St. Lewis Cemetery, Plumas County, CA Originally compiled by Ron Cooke ( Submitted by Beth Bullard-Watson 16 Oct 2003 Please contact Beth if you would like digitized photos of the cemetery, of any headstone, or both. This cemetery is located 5 miles northeast of LaPorte, on the west side of Table Rock Road. Earliest death year: 1857 Latest death year: 1933 ********************************************************************** These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ********************************************************************** Name Birth Death Markings/Notes Anderson, Addie Amelia 1872 1873 Brown, Mary J. 1853 1902 Carmichael, Alexander 1820 1894 Carmichael, Margaret 1829 1897 Conlan - 6 graves Catholic (No dates) Eveland, Jane C. 1836 1861 Fraler, Charles 1826 1871 Griswold, Amos 1826 1862 Hayes, Charles (No dates) Hayes, Eddie (No dates) Hayes, Johnnie (No dates) Hayes, Thomas (No dates) Jackson, Andrew 1830 1868 Jenkins, Abigail 1837 1857 Jenkins, Anna Pender 1857 1857 Jenkins, Thomasina 1832 1863 Jones, Evan J. 1829 1896 Jones, Henry 1863 1881 Jones, Jane 1868 1881 Jones, W. T. 1834 1880 McGrath, William 1838 1905 McKenzie, Susie 1862 1905 Mooney, Henry 1855 1933 Naumann, C. F. 1831 1860 Rees, Griffith D. G. 1828 1875 Stahl, W. W. 1871 1879 Weimer, Andrew 1838 1905