWII Wolfe Louise M. 8/5/1926 Wolpin John Joseph "Jack" 05/19/1999 05/05/2002 Wolski Mariann A. 1931 2001 Nana, Sister, and Mother Wolski Norbert E. 1922 1969 FLT 0, 2002 Base Unit AAF, WWII Wolters Margaret G. 1900 1972 Wolters Raymond M. 1895 1974 Wong Alexander M, Jr. 9/7/1932 7/18/2004 Wood Grace Mary 1923 2004 Wife, Mother, Sister, Grandmother Wood Lloyd "Jack" 1923 1995 Husband, Father, Brother, Grandfather Wood Robert L. 8/16/1947 8/16/1969 Son, Brother Wood Timothy Simon 1962 1990 Woodall Jo Ann 1940 1997 Woodard Justin Thomas 1988 1989 Woods Almamary 1912 2003 Woods Katharine Therese 12/5/1974 12/3/2003 Granddaughter, Daughter, Sister, Aunt Woods Kilian C. 08/24/1973 08/24/1973 Woods Mary Galligan 1908 1992 Wife Woods Norman A. 1910 1995 Papa Woods Patrick J. 1909 1998 Husband Woods Wallace Ahlijan 1907 1974 Woog Llawayne G. 1921 1996 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Workman R.F. 1928 2001 Wray Orville L. 1913 1987 Husband, Father, Grandfather Wray Phyllis 1920 1991 Wife, Mother, Grandmother Wright Agnes L. 1905 1999 Wright Delia A. 1908 1992 Wife, Mother Wright Harold O. 1905 Husband, Father Wright James Edward 07/14/1929 03/20/2003 Wright James W. 1926 1974 Husband and Father Wright Joseph L. 1921 1994 Wright Mary E. 1921 1989 Wright Philo D. 1903 1986 Wright-Walrose Dorris R. 1922 Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Writer Agnes C. 1901 1988 Writer Carl A. 1892 1983 Wrobel Anthony 1888 1972 Born in Poland Wurster Fred E. 1934 1993 Husband, Father Wyatt Phyllis 1928 1973 Wyman Mary Alice 1890 1987 Wyman Samuel J. 1888 1969 Yamka Josephine A. 1937 2000 Wife and Mother Yamka Michael 1935 Husband and Father Yanez Mark K. 10/17/1958 4/19/1992 Yang Joseph Chek-Tsai 1907 1981 Husband and Father Yang Mei-Ying Cheung 12/05/1924 03/24/2001 Mother, Grandmother Yeutter Ernest, Jr. 5/13/1928 5/22/1997 Yeutter Maria K. Baumann 4/11/1933 5/26/1991 Yontz Gilbert John 1934 1970 Yorba Anthony R. 1967 1977 Son Yorba Bertha Wiley 1907 1992 Mother Yorba Paul N. 1904 1980 Father Yost Carol Ann 1940 1987 Yost Elayne D. 1916 2002 Mother and Grandmother Yost Louis "Duke" 1909 2000 Father and Grandfather Yost Ronald M. 1936 1992 Younce Eric Christian 8/15/1969 2/12/1988 Son and Brother Younce Marc Bradley 11/02/1966 05/06/1971 Young Douglas R. 11/14/1949 05/13/2000 Young Melissa 01/07/1997 01/07/1997 Young Pauline Catherine 09/01/1927 10/19/1998 Mother, Grandmother, Mother in Law Yoways Robert E. 02/14/1929 03/23/1997 Husband and Father Yoways Rose M. 09/18/1933 12/06/1993 Wife and Mother Yraceburn Bob 1938 1994 Brother, Husband, and Father Yraceburu Eusebio 1900 1988 Yraceburu Mary Jane 1902 1994 Yslas Adrianna R. 36670 36727 Daughter and Grandaughter Yslas Angel 10/2/1924 8/28/1998 S1 US Navy, WWII Yslas Josefa L. 1893 1976 Wife, Mother Yslas Lino G. 1893 1987 Father, Grandfather Yungblut Donald E. 1956 2002 Son, Brother, Husband, Father Yungblut Gary James 8/51/1958 4/16/1998 Husband, Father, Son and Brother Yurick Jeanne "Mom" 1923 2003 Wife, Mother Zaccaro Michael J. 10/15/1949 04/02/2004 Zakariya Polis A. 7/1/1927 7/4/2000 Husband, Father, and Grandfather Zamarripa Alicia 6/21/1957 36776 Zamora Joseph R. 1914 1999 Father Zamora Manuel 1892 1969 Husband and Father Zamora Mary M. 1918 Mother Zamora Teresa 1901 1996 Wife, Mother Zarate Maggie 1952 2003 Wife and Mother Zarvas Anna E. 07/16/1906 11/03/1995 Wife and Mother Zarvas Dorothy A. 03/29/1928 04/09/1995 Daughter Zebari Michael Doniel 02/26/1959 07/21/2002 Son, Brother Zeek Frank Earl 5457 29797 PVT, US Army Zegers Raymond V. 1906 1987 Zeleski George Edward 1921 Zeleski Margaret Lois 1922 1924 Zeller Joseph 1915 1999 Husband and Father Zeller Mary 1912 1999 Wife and Mother Zenor Dorothy A. 1913 1974 Wife Zenor Kermit D. 1919 1977 Husband Zerner Lia E. 1907 1987 Zerner Otto L. 1902 1983 Zervas Angelos K. 05/15/1900 05/30/1985 Husband and Father Zielinski Edward 1914 1987 SPL US Marine Corps WWII Zielinski Irene Praiss 1919 1979 Mother and Grandmother Zimmer Nettie Hofmann 1891 1972 Mother, Sister Ziolkowski Robert J. 1933 1977 US Navy Korea Zodda Nicholas 1905 1972 Husband and Father Zoha Maria Cacciato 10/30/1928 Zoha Stanley Steve 03/03/1928 10/25/1993 GM2, US Navy, WWII, Korea Zolock Anna Marie 05/30/1909 07/16/1988 Wife Zolock John Amason 6/3/1896 05/04/1972 Pennsylvania PVT HQ CO 145 Infantry, WWI Zubiate Isabella Cecilia 3/5/2000 3/8/2000 Zuhlke Balin B. 1911 1974 Zuhlke Fred A. 1903 1972 Zukowski Agnes M. 09/14/1916 Zukowski Alexander W. 09/18/1912 01/18/1998 Husband and Father Zunich Helen 1916 1992 Zunich Hershel 1915