Searles Valley Cemetery Trona, San Bernardino County CA Located on Athol Street off of Trona Road Surveyed 1/6/2001 by Joyce May not be reproduced in any form without permission of author. LAST NAME FIRST NAME DOB DOD OTHER INFORMATION Aasgard Alvin C. Jr. 1926 1968 Loving Father and Son VFW BPOE Aasgard Alvin C. Sr. 3/10/1902 12/24/1980 Aasgard Kayla Leann 11/11/1988 6/22/1995 Forever In Our Hearts Aasgard Rose P. 7/8/1898 8/22/1999 Abbott Norman O. 1911 1981 Grandpa Adams Albert S. 1908 1967 Beloved Husband Aker Clarence 4/25/1913 5/10/1994 "Dutch" Beloved Husband and Father Old Pilots Never Die They Just Fly Away. VFW Aker Ruth Caroline 8/20 1912 5/20/1997 Beloved Wife Mother and Grandmother VFW Alexander Betty J. 3/20/1930 Beloved Wife Alexander Larry G. 1952 1974 Beloved Son and Brother Alexander Lynn G. 9/7/1925 5/31/1991 Beloved Husband Allen George Grady 1921 1969 Husband Father VFW Anders Leslie V. 1936 1969 In Memory of Our Son Mason Anders Marion I. 1889 1973 In Memory of Our Mother Anderson Stella 2/9/1902 7/30/1984 Anderson Veda Loree 1910 1996 Loving Mother and Grandmother Arkles Robert M. 7/30/1905 10/23/1972 BPOE Austill Dilbert T. 1902 1972 Austin Raymond N. 9/26/1937 5/30/1967 California FA US Navy Avila George Ernest 8/26/1919 2/17/1991 Beloved Husband Father and Brother Baker Dorothy June 1924 9/3/1994 Baldwin Valarie R. Barbato Angelo A. 7/4/1914 2/14/1992 Pfc US Army WWII VFW Barrett Helen Rana 12/6/1937 1/2/1984 Wife Mother Daughter Sister Grandma Barrett Rosemarie 1927 1971 Wife Mother Sister Batista Angel 8/2/1924 3/11/1984 Beaord Myrna Wilma 12/26/1902 2/13/1988 Begin Angela Leigh 7/30/1968 11/9/1995 Beil Herbert J. 1900 1965 Bell Noah Raymond 1/27/1914 7/26/1982 F1 US Navy WWII Billingsly George W. 8/20/1905 12/17/1992 Father Billingsly Robert A. 6/5/1944 5/4/1968 Bishop Eunice L. 1900 1974 Beloved Wife Mother Bishop Herbert Fairfax 11/16/1896 5/25/1979 Husband and Brother Matt: 7:7 Mason Bishop John O. 1891 1975 Beloved Father Bishop Virginia Burson 6/1/1891 6/19/1984 Beloved Wife Prov 31:10 Black John A. 8/5/1915 6/16/1999 "Long John" Black Margaret E. 1917 1977 VFW Boehler Emil 1899 1974 My Beloved Husband At Rest Boehler Frieda 3/30/1896 11/14/1987 Wife Borrego Cathy Jo 5/29/1981 11/1/1984 Beautiful Memories Bostrom Anna Marie 5/18/1914 5/20/1997 In Loving Memory Bostrom Bernard O. 4/29/1901 5/27/1993 Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII Bowkley Anna M. 1901 1969 In Loving Memory of Grandma Boykin Macky E. 10/11/1933 11/9/1995 US Navy Korea Bradshaw Leo P. 1935 1997 In Loving Memory Husband Father and Friend Branek James 1889 1974 Branek Ruth 1906 1974 Brangwin Stephen Sidney 11/19/1955 8/26/1997 In Loving Memory Our Beloved Son and Brother Brennan Michael C. 9/11/1888 2/14/1978 A Western Pioneer Breslin E.Loraine 1923 1968 Ladies Auxillary Briggs Harry E. 10/26/1889 7/11/1975 Pvt US Army WWI VFW Brill Don E. 9/21/1998 56y 7m 26d Brissaud Marcel 2/10/1915 10/4/1971 California T Sgt Army Air Forces WWII Brittain Mathew Neil 6/23/1974 6/23/1974 Brocco Edward Hubert 11/26/1923 7/29/1973 North Carolina Sgt US Marine Corps Korea Brooks Larry D. 10/22/1938 8/25/1987 FA US Navy Brooks Ruth L. 8/30/1913 11/6/1984 In Loving Memory Brooks W. W. Bill 10/16/1908 4/15/1986 In Loving Memory Brown Albert Leroy 11/30/1969 11/30/1969 Brown Kizzie C. 1902 1979 Our Mom Bruhn Max William 3/23/1893 1/4/1974 California Sgt Army Air Forces WWII Brummett Elsie 1900 1971 Mother Brummett Zach 1899 1967 Father Brunn Elris V. 1905 1977 Beloved Father Mason Brush Bernard George 2/2/1919 5/18/1997 Bryant Cyrus G. 6/21/1889 12/1/1968 Bryant Erney H. 1932 1979 Husband and Father Forever In Our Hearts Buff Deanna Sue 11/6/1959 12/2/1978 Beloved Daughter Burch Doyle E. 8/22/1919 3/17/1978 Tec5 US Army WWII Burgess Helen 8/28/1898 6/20/1970 Burgess Myrtle 1883 1988 Burgess William H. 1892 1965 Wife Helen Burnett Robert Leland 1950 1974 In Loving Memory of Husband and Daddy If Ever Two Were One Then Surely We Burns Norma Jean 7/12/1940 4/26/1993 Beloved Wife Mother and Friend Burns Timothy 1/29/1987 1/29/1987 Burrell Margaret E. 7/1/1916 2/10/1987 Burrell Thomas F. Jr. 9/17/1922 8/30/1970 Beloved Husband and Father Burton Clyde R. 1928 1989 Beloved Husband Son and Brother Burton Nell R. 1932 1986 Beloved Wife Byerley William Ross 7/18/1936 1/10/1985 Beloved Husband Bynum Perry A. Jr. 1/3/1922 8/7/1972 California Sgt US Army Air Forces WWII Calloway Walter 1906 1968 Campbell Mary G. 1895 1972 Loving Mother Campbell Noel 12/25/1968 Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Camus Edith Mathilda 10/10/1908 1/1/1983 Camus Rene Marcel 12/25/1898 10/20/1968 Carmichael Phyllis W. 4/17/1910 8/30/1971 VFW Ladies Auxillary Carter John Kenneth 1/22/1917 10/2/1986 Pvt US Army WWII Cassel Inez M. Wilson 12/3/1923 7/9/1990 Beloved Wife Mother Cassel Kenneth F. 1909 1970 Mason Cassel Mildred E. 1908 1999 Masonic Star Carl Brandy Michelle 3/2/1973 Our Darling The Angels Grew Lonely and Called Her To Play Cartmell Login Wade 5/30/1991 Safe In The Arms of Jesus Carrasco Jose A. 1906 1995 Husband Father Grandfather Carter Florence Lacher 8/2/1900 9/22/1992 In Loving Memory Cason Denny W. 10/12/1961 4/1998 Cast Ethel Frances 8/24/1910 3/21/1995 Chapell Wanda L. 1932 1975 Wife and Mother Greater Love Hath No Man Known Chastain Leanne Schulstad 1963 1992 Loving Wife Mother Daughter Sister In Loving Memory Cherry Granvil 12/30/1908 6/17/1991 Cherry Margaret Keegan 2/18/1916 5/8/1990 Hope All Things Endure All Things Our Love Lives Forever Chudy Merna Rose 7/18/1927 3/29/1985 Mother Grandmother Clair Garry M. 5/7/1928 2/1/1970 California Sgt US Army Korea Clair Ruby Lavell 2/13/1929 6/6/1997 Clark Ernest D. 1918 1982 BPOE Cleaves Phenelope 7/30/1965 7/30/1965 Cody Frank Paul 3/5/1893 12/27/1975 US Army Cole Marie K. 1906 1968 Cole Osco N. 12/1/1912 10/6/1995 Maj US Army WWII Collins Justin A. 1909 1971 Comer Raplh Fred 1911 1996 Beloved Husband and Father Cook Russell D. 5/27/1944 10/19/1996 BPOE Coppom John 7/9/1887 10/19/1974 Corbridge Genevieve E. 9/15/1914 7/6/1996 Corbridge George Cliff 4/15/1920 11/19/1994 US Army WWII Corbridge Wilda Jane 2/5/1913 10/8/1972 Beloved Wife and Mother VFW Cornelius Leonard C. 1895 1969 Dad Corrion Maurice A. 1919 1974 Beloved Husband and Father It Is In Dying That We Are Born To Eternal Life VFW Corrion Phyllis 1920 1976 Beloved Wife and Mother Our Creator Would Never Have Made Such Lovely Days or Have Given Us The Deep Hearts With Which To Enjoy T Cox Daniel Matthew 10/5/1971 7/27/1990 I Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Will Strengthen Me Phil 4:13 We All Love You Dan Cox Gorman Harold 10/4/1908 8/9/1980 "Smokey" Cragg Clarence M. 1930 Cragg Darleen 1934 1999 For All Eternity Married 6/19/1951 Crandall Harvey C. Sr. 1912 1994 Husband Father Grandfather Crandall Opal F. 1915 1993 Wife Mother Grandma Cronin Elizabeth 7/4/1891 1/8/1974 Beloved Wife Mother and Grandmother Cronin Joseph M. 7/29/1887 7/9/1972 Beloved Husband and Father Crowther Morley E. 1908 1968 Mason Curtin Lillian T. 1886 1975 Beloved Mother Davis Ardella 5/9/2000 57y 10m 1d "Blondie" Davis Barnie B. 5/23/1912 9/29/1969 Oklahoma Pvt Co C 3 Med BN WWII Dean Bruce Howard 11/29/1921 2/18/1976 SO2 US Navy WWII VFW Dean Maureen Sheila 1942 1968 Beloved Mother and Wife Her Memory Will Live In Our Hearts Unto Eternity Delaney William E. 1911 1968 Delevan Gertrude B. 1902 1975 Wife Mother Scholar and Lady Delevan H.C. 5/11/1898 12/13/1979 He Conceived The Consequences of His Actions and They Were Good Delgadillo Isaac Sr. 5/30/2000 89y 7m 20d DeMarcus Nyla S. 1891 1966 Mom Gram Loving Memory Denman Donald D. 1951 1971 "Judge" Beloved Husband and Father Denman Susie E. 1892 1983 Beloved Mother Grandma Denman Virginia D. 1921 1993 Beloved Wife Mother Dennison Richard W. 1955 1986 S Sgt US Marine Corps DeYoung Fred 1907 1984 In Loving Memory Husband Daddy DeYoung Louise 8/13/1915 7/13/2000 Beloved Wife and Mother DeYoung Pauline E. 1911 1998 In Loving Memory Wife Mother Grandmother and GG DeYoung Roy R. 11/26/1910 3/3/1996 Beloved Husband and Father Dilbeck Arley E. 1910 1972 In Loving Memory Father and Husband The Lord Is My Shepherd I Shall Not Want Dill George Stailey 5/1/1914 12/10/1968 California Pvt 825 Med Supply Co WWII Dill Lloyd Wade 4/15/1922 11/22/1989 Cpl US Army WWII Dillon James E. 1907 1979 Beloved Husband Father BPOE Dillon Louise E. 1910 1982 Mother DiRossa Richard J. 5/17/1922 6/5/1989 CS1 US Navy WWII Dixon Bradley Wayne 2/9/1964 5/10/1985 Beloved Son Brother Dixon Carlos V. 1927 1999 US Army Loving Husband and Father VFW Doulglas Gladys L. 1913 1991 In Loving Memory Masonic Star Dove Westley H. 1/8/1915 1/15/1996 "Old Dover" US Army WWII Downey Gary 1975 1992 In Loving Memory Son Downey Kenneth R. 9/26/1913 3/18/1989 Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather Draeger Walter W. 11/17/1900 8/31/1971 Love Mom and Bubi Draper Earlie J. 1895 1966 Beloved Mother Dubbs Eugene 1/10/1913 7/21/1970 California CM2 US Navy WWII Duff Dorothy C. 12/16/1910 10/24/1977 Duffel Joanne Carol 1/8/2000 62y 5 m 24d Duffel Ozie J. 1913 1985 S1 US Navy WWII Duffel Sarah Margaret 8/5/1916 7/31/1995 Beloved Wife Mother and Granny Dufloth Arthur E. 1908 1987 Beloved Husband and Father Dufloth Viola I. 1915 1997 Beloved Wife and Mother Dunn Phoebe Juanita 5/13/1928 Dunn Wilbur Glen 6/1/1925 3/8/1994 Love To All Dupre Camillia 1908 1977 Dyer Anthony William 5/29/1977 5/29/1977 Dyer Bill Lane 6/1/1929 2/13/1986 US Army Korea Dyer Margaret E. 3/7/1939 3/25/1968 Beloved Wife & Mother Loving Memories Never Die As Years Roll On & Days Pass By I Am The Way The Truth and The Light Eastman Harvey S. 1907 1999 Eastman Mary E. 1917 1995 Edwards Alma M. 1908 1974 Wife and Mother Ladies Auxillary Edwards Chester M. 1907 1978 Husband and Father BPOE Einer Herman C. 1872 1964 Eiselt Robert Paul 1925 1979 Beloved Husband and Father Elledge Catherine M. 11/20/1915 6/7/1996 Beloved Mother Elledge Lawrence W. 12/27/1912 1/25/1993 US Navy Engelkes Baby 1967 1967 England Ida J. 1901 1984 England Oron Lawrence 1904 1980 US Navy WWII English A. Garth 1940 1976 English Barbara L. 1913 1989 English Marie M. 1913 Evans David James 5/20/2000 20y 3m 21d Evans Joseph Henry 3/27/1912 7/11/1984 S2 US Navy WWII Eyre Raymond Alan 3/27/1928 6/21/1991 Pfc US Army Korea Beloved Husband Father Derby England - Trona CA Farquhar June 1910 1971 Beloved Wife and Mother VFW Farquhar Marshal C. 10/13/1910 6/26/1987 Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather Farquhar Nicole S. 9/27/1975 12/26/1977 Findley Alfred O. 8/13/1930 8/5/1988 US Army Korea Findley Allen Bruce 6/23/1957 4/24/1975 Finke George Dean 1907 1984 Folsom Edwin Connard 11/20/1905 1/24/1967 California Pfc Co C 119 Inf WWII BSM Foote Ivan Wilbur 1921 1980 Sgt US Army WWII Ford Cully Dee 8/31/1935 1/27/1990 Husband and Dad Amo Amas Amamus Ford Elsie L. 1914 1966 Ford Emanuel O. 1906 1969 Beloved Father and Husband Ford Fredrick 1911 1967 Mason Ford Stella C. 1919 1977 Wife Mother and Friend Ladies Auxillary Ford Virgil 10/28/1903 4/3/1968 Pfc 995 Guard SQ AAF WWII Foreman Karen J. 1958 1988 Wife and Mother Foster Artemus 1902 1967 In Memory of Uncle Puss Mason Foster Donnie R. 10/28/1945 4/30/1976 Franklin Bernice C. 1906 2000 Franklin Clair E. 1910 1988 Freeman Charles Lester 3/10/1916 7/9/1976 Freeman Johnnie Emery 8/9/1946 9/23/1994 US Navy French Helen Ruth 1910 1978 Beloved Wife Mother Granny French John Crawford 1908 1969 Beloved Husband Father Fuller Dale Dean 6/11/1930 10/21/1990 Blessed Are The Pure In Heart Fuller Richard C. 8/6/1940 9/5/1995 Loving Father and Papa Funke Marie Clayton 7/15/1911 6/30/1978 T Sgt US Army WWII Gainor Jeremiah F. 8/8/1891 8/22/1971 Indiana CFR 1 CL 882 AERO Repair SQ WWI Gainor Lillian D. 9/1904 5/1976 Beloved Wife and Sister Ganoe Clyde E. Sr. 10/12/1922 4/7/1997 Beloved Husband and Father VFW Gansey Lawrence Irving 3/20/1924 4/18/1988 Pfc US Army WWII VFW Garcia Christine M. 1951 1975 Beloved Daughter and Sister Garcia Louie J. 1944 1969 Beloved Son and Brother Thy Lord Is My Shepherd Garcia Modesto 1909 1965 "Mo" You Are Forever In Our Hearts Garcia Toribia 1913 1998 "Tori" Garner Elva King 5/18/1916 1/13/1990 Beloved Wife Mother Garner Matilda Alice 10/18/1908 9/29/1976 1st Lt Army Nurse Corps WWII Garrett Betty Jean 3/31/1930 6/11/1999 In Loving Memory Wife Mom and Grandma Garrison Carl H. 1935 1995 US Marine Corps Korea Gaska Brunic E. 1910 1975 Father At Rest Gates Mary D. 1881 1979 Gattis Amy 1948 1990 Our Beloved George Walter 3/18/1902 5/19/1968 Geraci Joseph 1/5/1904 11/30/1979 "Wheelbarrow Joe" Glenn Lillian F. 6/10/1915 11/1/1994 Wife and Mother Gonzales Gilbert 9/5/1935 5/5/1997 US Navy The Loving Husband Father and Grandpa Gonzales Theodore 10/16/1913 11/8/1980 Pfc US Army WWII Goodart Jennie Octavia Ogle 10/25/1901 12/13/1976 Beloved Mother Goodart Lonnie Ray 3/27/1905 12/11/1975 Beloved Dad Gooding Dorothy M. 1916 1964 Gorge James Wallace Sr. 6/18/1945 5/5/1981 Pvt US Army Vietnam Goss Huston 1893 1973 "Gus" Goss Mable G. 1893 1983 Gotlitz Robert Saul 1921 1980 Cpl US Army WWII Beloved Husband Father and Grandpa Grandjean Jules A. 1910 1979 Beloved Husband and Father Grandjean Patricia Roberta Grandjean Tillie B. 1922 1973 Beloved Wife and Mother Grau Elizabeth C. 2/12/1906 10/24/1994 Mom Married 9/21/1929 Grau S. George 2/23/1907 10/11/1997 Dad Married 9/21/1929 Gray Philomena C. 1924 1971 Loving Wife Green Diane Dee Cassel 1936 1983 Green Dorothy Maxine 4/21/1906 4/29/1972 Ladies Auxillary Green Samuel R. Sr. 1/15/1906 9/8/1971 California MM1 US Navy WWII Gritsch Josef 1884 1970 "Jo" Innsbruck - Trona Gross Mitchell A. 1/2/1913 12/3/1988 Mason Guerrero Barbara M. 1937 1966 Beloved Wife Daughter Sister At Rest Gunn Gary Michael 1/27/1993 Our Sleeping Angel Gustin Charles J. 5/9/1909 4/12/1985 Gustin Myrl M. 3/26/1910 3/11/1992 (spelled Guistin on marker) Haley Cecil William 5/1/1923 4/21/1996 Husband Dad and Pa Mason Hall Carl Tyre 1901 1965 Father Hall Floyd F. 4/4/1894 1/23/1974 US Navy Hall Nora M. Mother Halstead Hope 11/26/1912 9/30/1998 Masonic Star Haldstead James V. 7/4/1907 4/17/1983 Mason Hamilton Eleanor 2/27/1913 8/10/1989 In Memory Of Hamilton George C. 4/21/1917 10/20/1984 Pfc US Army WWII Hanks Clarene Jr. 9/4/1960 8/4/1974 Beloved Son Hanson Clifford 1911 1966 "Spunky" Hanson John Oscar 1913 1974 Hara Phillip L. 8/10/1967 4/1/1993 Pfc US Army Son Brother Nephew Cousin Friend Gone From Our Sight But Never Our Memories Gone From Our Touch But Never Our Hearts Hardison Donald Edward 9/25/1950 12/3/1993 Hardison Larry Brother Hardison Matilda Rose 1911 1977 Beloved Wife Mother Her Children Arise Up and Call Her Blessed Prov 31:28 Hardison Walter L. "Butch" In Loving Memory We Never Lose The Ones We Love For Even Though They're Gone Within The Hearts of Those Who Care Their M Hardison William Vernon 1910 1971 Beloved Husband Father He Walked With God and He Is With God Hardwick Danny Lee 1958 1995 In Loving Memory Our Beloved Brother and Dad Harinek Frances A. 2/17/1921 11/20/1971 Beloved Wife and Mother Harinek Helen E. 12/23/1920 2/22/1988 Beloved Mother Harris Nancy Barrett 3/22/1959 12/5/1980 Wife Daughter Sister Harvey Gale Dokken 9/22/1930 4/25/1995 Beloved Husband Father and Grumps Old Pilots Never Die They Just Fly Away Mason Harvey Mabel C. 1896 1985 In Memory of Our Nonie Harvey Robert C. 1894 1969 In Memory of Our Papa Henderson Allen Dale 8/6/1911 2/2/1987 He Gave Us Life Love Laughter and Beautiful Memories Mason Henderson Ethel F. 6/12/1915 12/10/1999 She Gave Us Life Love Happiness and One Another Ladies Auxillary Henderson Ralph A. 1913 1975 Beloved Husband and Father Henderson Ruby V. 1915 2000 Beloved Wife and Mother Henry Juantia R. 1932 1965 Beloved Nita Heseman Elsie I. 1899 1983 Heseman Henry J. 1900 1978 Hess George H. 1913 1979 Father and Poppa Mason Hess Mildred M. 1916 1979 Wife Mother and Grammy Masonic Star Hevener Ralph Nixson 9/16/1911 1/20/1992 BornWilmot SD Hicks Gladys Annette 9/18/1997 52y 9m 4d Higley Ann 1911 1964 Beloved Wife Mother Hill Avis L. 1935 1991 In Loving Memory Rest In Peace Hill Euvalva C. 12/24/1914 12/14/1980 Beloved Husband and Father Hill James Curtis 2/17/1921 3/26/1984 Sgt US Army WWII Hill Michael Joel 3/24/1948 10/13/1970 In Loving Memory of Our Mike Hobby Alvin K Jr. 9/4/1952 7/24/2000 Beloved Father and Son Hobby Tessie J. 1934 1982 Rest In Peace Mother Hodge Heide 5/3/1966 10/20/1976 Rest In Peace Hodges Cecil Henry 6/27/1950 10/9/1977 Holliman Joseph Lee 1902 1965 Husband Father Hood Loren I. 9/18/1911 2/4/1969 Beloved Husband and Father Hopkins Edna 6/23/1926 2/3/1974 Horne Clarence 2/23/1910 10/8/1993 A Good Man Husband Father Grandfather Horne Lorraine Mae 8/14/2000 80y 5m 24d Howell Lloyd E. 3/6/1911 7/5/1987 VFW Howser Donald M. 12/3/1917 12/11/1984 Beloved Husband BPOE Howser Mary Louise 1/7/1910 4/5/1986 Beloved Wife Huckaby Amos E. 7/4/1899 11/18/1971 GM1 US Navy WWI Humrighouse Dorothy 1903 1983 "Dody" Beloved Mother Hunt Albert L. 1915 1998 Hunt Gary Lester 1949 1972 Loving Son and Brother Hunt Mary C. 1913 1993 Inglett Madeline Devee 1914 1973 Wonderful Wife and Mother Inscore Lorene 1926 Loving Wife Mother Sister Grandmother Inscore Robert C. 9/25/1925 8/7/1999 AMM3 US Navy WWII American Patriot Loving Husband Father Brother Grandfather Irwin James 6/16/1893 3/4/1957 Irwin Josephine Mable 12/4/1912 4/12/1970 "Jerry" Isley Malcolm 9/16/1913 11/1/1992 Jackson Burl Black 6/26/1893 6/12/1968 Jackson Dorothy Marie 2/4/1911 10/27/1978 Jackson Louie E. 5/17/1921 11/23/1997 US Army WWII Beloved Husband and Father Buddy VFW James Frank S. 8/1/1910 9/17/1986 Jamison Helen Louise 5/24/1920 9/29/1989 US Marine Corps WWII Jensen Foster L. 4/24/1917 2/19/1990 MM2 US Navy WWII Johnson Boy 10/16/1969 10/16/1969 Johnson Dorothy May 3/22/2000 83y 2m 21d SSgt US Army WWII At Peace Johnson Ellen N. 1881 1975 Johnson Harold W. 10/16/1928 12/15/1968 North Dakota ABH1 US Navy WWII Korea BSM Johnson Hope Reed 6/1/1905 10/7/1993 Johnson Howard Franklin 5/14/1915 11/12/1990 Johnson Ingeno M. 2/16/1975 11/6/1993 Johnson Jack C. 1874 1942 Johnson Lisa Dawn 7/31/1963 10/18/1984 Beautiful Memories Johnson Michelle Lee 1/5/1973 3/4/1974 In Memory of My Sweet Little Girl and Our Sister Johnson Pamela 1959 1984 For Every Joy That Passes Something Beautiful Remains Johnson Steven H. 8/1/1947 3/7/1969 Sgt Co A 34th Armor 25th Inf Div Killed Vietnam BSN-PH-ACM Beloved Son and Brother Johnston John Ward 4/3/1903 9/21/1972 California CM2 US Navy WWII Jolly William 5/27/1960 12/25/1983 "Jeff" Beloved Son and Brother Jones Betty Ann 1963 1979 Our Beloved Daughter and Sister God Decided He Needed You and The Angel He Has Will Surely Make The Heavens Sing Jones Clifford C. 5/19/2000 86y 6m 19d Jones Glyn M. 1930 1996 Wife and Daughter Jones Kenneth B. 1929 1997 Husband and Brother Jones Lillian H. 5/22/1915 10/19/1997 AM2 US Navy WWII VFW Jones Mildred V. 2/18/1917 11/26/1989 Our Mom Granny Sister Aunt Jones Nixon Paul 3/20/1920 2/17/1993 T Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII Jones Rose S. 12/14/1996 83y 2 m 7d Jones Willie Vassar 7/5/1909 3/7/1984 Wife Mother Grandmother Great Grandmother Mom To All Keeling Alfred H. Jr. 2/10/1916 8/31/1987 Beloved Husband Dad and Grandpa Keeling Kenneth A. 8/13/1929 1/8/1994 Husband Keeling Larry D. 7/20/1948 6/9/1969 California Cpl Co B 1 TKBN USMC Vietman PH Keller Irene A. 1903 1981 Wife and Mother Keller Martin L. 1898 1971 Husband and Father Kelly Mattie E. 1908 1996 Beloved Wife Kelly Thomas E. 1910 Beloved Husband Kendall Betty Louise 1935 2000 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother The Gardner Gathers His Fairest Flowers Until We Meet Again Kendall Howard Wayne 1932 1981 Beloved Husband Father Grandfather At Peace In The Garden Keroher Grace Cable 2/8/1901 3/22/1990 Keroher Raymond P. Jr. 7/17/1923 2/17/1990 Keys Helen Ruth 1899 1985 In Loving Memory of a Wonderful Wife Keys Martha S. 1883 1973 Beloved Wife and Mother Kilgore James Larry 6/9/1930 4/29/1996 King Elsa Alice 12/19/1965 King Mrs Weilah 10/28/1916 5/5/1968 My Beloved Wife Kinzler Elizabeth 1886 1975 "Nan Nan" Ps 116:15 Kirk Edward Woran 1906 1975 Kissell Carroll A. 8/7/1916 8/5/1970 California Tec5 829 AMPH TRUCK Co WWII Kissell Effie Elaine 10/26/1916 8/7/1981 Beloved Wife and Mother You're With Us Big EF Knight Malcolm S. 4/3/1910 5/6/1972 California Tec5 US Army WWII Kozachenko Andrew 1/8/1908 1/5/1987 Tec5 US Army Northern and Southern France Kramer Clarence A. 6/20/1915 9/30/1971 2nd Lt US Army Kramer Donna L. 8/26/1946 1/15/1972 Beloved Wife Mother Kreider John W. 8/7/1917 7/29/1969 California F1 USNR WWII VFW Kreider Violet L. 10/1/1921 8/10/1992 VFW Lakes Charles E. 1/28/1918 9/8/1989 Cpl US Army WWII Lamport Edith G. 1911 1993 Lamport Joseph E. 1906 1981 Landeck Ricky 8/1/1967 10/31/1983 Beloved Son Brother & Uncle One Heart of Gold Stopped Beating Your Beautiful Eyes Closed In Rest God Broke Our Hearts To Prove He Landers Leonard S. 4/27/1928 6/29/1981 Pfc US Army WWII Lane Delbert James 7/8/1917 12/22/1995 Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather Together Again Lane Glenton L. Jr. 9/24/1918 1/28/1994 "Hap" Going Home Lane Pearl Irene 9/19/1917 7/25/1990 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother Together Again It Has Been Said She Is Now Where The Angels Tread Lang Anna A. 6/7/1894 1/4/1997 Mother Lang Theodore Frank 1/14/1899 7/29/1970 Illinois QM1 US Navy WWII Larson Frank W. 5/24/1892 5/27/1972 Illinois Pvt US Army WWI Larson Grace D. 1898 1970 Beloved Wife Mother Leasure Charles Donald 7/22/1918 6/5/1989 S Sgt US Army WWII Leasure Katherine E. 1914 1992 "Kitty" Loving Mother and Grandmother Ledesma Gabriel B. 3/25/1900 9/14/1986 We Love You Buelo Beloved Husband Father Grandfather Ledesma Krista Michelle 7/10/1987 7/29/1987 Our Little Angel Leete Frederick W. 1889 1970 Mason Leete Ruth W. 1892 1975 Masonic Star Leick Bernard M. 1914 1985 US Marine Corps WWII In Loving Memory Leick Vivian Eleanor 11/14/1922 4/19/1986 Lewis Debi Lynne 1964 1964 Love Mommie and Daddy Lewis Herbert C. 1903 1969 Lieberman Gail F. 12/9/1940 10/17/1977 In Loving Memory Mommy and Daughter Lissman Elon 1/24/1887 3/26/1981 Loftis Luther Ben Jr. 2/4/1932 7/2/1999 Cpl US Army Korea Beloved Husband Father and GrandfatherLong Long Donald R. 11/10/1910 7/30/1990 Long Judy L. 1944 1992 Loving Mother Longhofer Billie 1930 1982 Wife Mother Sister Lopez Carmen N. 1919 1992 Beloved Wife Mother Lopez Evangeline 2/3/1913 10/16/1987 "Nina" In Loving Memory Lopez Jose 8/23/1934 11/15/1990 SN US Navy Korea Lopez Joseph Paul 5/4/2000 22y 7m 1d Lowery Charles Arthur 1/1968 2/1968 Our Little Angel Forever In Our Hearts Lozoya Belen H. 1875 1979 Mama y Abuelita Luke Vernon F. 1915 1979 CM2 US Navy WWII Lundin Richard 6/23/1920 3/27/1971 New Jersey SM Sgt US Air Force WWII Korea Vietnam BSM Lundin Shirley A. 3/20/1921 9/15/1988 Beloved Wife Mother Grandma VFW Mabbutt Jack 1900 1982 In Loving Memory Mabbutt Rose 1902 1968 In Loving Memory Macahado Bernice Patricia 8/17/1922 3/22/1991 In Loving Memory Mother MacDonald George Malcolm 1912 1995 Maclean Hazel M. 1/22/2000 82y 4m 28d Magby Robert B. 1922 1993 In Loving Memory Husband Father Grandfather Manwell W. Monte 6/18/1905 7/9/1970 Gone To His Gold Mine In The Sky Margie Joseph L. 7/4/1917 1/19/1971 Martin Larry W. 8/30/1939 I Know Thou Art Gone To The Home of Thy Rest Married 38 years Martin Lester E. 2/11/1918 12/5/1989 RDM3 US Navy WWII Martin Linda K. 4/12/1942 12/18/1996 I Know Thou Art Gone To The Home of Thy Rest Married 38 years Martinez Juan 1913 1989 Martinez Richard Donald 1939 1988 Martinez Ruth S. 5/17/1920 6/1/1997 Grandma Matajzik Marjorie 9/29/1896 2/15/1972 Wife Mother Rest In Peace Matajzik Peter 9/17/1907 12/9/1984 Father and Grandfather Rest In Peace Matheny Harold James 4/14/1912 1/3/1981 AME1 US Navy Korea Mathews James V. 4/30/1896 10/7/1971 Maybo Frank 8/24/1916 5/2/1967 New York Pvt 1849 Service Unit WWII McCall John B. 10/3/1903 5/9/1979 CCM US Navy WWII McCall Leona Ann 8/16/1907 5/26/1979 McCallum Leo B. 1918 1977 Husband Dad Papa McCarley Olen M. 1/2/1903 1/15/1972 Beloved Father McCarley Yvonne 8/29/1909 3/15/1979 Beloved Mother McCauley Christina Ann 9/30/1970 McCullar Fred Winson 12/14/1999 91y 3m 29d McCullar Lola Belle 8/28/1997 77y 5m 25d McCullar Thurman Phane 5/28/1909 1/30/1979 Beloved Husband Dad and Grandpa McCurdy Alma Lavone 6/17/1982 8/23/1982 God Bless Our Baby McDonald Esther L. 6/25/1907 1/28/1987 Beloved Wife and Mother McDonald Raymond Leon 5/30/1911 7/4/1987 Pvt US Army McGinn James E. 1868 1966 After Darkness Eternal Light McGrath James A. 3/15/1925 3/20/1998 Alias Paul L. Morris Good Friend and Pal Last Round-up McGuire Timothy M. 3/12/1965 1/7/1986 Beloved Son Brother Half Brother Grandson Uncle Nephew Cousin Godson Friend Babysitter Tim Loved Everyone Life has Come Full Circ McKinley N. Mae 1915 McKinley W. Wallace 1911 1999 McKinney Ruth Emeline 1918 1994 Wife McKinney W. C. 1919 1986 Husband McLaughlin Leo 7/8/1906 1/25/1977 McMillen David Bruce 8/3/1949 4/10/1988 Whatever Appears To Be An End May Really Be a Beginning McNabola Margaret Ann 1900 1974 Beloved Wife and Mother McNabola William F. 1899 1978 Beloved Husband and Father McNamara Hilda 9/27/1918 8/7/1983 Medina Alicia Que en Paz Descanse Mi Querida Esposa Felicio Ala Edad de 71 Anos Dejando a Sus Seres Queridos Esposo Hijos Nacida en San Fransisq Meldahl Barney (child's grave) Mendahl Harry N. 8/19/1924 12/1/1982 Beloved Husband Dad and Grandpa "Hot Hand" A Friend To All Forever In Our Hearts Merritt Curtis R. 11/28/1953 11/29/1994 Beloved Husband Father Cor 13:13 Miller Edith 3/6/1917 10/14/1988 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother Mitchel Danny John 11/15/1998 48y 3 m 14d Monroe Eileen D. 1919 1974 In Loving Memory Monroe William Lee My Beloved Husband Rest In Peace Montoya Arlene Rodriguez 2/12/1935 2/1/1995 Think of Her As Living In The Hearts of Those She Touched For Nothing Loved Is Ever Lost and She Was Loved So Much Moon Robert L. 12/4/1930 5/10/2000 Mooney Bessie A. 1891 1984 Beloved Mother and Grandmother Moore Alice 1896 7/23/1967 Morris Newt A. 1918 1994 Sgt US Army US Marine Corps WWII Korea Mosby Allen Lee 1/3/1948 12/27/1980 US Army Mosby Warren E. 1915 1997 Husband Father and Grandfather Forever In Our Hearts Moses Ruby E. 6/9/1935 11/9/1979 Beloved Wife and Mother Masonic Star Moses Warren C. 2/11/1921 5/6/1994 US Navy WWII Mueller Fred 1886 1970 Murchison Warren J. 1946 1976 In Loving Memory Thanks For The Sunshine Nelson Edward O. 1912 1980 Nelson Grant Adolph 8/18/2000 91y 2m 18d Nelson Richard O. 1941 1981 Newbury Alma A. 9/20/1942 8/26/1985 In Loving Memory of Beautiful Memories Newbury Chuck M. 6/14/1938 10/20/1990 Our Dad and Friend To Many BPOE Newman Grady Dale 11/26/1920 11/30/1986 BT3 US Navy China Service VFW Niemeyer Winifred 1898 1990 "Tootsy" Our Mother North Judy Nelson 8/29/1943 11/26/1981 Daughter Sister Mother Forever In Our Hearts North Oscar D. 1/8/1975 5/27/2000 Norwood Eleanore Jean 6/10/1909 9/23/1999 Pfc US Army Air Forces WWII Beloved Wife and Mother Norwood Philip Madison 7/21/1905 9/13/1980 Tec3 US Army WWII Nungester Kimberly R. 1969 1969 Nunn Charles C. 1881 1969 O'Connor James J. 1913 1984 Dad Ordaz John 1969 1988 Young Forever You Have Not Died You'll Always Live With Us Rest In Peace Ordaz Andres 1957 1989 "Andy" Father Uncle Rest In Peace Oroszco Jose Hilario Sarinana 1905 1965 Father Orosczo Sophia La Fuente Sarinana 6/2/1909 6/29/1991 In Loving Memory Beloved Mother Grandmother and Great Grandmother Orr Donald H. 7/28/1912 2/17/1986 Beloved Husband Dad Grandpa Gone Fishing Orr Dorothy Lucille 3/30/2000 81y 1m 5d Osborn Donald L. 1930 1965 In Loving Memory After Darkness Eternal Light Oswald Leonard G. 6/28/1914 10/12/1982 Ossie In Loving Memory Owens Mark Edgar 1952 1975 Our Beloved Son Brother (Peace Symbol) Paine Mary E. 11/30/1900 9/25/1993 Beloved Mother Granny Granmama Palacios Cora P. 5/28/1917 11/8/1994 Beloved Mother and Grandmother Palacios Joe R. 12/14/1916 10/15/1989 Beloved Father and Grandfather Pappe Henry W. 1892 1966 Parks Daniel Eugene 5/30/1983 9/6/1995 Parks Melissa Ann 6/22/1979 9/6/1995 Parlet Linda Wheeler 10/22/1944 4/2/1995 Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet Ps 119:105 Parlet Lois F. 12/14/1922 9/17/1997 Loving Wife and Mother Parlet Orvil L. 3/25/1924 6/17/1996 Cpl US Army WWII Partlow Lawrence E. 1912 1972 Husband Father Patrick Thomas M. 11/5/1992 5/28/1993 Loving Son and Grandson Pawlak Jerome B. 10/16/1925 1/28/1972 Pennsylvania Tec5 773 AMPH TRAC BN WWII Pawlak Joan Blythe 8/19/1929 1/24/1982 In Loving Memory Beloved Mother Payne Jay A. 4/29/1920 3/9/1991 S Sgt US Army WWII Payton Mabel M. 1908 1995 In Loving Memory Payton Ted R. 1904 1986 In Loving Memory Peterson Carma 1914 1990 For All Eternity 7/1/1933 (marriage date) Peterson Dick Lee 11/30/1925 11/12/1993 US Navy WWII Peterson Donald H. 1/25/1936 9/20/1973 In Loving Memory After Darkness Eternal Light Petereson Geraldine M. 10/29/1928 9/16/1972 Blessed Are The Pure In Heart For They Shall See God Peterson Lavon H. 1912 1969 For All Eternity 7/1/1933 (marriage date) Petritz John Frank 3/29/1925 1/5/1999 US Navy WWII Picon Manuel Sr. 10/26/1905 9/6/1991 In Loving Memory Husband Father Pillott John 1901 1996 "Desert Rat" In Loving Memory Pillott Stephanie Ann 2/27/1909 3/27/1993 "Grandma" In Loving Memory Jehovah Is My Crag and My Stronghold. Ps 18:2 Pinnell Dorothy A. 1938 1994 Mother In My Father's House Are Many Mansions Pinnell Patrick Henry 1/10/1998 19y 7m 13d Pinnell Sam J. 1935 1994 Dad In My Father's House Are Many Mansions Pitman Larry R. 9/25/1943 2/1/1979 In Loving Memory Husband Father Son Winner and Champion Pounds Lorraine Audrey Wilcox 7/8/1938 4/23/1994 Powers Ila Fay 3/2/1932 6/22/1977 Loved More Than She Ever Knew Powers Leroy 11/14/1926 10/8/1991 In Loving Memory of My Beloved Husband and Friend Powers Ruth L. 1906 1991 Beloved Wife Mother and Grandmother Powers Sidney 8/26/1895 11/4/1986 Beloved Husband and Father Grandfather Pratt Jane W. 4/1881 9/1973 Preston Christine B. 1885 1974 Mother and Grandmother Proma John Joseph 1902 1968 Prossor Jessie Frank 9/3/1970 12/31/1970 Quezada Arthur 1944 1968 1st Lt Beloved Son Brother Uncle Quezada Eduardo S. 1887 1972 Querido Papa Abuelito Quezada Eloisa B. 1895 1965 Querida Esposa-Madre Quezada Lydia 1949 1967 Beloved Daughter Sister Raibourn Everett H. 7/29/1903 6/21/1974 Tec5 US Army Raines Audree Hellena 10/22/1909 10/3/1983 Raines Ernest 4/10/1915 5/17/1998 "Ernie" In Fond Memory Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather. Blessed Are The Pure In Heart Ramos Zaley Nichole 8/2/1999 Rana Max R. 7/29/1936 1/4/1968 Beloved Husband and Father Raper Christopher Lee 6/13/1982 1/15/1991 Our Little Angel Raymond Mable Z. 7/25/1895 8/12/1981 Raymond Ned E. 8/20/1898 1/29/1974 Rector Etta M. 1910 1996 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother and Special Lady Rector Richard L. 1955 1974 Beloved Son and Brother The Lord Is My Shepherd and I Will Dwell In The House of The Lord Forever Rector Russell R. 1901 1984 Beloved Husband Father Grandfather Rector Russel Robert II 1958 1981 Beloved Son and Brother Those Who Bring Sunshine To The Lives of Others Cannot Keep It From Themselves Reece James S. 1938 1996 Loving Son Brother Father Reed Margaret L. 8/23/1923 2/19/1986 Reed Thomas Lee Jr. 3/10/1917 8/25/1985 S Sgt US Army Air Corps WWII Reeves Brian Keith 3/13/1971 8/18/1987 "Big B" Our Joyful Loving Son Big Bri Thanks For All The Memories Reeves Leon 5/16/1916 5/29/1996 In Loving Memory Husband Father Grandfather Great Grandfather Always In Our Hearts Rehm Olive M. 2/14/1921 10/1/1986 Rehm Robert E. 2/4/1907 6/8/1973 Reneau Doyle Howard 4/3/1965 Reneau Keith Eric 3/30/1986 Reuter Alex 9/25/1918 4/6/1994 Rhodes Athur W. 1880 1970 "Dusty" Rich John E. 2/3/1937 5/28/1987 US Navy Vietnam Rich Sybol Inez 3/19/1915 12/19/1979 Beloved Wife and Mother Riggs Albert Alvin 11/11/1908 8/17/1984 Pfc US Army WWII Ringer Mary Ellen 2/5/1930 12/7/1978 Beloved Wife and Mother We Will See You In Heaven Mom Ritter Clyde Jack 12/29/1903 8/2/1979 "Papa" Poem: "The True Gentleman" Ritter Juanita May 5/1/1913 4/20/1984 Poem: "The Little Spirit" Roberts Frances Marie 11/1/1925 2/7/1974 Beloved Mother Robinson Howard A. 6/14/1930 3/17/1983 Robinson Larry George 9/2/1953 12/27/1980 The Birth That We Call Death Is Only a New Beginning We Miss You Larry Robinson Timothy James 10/30/1966 6/14/69 Roennigke Isla Jo 1/15/1914 2/3/1993 Roennigke Theodore L. 1903 1973 Beloved Husband and Father Rohwedder Ardys 8/25/1911 12/11/1980 Roos Benjamin F. 2/5/1893 1/8/1966 Virginia Pfc 60 Balloon Co WWI Roos Margaret 3/10/1898 11/13/1979 In Loving Memory Roper Willard Thomas 1/20/1916 2/10/1976 Cpl Rowley James Dale 1922 1975 Tec5 US Army WWII Ryan Carolyn Ielleen 1926 1970 In Memory Of Rusa E. Burt 7/29/1899 8/11/1980 Russell Dorothy Ann 11/16/1943 1/1/1973 Samuels Raemon C. 1902 1980 Mason Samuels Ruth 1/28/1903 8/30/1989 Sapp Oliver C. 1904 1977 BPOE Sapp Rose 10/16/1902 1/21/1967 Beloved Wife Saunders Albert N. 1916 1976 Beloved Husband Father Saunders Maxine 5/21/1929 12/4/1990 Beloved Mother and Grandmother Sayre Jacquelie J. 1965 1965 Sayre James E. 1905 1972 Beloved Husband and Father Sayre Leonilla M. 1906 1977 Beloved Wife and Mother Schlaudt Clarence A. 9/4/1907 8/14/1983 Husband Father BPOE Schlaudt Sarah F. 1922 1996 Wife and Mother Ladies Auxillary Schmidgall Oscar E. 1915 1995 "Smitty" Schmidt Beatrice M. 1933 1993 Schmidt Brenda M. 1958 1994 Schmidt Frank A. 1932 Schneider Harold L. 1924 1986 TMV2 US Navy WWII Scholl Daniel P. 1903 1979 Safe In The Arms of Jesus Schuette Alby Lange 1917 1973 Beloved Wife and Mother Schuette Frederick William 9/21/1999 76y 6m 18d Schuette Lorraine R. 7/12/1998 73y 2m 20d Schulstad Lars J. 1896 1976 Father and Grandfather Schulstad Lloyd B. 9/12/1929 1/6/1993 In Loving Memory Loving Husband Father Grandfather Schwartz Dee 1929 1983 Wife Mother Seagle Sue 7/1/1937 11/26/1985 Beloved Wife Mother Grandmother Semesky Ernest 7/24/1924 8/6/1996 Semesky Laura Lee 3/28/1999 73y 8m 9d Semore Hurley 3/1901 9/1980 Our Mother Mother of Seven Sepulveda Jose A. 1927 1998 Always In Our Hearts Sessions Ruby 2/4/1903 11/18/1988 Mom You Are Loved Sessions Thomas L. 1905 1968 Father Sherlock George 5/21/1912 2/17/1993 US Army WWII Sherman Augusta N. 1912 In Loving Memory Sherman Robert L. 1916 1996 Shillings Danny Mack 9/14/2000 65y 4m 28d Simpson Mary Ruth 1926 1975 b Alva Oklahoma d Ridgecrest Simpson William Thomas 4/4/2000 74y 2m 5d Sims James Edgar 4/22/1914 2/2/1994 Always In The Frontier He Made a Difference Sizemore James Harlan 1/6/1947 1/19/1989 SP4 US Army VFW Skidmore Doy Herman Jr. 5/19/1971 5/19/1971 Skidmore Rita Jo 12/15/1936 7/12/1989 Loving Mother Sis and Nana Slater Martha E. 1922 1977 Beloved Mother She Gave So Much and Asked So Little Smith Dan Carter 1955 1969 Thought Constitutes The Greatness of Man Smith Nancy L. Riley 1956 1980 Soback William M. 1927 1978 Pvt US Army WWII Sonia Eleanore Lorraine 5/3/1930 1/29/1998 Sonia Joseph Alfonse Jr. 8/22/1920 5/28/1994 Sorrells Hyrum Jr. 3/14/1915 1/19/2000 "Harvey" Sorrells Pearl Lenora 2/19/1921 3/31/1998 Sparks Terry Wayne 5/4/1998 44y 3m 1d Sparks Steve 6/25/1955 2/21/1978 Stafford Warren George 1921 1978 BM1 US Coast Guard WWII Stankus Delma Rachel 4/20/1924 7/20/1994 Loving Mother and Friend Stankus Vincent 6/15/1914 9/21/1983 Sgt US Army WWII Stanley Emily O. 11/25/1906 8/1/2000 Stanley Frank S. 4/4/1906 6/30/1969 Utah SSgt US Army WWII Stanley Paul G. 8/26/1904 11/10/1989 Stanley Peggie Lee 1900 1976 Stavers Howard J. 10/20/1907 11/9/1998 Steeves Aubrey A. 6/17/1890 3/9/1967 California SFC 141 Aero SQ WWI Stevens Harry J. 1909 1974 Beloved Husband and Father Stewart Anita 3/8/1915 9/10/1989 Stewart Harold 6/25/1899 1/8/1983 "Spike" Pvt US Marine Corps WWI Storm Fred David 7/20/1948 12/22/1970 California Pvt Engineer BN Vietnam VFW Storm Troy Porter 9/23/1916 5/20/1996 Pvt US Army WWII Strother James F. 1897 1992 Father Strother Lillie E. 1905 1969 Mother Stroud Walter Harold 2/9/1911 6/2/1977 Beloved Husband Father and Opa Forever In Our Hearts Suchoski Stanley 8/15/1919 11/29/1999 US Army WWII Beloved Husband Father and Grandfather Sullivan Ruth A. 3/3/1907 9/8/1995 Swann Vi 7/19/1929 10/31/1992 Swann Wendell Bruce 5/13/1912 6/5/1991 EM1 US Navy WWII VFW Talley Alfred B. 1902 1985 Beloved Husband and Father Forever In Our Hearts Talley Wilma Imogene 1912 1973 Beloved Wife and Mother Forever In Our Hearts Tate George L. 10/3/1919 4/15/1967 Arkansas Tec5 527 Armd Inf BN WWII Tate Kevin Lee 1954 1988 Tate Louis J. 10/20/1928 7/8/1978 Pfc US Army Korea Thomas Blanche M. 1890 1970 Mother Grandmother Great Grandmother Masonic Star Thompson Ralph 1912 1972 Beloved Husband and Father Tilton Virginia E. 1921 1990 Mom Tilton William J. 1917 1992 Dad Townsley David Wilson 8/1/1924 1/22/1974 Trotter Virgil D. 5/13/1898 11/28/1971 Beloved Husband and Father Tunnell Luther E. 1899 1972 Beloved Husband and Father Tweed Delia 6/26/1916 5/20/1985 Tweed Fletcher 3/24/1917 8/17/1989 Tyler Bessie Marie 7/15/1891 3/28/1984 Laugh Love and Lift Van Hook Jesse 1924 1981 Cowboy Beloved Husband Father Van Sickle Archie A. 1904 1970 Van Sickle Robert Paul 8/10/1934 7/5/1990 Anyone Can Be a Father It Takes Someone Special To Be a Dad Varnell Doris L. 1912 1998 Beloved Wife and Mother Masonic Star Varnell William H. 1912 1972 Beloved Husband and Father Mason VFW Vassar Edward E. 10/6/1927 10/16/1992 Pvt US Army WWII Vassar James Talbert 8/1/1919 12/24/1982 Tec4 US Army WWII VFW Vassar Janet Rae 4/17/1947 2/14/1966 Vassar Ronnie Errol 12/5/1955 9/3/1989 In Loving Memory Vassar William 1904 1974 Our Beloved Husband and Father Velazco Cruz 1899 1971 Friend of All The Lord is My Shepherd Venable Michael Lee 10/12/1948 7/12/1975 Vogt Betty Jean 9/27/1922 6/21/1984 Vogt Geroge William Jr. 4/15/1921 4/1/1984 MM2 US Navy WWII Wade Betty C. 5/30/1928 4/17/1992 Rest In Peace Together Beloved Parents Wade Ervin G. Sr. 8/6/1917 2/22/1995 Rest In Peace Together Beloved Parents Waits Wesley Walter 7/25/1926 9/25/1990 Cpl Walker John W. 8/19/1900 11/15/1974 Wallace Ila Victoria 1914 1969 Walstrom Oscar L. 9/16/1899 2/7/1985 Wang Grace E. 1914 1980 In Memory of VFW Wang Richard G. Jr. 11/7/1912 1/20/1994 1st Lt US Army WWII VFW Ward Charles P. 9/27/1910 12/7/1996 US Marine Corps WWII Weimer Albert William 9/16/1934 3/17/1988 Pfc US Army Weimer Baby Girl 11/6/1968 Wells Frank H. 5/1903 4/1988 Mason Wells Salena Darlington 1895 1983 Wife Mother Grandmother Great Grandmother We Miss You Wells Vergie Adeta 7/6/1920 8/6/1996 In Our Hearts Forever Beloved Mother Grandmother and Friend Welsh Charles Howard 8/20/1998 68y 5m 5d Welsh Grace Ann 1931 1988 Loving Mother and Grandmother Welsh Helen E. 1912 1975 In Loving Memory Welsh Leroy E. Sr. 1904 1968 In Loving Memory Wheatley Elma R. 1/9/1925 4/2/1977 "Babe" Our Beloved Wife Mother & Grandmother Resting In Eternal Peace Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today & Forever Heb 13:8 Wheeler Holly C. 1/27/1900 8/1/1969 California Pfc Whitbey Sharon 6/27/1973 5/8/1996 Home To The Arms of Jesus White Carl W. 11/25/1912 6/9/1990 In Memory Of White Patsy 1921 1964 In Memory of My Dear Wife and Mother Whitford Jane I. 7/2/1928 12/5/1984 Loving Mother Whitworth Janetta Lee 6/30/1918 4/3/1979 Beloved Wife and Mother Whitworth Roy Lee 10/14/1913 6/9/1994 Beloved Husband Father Wideman Harry Edgar 9/15/1904 12/19/1972 Wilcox Lorrene Jeanette 11/11/1996 41y Wilkins Georgetta M 1894 1987 Wilkins LaRue W. 1902 1964 Willett Westley Lee 8/24/1903 12/1/1980 Williams James Dallas 9/14/1919 9/28/1978 Pfc US Army WWII Williams James L. 6/6/1917 12/15/1990 M Sgt US Army WWII Wilson Charles W. 1/25/1912 3/5/1971 California CM2 US Navy WWII Wilson Gerald T. 1934 1971 Our Jerry Wilson Helen E. 1909 1987 Wilson John E. 1909 1964 Wilson Ray Tollman 8/22/1918 5/27/1996 Pvt US Marine Corps 4th Marine Div WWII Witcher Lisa Monon 3/28/1974 6/30/1976 We Love You Our Darling Daughter and Sister Worman Esau B. 1909 1987 In Loving Memory Worman Lois E. 1913 1988 In Loving Memory Wright Elizabeth Poynter 1914 1982 Via Con Dios Wright Paul A. M.D. 1909 1980 Wright William F. 1919 1967 Beloved Husband and Father Wunder Newton A. 10/5/1921 12/12/1980 SK2 US Navy WWII Yborra Anita M. 1/2/1896 12/24/1974 Yule Doris May 1898 1957 Beloved Wife Yule William C. 1889 1970 Zeiss Oliver 2/2/1923 4/29/1998 US Army WWII Zimmerman Maggie Madeline 1918 1970 Asleep Until The Ressurection ? Geane 4/12/1926 12/25/1973 ? Jody 12/4/1944 (unreadable) ? William Ezra 1907 1989