Sonoma County CA Archives History - Books .....Windsor 1877 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 25, 2006, 3:22 am Book Title: Historical And Descriptive Sketch Of Sonoma County, California WINDSOR. The village of Windsor is located on the main county-road leading from Santa Rosa to Healdsburg, nine miles northwest from Santa Rosa and six miles southeast of Healdsburg; it is within less than a mile of the San Francisco and North Pacific Railroad. The first we hear of Windsor as a town, or rather as a local habitation with a name, was in 1854, when a post-office was established, to which the first postmaster, Hiram Lewis, gave the name of Windsor, perhaps after Windsor park or forest—as the place was surrounded on all sides by trees, which gave it a park-like appearance. In 1857 Lewis sold it to Thad. Deshier. A man named Emmerson opened the first hotel, known as the Windsor hotel. The place is now owned (and is run as a hotel) by Thomas Hopkins. The first physician in the place was Dr. Wilson, who sold out to Dr. Davis, the only physician now in Windsor. The first store was opened by a man named Buckalew, in 1856, on the lot where William Clark's dwelling ROW stands. About the same time Davis W. Graham started a blacksmith-shop. In 1857 Rosenberg & Linhemen bought the store. In 1861 Rosenberg & Bros, succeeded this firm, and built a large storehouse, and kept it until 1870. They were succeeded by Kelsy & Livingston, who closed the business. The house is still used by T. J. Hopkins for a store. Kruse & Petray opened the second store in Windsor, in 1865, in a house which they built near where H. H. Lafferty's shoe-shop now stands. Harrison Barnes bought Kruse's interest, and sold out in 1867 to Crane, Hendley & Co., who were succeeded by Northcutt & Co., and they by Clark & Lindsay. The latter firm commenced business in 1871, and still continue. H. H. Lafferty started a shoe-shop in 1864, and still remains in the same place. In March, 1868, the town was located as a town-site under the State law. It was surveyed in October, 1868, by Henry Terry. There are five stores and groceries in the town, two butcher-shops, one saloon, one saddle and harness-shop, one shoe-shop, two wheelwrights, two blacksmiths, one tin-shop, one hotel, one physician, one painter, one boarding-house, one school-house, one Masonic and one I. 0. O. F. hall, one church; there are in all about twenty business-houses, thirty residences, and a total population of about two hundred and fifty souls. J. J. Lindsay is postmaster; W. Clark is Wells, Fargo & Co.'s agent; T. J. Jones and Thomas McQuestion are justices of the peace. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH OF SONOMA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BY ROBERT A. THOMPSON, EDITOR OF "THE SONOMA DEMOCRAT." PHILADELPHIA: L. H. EVERTS & CO. 1877. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb