Sonoma County CA Archives History - Books .....Manufactures Of Petaluma 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 24, 2006, 10:56 pm Book Title: Historical And Descriptive Sketch Of Sonoma County, California MANUFACTURES OF PETALUMA. Petaluma is favorably situated for the successful prosecution of many branches of manufacturing. There is a constantly increasing local demand for manufactures. The town has already made a creditable start in this line, and its mechanics have an enviable reputation at home and abroad for skill and fair dealing. CARRIAGE FACTORIES.—The most important industry in Petaluma is the manufacture of wagons and carriages. The first establishment in the place was started in 1852 by its present proprietor, William Zartman. The factory is complete in all its departments. Its machinery is propelled by steam. The next oldest factory is that of J. Loranger, established in 1864; then follow, in the order named, B. Harter, Weir & Spottswood, Hopes & Cameron, R. Spottswood & Co., D. W. C. Putnam & Co., D. Jay, and Rutherford & Roberts. Petaluma wagons and carriages are sent to various portions of the State, especially to the southern counties; and several vehicles have been sent to Nevada. At each of the above named establishments, plows, harrows, cultivators and other agricultural implements are made. The business may be summarized as follows: Number of men employed, including carriage painters, fifty-four; number of carriages and wagons made annually, two hundred and forty-five,—value of same, fifty three thousand nine hundred dollars; value of agricultural implements manufactured, seven thounsand [sic] dollars; other work, fifteen thousand dollars; total value, of all, seventy-nine thousand five hundred dollars. HARNESS AND SADDLERY.—Next in importance to the above is the manufacture of harness and saddlery. Gwinn & Brainard commenced business in 1867, and employ eight men; W. Davis employs four men, and C. Burgtorf, four men. Number of sets of harness made annually, five hundred; value, sixteen thousand dollars. Saddles, five hundred; value ten thousand dollars. Carriage trimming to the amount of four thousand dollars is done at the several establishments. Total, thirty thousnd dollars. Petaluma harness and saddles have a wide reputation, and shipments of goods have been made to all parts of the State; also to Nevada, Utah, and Peru, South America. BOOTS AND SHOES.—There are nine places at which boots and shoes are made. The most extensive manufacturer is M. Walsh, who makes nine hundred pairs per year. Total number pairs made annually, two thousand; value, fifteen thousand dollars. A considerable portion of the leather used is Petaluma manufacture. FOUNDRY.—C. P. Hatch, proprietor. Established in 1859, and first in Sonoma or adjoining counties. Annual value of manufactures, ten thousand dollars. CLOTHING.—Nine men are employed in making clothing for men and boys. Clothing made annually is valued at fifteen thousand dollars. FURNITURE AND CABINET WORK manufactured annually equals in value six thousand dollars. In the same department churns, fruit-dryers and butter-tubs, etc., are made to the value of six thousand dollars. TANNERY.—Jacob Wick is proprietor of the business. Three hundred cords of tan-bark, all of Sonoma growth, are used every year; eight thousand hides are tanned annually; sole, harness and shoe leather of all kinds is made; value of manufacture, fifty-six thousand dollars. POTTERY.—Petaluma pottery was established in 1866; all kinds of stoneware manufactured; twenty thousand gallons of stone-ware made in the past year. FLOURING MILLS.—Central Mills, McCune Bros., proprietors, was established in 1864; it has four runs of stone; capacity, seventy-five barrels in twelve hours; nineteen thousand seven hundred and twenty-five barrels of flour made annually; seven men are employed. The flour is sold in Sonoma and Marin counties, and in San Francisco. Oriental Mills, established in 1863; George P. McNear, proprietor; it has two runs of stone; thirty barrels made daily, and seven thousand eight hundred and ninety annually; five men employed. Both mills do a general milling and jobbing business; value of flour, etc., made, 'me hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. Two-thirds or more of the annual product is sold in Sonoma, Marin and Mendocino counties, and balance is shipped to San Francisco. Petaluma flour enjoys a good reputation. PLANING-MILLS.—Petaluma planing-mill was established in 1867, and was the first in the county, also most extensive and complete in Sonoma or adjoining counties; Nay & Broocke, proprietors; work sent to various parts of Sonoma and Marin counties; six men are employed, manufacturing doors, blinds, sash, mouldings, brackets, boxes, tanks and all kinds of mill-work. The Centennial planing-mill was established in September, 1876, Sloper & Fuller, proprietors; three men are employed; articles manufactured same as above, except doors, sash and blinds. The machinery of both mills is propelled by steam-power. The material used comes mostly from Sonoma county; value of manufactures, twenty thousand dollars. TIN SHOPS.—There are four tin-shops in Petaluma, the first of which was established in 1867. The proprietors are Thomas Schlosser, J. J. Buckins, Harris Bros, and A. W. Barnes. All kinds of tin, sheet-iron and copper ware are manufactured. Dairy-work constitues a considerable portion of the business. About one thousand sacks of charcoal, which is manufactured in the county, is used annually. The other material is purchased in San Francisco or imported from the east; value of manufactures, twenty thousand dollars. COOPERAGE was established in 1868, Isaac Fuller, proprietor. Fifteen thousand kegs and firkins, two hundred barrels and twenty tanks are made; material mostly imported from the east, and some procured in Lake county; value of manufactures, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. BRICK-YARD, established by Jordan Peter in 1867, and now owned by him. The material abundant and of first-class quality; capacity of kilns 1,200,000 bricks; number made annually 3,500,000; value $4,200. GLOVE FACTORY—M. Berger, proprietor. It was established in 1870; 500 dozen buck-skin gloves made; 12 persons employed, mostly females; value of manufactures, $9,000. BREWERIES.—Petaluma Brewery, established in 1855 by Christlich & Erbe, was the first in Sonoma county; Baltz & Schierhold are the present proprietors. Sonoma Brewery, established in 1872, Mechele & Griess, proprietors; they ship fifty tons annually to San Francisco. The capacity of the two breweries is 5,000 gallons per week, and the quantity made about 81,000 gallons per annum. They use 200 cords of wood, 850 tons of barley, 12$ tons hops, mostly California grown. Their beer is sold in Sonoma and Marin counties; value of same, $20,000. GAS WORKS.—Established in 1863, Peter Donohue, proprietor; 400 tons of English and Australian coal used annually; 2,800,000 feet of gas made; value of same, $15,800. SADDLE-TREE FACTORY, M. Haar, proprietor, was established by him in 1861, and probably is the most extensive in the State outside of San Francisco; all materials, except a small quantity of Oregon pine, procured in Sonoma county; trees sent to all parts of California, also to Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Texas; number of trees made 2,500; value of same, $10,000. MARBLE WORKS, Thompson & Meek, proprietors, established March, 1875; Italian and Vermont marble used; work sent to various parts of Sonoma, Marin and Mendocino counties, and to other parts of the State; four men employed; value of manufacture, $10,000. SOAP WORKS.—Established July, 1875, G. W. Manville, proprietor; 3,000 boxes of 18 pounds each made annually; value of same, $4,500. SODA WORKS—B. F. Connolly, proprietor, established in 1860; makes 12,000 dozen bottles of soda and sarsaparilla, and 700 dozen champaigne cider, which are distributed in Sonoma and Marin counties; amount of sales $10,000. CIGAR FACTORY.—A. Horstman, proprietor, established in 1871; 50,000 cigars made annually; value $3,000. BAKERIES.—Three; W. B. Matzenbach, J. T. Rugg, and George Stroebel, proprietors; amount of flour consumed 840 barrels; value of bread, cakes, etc., made $12,768. SUMMARY.—Number of persons employed in manufacturing 201; value of manufactures $535,150. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BY ROBERT A. THOMPSON, EDITOR OF "THE SONOMA DEMOCRAT." PHILADELPHIA: L. H. EVERTS & CO. 1877. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 9.1 Kb