Sonoma County CA Archives History - Books .....Mills And Factories 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 24, 2006, 6:58 am Book Title: Historical And Descriptive Sketch Of Sonoma County, California MILLS AND FACTORIES. Grist-mills 10—steam power 3, water power 7; saw-mills 13—steam power 13; lumber, sawed—feet 50,000,000, shingles 10,000,000; woolen mill, 1; boot and shoe factory, 1; Alden fruit dryers, 3; railroads—broad-guage 1, length 70 miles, value $378,300; narrow-guage 1, length in this county about 25 miles; value $75,000 per mile. Registered voters 6,000 Estimated population 40,000 We think the contrast of the above figures with those of 1855 will show a very steady rate of progress for a period of little more than twenty years, and the county has just begun to advance. Taking the statistics of the assessor, and from other sources, we have made an estimate of the value of the annual products of Sonoma county for the present year. Many of the products here given will largely increase, especially the yield of the forests, for the reason that both railroads have recently been completed to the timber region, and a number of new mills are building. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BY ROBERT A. THOMPSON, EDITOR OF "THE SONOMA DEMOCRAT." PHILADELPHIA: L. H. EVERTS & CO. 1877. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb