San Diego County CA Archives Obituaries.....Moylan, Myles December 11, 1909 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Michael Harris July 27, 2006, 3:47 pm December 12, 1909 San Diego Union MOYLAN-In this city. Dec. 11th. 1909. Major Myles Moylan, husband of Lottie Moylan of San Diego; a native of Ambery, Mass., age 71 years, 11 montha, 24 days. Friends and members of the Loyal Legion are invited to attend the funeral services at Johnson & Connell's chapel. D and Seventh streets, Tuesday. Dec. 14th. at 10 o'clock a.m. Rev. C. L. Barnes will officiate. Interment private at Greenwood cemetery. NEWS ARTICAL SAN DIEGO UNION DECEMBER 12 1909 PAGE 5 Major Myles Moylan, U.S.A., Retired, died at his home in this city, Second and Ive streets at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He leaves a widow but no children. The decedent had a long and distinguished career in the regular service and about two years in the Fourth Massachusetts Volunteers during the war of the rebellion. Major Moulan was born in Amesburg,Mass., Dec 17, 1833 and his military service dating back to June 8, 1857, including participationin the expidition to Utah under Gen. Sidney Johnson in 1858, the Indian campaigns up to 1860 and the civil war 1861 to 1865. He was brevetted major in April 1865, for distinguished service in the United States volunteers and served in the many Indian Campaigns against the various tribes in Kansas and Indian Territory with the famous Seventh United States cavalry under command of General Custer. FOUGHT IN SIOUX CAMPAIGN Major Moylan was a captain in the Seventh cavalry in the Campaign against the Sioux Indians which was commanded by General Custer and whichresulted in the masacre of the greater porton of that regiment in 1876 by Sitting Bull and his Sioux Tribe. Moylan, then a captain, was with Reno's battalion which fought for several days and nights the entire Sioux combination, after Custer's battalion had been annihilated and was finally rescued by the timely arrival of General Terry's command, but not until the lives of many brave soldiers and officers of Reno's battalion too had been sacrificed. Later on Major Moylan was actively engaged in the campaign against Chief Joseph and in the fight with these indians at Woonded Knee the major's command was greatly distinguished and he was given a medal of honor by congress for bravery in this action. He was a companion of the Grand Army of the Republic and a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. FUNERAL NEXT TUESDAY Funeral services over the remains will be held at Johnson & Connell's parlors next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. His friends and companions of the Grand Army of the Republic and members of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion are invited. Members of the Loyal Legion will wear the gold insignia of the order. The interment will be private at Greenwood cemetery. Major Moylan had been a resident of this city for about sixteen years. Additional Comments: GRAVESTONE PHOTO: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb