Shasta-San Francisco County CA Archives Obituaries.....Mc Kean, William P. October 22, 1903 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Harrison December 30, 2009, 2:56 pm San Francisco Call, October 23, 1903 “SHASTA CITIZEN DIES SUDDENLY W. P. McKean Found Lifeless in Room of a Hotel. William P. McKean, one of the most prominent citizens of Redding. Shasta County, was found dead in bed yesterday at the New Arlington Hotel, 1015 Market street. Death had evidently been caused by an affliction of the heart. McKean rented the room at the hotel on Wednesday night. William P. McKean had been identified closely with the business and fraternal history of Shasta County for more than twenty years. He was a prominent Odd Fellow and a member of the Blue Lodge and Chapter, F. and A. M., and also a Workman. He was one of the first directors of the I. O. O. F. building committee and to his efforts the Redding Lodge is indebted for its fine temple. He was also one of the directors and builders of the Redding Masonic Temple. Mr. McKean was born In Ohio in 1852. He came to California in the early '70's and settled in Sacramento. In 1880 he went to Shasta County and had resided in Redding ever since. For years he drove a stage on the Bieber line between Redding and Bieber and for the last ten years had been general manager for the Redding and Bieber stage and mail line and also for the Redding and Weaverville stage and mail line. He left Redding Tuesday evening for this city on business in connection with the sale of the Camden toll road to Volney Fox, owner of the Redding and Weaverville stage line. He was to have met Mr. Camden and Mr. Fox in San Francisco and make a deal for the road which connects Shasta and Trinity counties. He leaves a wife and two daughters. Mrs. McKean was formerly Miss Lizzie Yank and was a prominent school teacher in Shasta County during the '80's.” END Additional Comments: San Francisco Call, October 23, 1903 (Friday), Page 16, Column 6. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb