San Francisco County CA Archives Military Records.....Bonnalie, Allan F. 1918 WWI Air Service, attached to R. A. F. ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher December 21, 2007, 11:30 pm Distinguished Service Cross Citation Allan F. Bonnalie, first lieutenant, Air Service, attached to Royal Air Forces, British Army. On August 13, 1918, this officer led two other machines on a long photographic reconnaissance. In spite of the presence of numerous enemy aircraft they were able to take all the photographs required, but were attacked by six Fokker biplanes. During the combat Lieut. Bonnalie saw that one of his accompanying machines was in difficulty and that an enemy airplane was nearly on its tail. He at once broke off combat with the enemy with whom he was engaged and dived to the assistance of the machine in trouble. He drove off the enemy plane, regardless of the bullets which were ripping up his own, machine. Eventually, however, his tail planes and his elevator wires were shot away and his machine began to fall in side slips. Lieut. Bonnalie managed to keep his machine facing toward the British lines by means of the rudder control, while his observer and the third machine drove off the enemy aircraft, which was still attacking. In its damaged condition Lieut. Bonnalie's machine was tail heavy, and he therefore had his observer leave his cockpit and lie out along the cowl in front of the pilot. In this manner he recrossed the British trenches at a low altitude and righted his machine sufficiently to avoid a fatal crash. Had it not been for the gallantry of Lieut. Bonnalie the injured machine to whose assistance he went would have fallen into enemy territory, as pilot had been wounded and its observer killed. Lieut. Bonnalie's own machine was riddled with bullets and it was a marvelous performance to bring it safely to the ground. Residence at appointment: 2521 Mission Street, San Francisco, Calif. Additional Comments: Extracted from: CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS AND THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL ISSUED BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT Since April 6, 1917 Up to and including General Orders, No. 126, War Department, November 11, 1919 COMPILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb