Sonoma County CA Archives Obituaries.....Morin, Josiah October 25, 1885 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Harrison July 5, 2012, 7:10 am The Sonoma Democrat, October 31, 1885 "Death of Josiah Morin A Nonagenarian - A Veteran of 1812 and Pioneer of 1846 In the death of the Hon. Josiah Morin, which occurred near Sebastopol, in this county, on the night of October 25th, perhaps the best living link which connects the present generation with the administration of the thrice illustrious Washington, first President of the United States, was severed. Gen. Washington was elected President on the 6th day of April 1789, and was inaugurated on the 23rd of the same month. During his first administration, on the 8th day of January, 1791, Josiah. Morin was born in what is now Bourbon county, in the great and populous State of Kentucky, in what was then a part of the territory of the State of Virginia. Kentucky was admitted into the Union June 1, 1792, a year and a half after the birth of Josiah Morin. It is difficult, it is impossible to realize the mighty events in the history of this nation which have occurred within the narrow space of time included in the life of this one man. Judged by events, it seems that hundreds of years must have passed, and not a period, five years less, than the cycle of time which we call a century. Judge Norm remembered distinctly the announcement of the death of General Washington. The profound sensation created by the occurrence fixed itself deeply in his mind, although he was but a lad between eight and nine years old. SKETCH OF JUDGE MORIN'S LIFE Judge Morin's parents emigrated to the West from Virginia not long after Daniel Boone first blazed his way into the unknown wilderness south of the Ohio river. They settled in Bourbon county, where the subject of this notice grew to manhood. ENLISTS AS A SOLDIER On the 16th of August, 1812, General Hull, to the astonishment of the country, surrendered Detroit and practically the territory of Michigan, to the British troops. The whole West became fired with the spirit of war. Michigan must be recovered. Kentucky sent scores of her young men to the front and among them was Morin, who enlisted under Gen. Winchester, in General Harrison's command. "REMEMBER THE RIVER RAISIN." In January, 1813, General Winchester started, with 800 Kentuckians, to join General Harrison. Hearing that the settlers were in danger on the river Raisin, twenty-five miles south of Detroit, he sent a detachment of his command there, which routed the enemy. General Winchester joined them two days after. On the 22nd of June the Americans were surprised by a large force of British and their Indian allies, and were captured. The British Commander made all haste to get out of the reach of General Harrison who was expected to join Winchester, and left his sick and wounded prisoners, who were afterward murdered by the Indians. The war cry of the Kentuckians after that was, "Remember the River Raising." TAKEN PRISONER Morin was taken among the other prisoners, to Fort George, where he was released on parole after being some time in confinement. Mr. Morin returned at the close of the war to Kentucky. On the 4th of July, 1815, he was married to Miss Mary Shipp. He remained in Kentucky until 1834. His first wife died, and he was married in 1831 to Mrs. H. Barnett. REMOVES TO MISSOURI He then moved to Davis county, Missouri. He was elected to the State Senate from his district , serving two terms of four years. He then removed to and remained in Jackson county Missouri, until 1846. That year he joined the westward tide of immigration to the Pacific coast , and arrived in Oregon in December, 1846, having lost all his property on the way except one mule. He farmed in Oregon until 1848, when the gold excitement drew him to California. He settled near Coloma, and there built a bridge over the American river. COMES TO SONOMA COUNTY He came to Green valley in this county in December 1850, and has since lived here. He was a member of the Board of Supervisors from 1857 to 1863, and was President of the Board in 1862-3, and made a conscientious, economical, and faithful officer. By his first wife he leaves two children, John Morin and Mrs. Sarah Lewis, both residents of Oregon. By his last wife his children were Mrs. John Walker, Josiah Morin, Jr, of Mendocino, Nelson Morin of Washington Territory, and Martin V. Morin of Lake county. HIS LAST ILLNESS Mr. Morin was taken sick a week ago, has been unconscious since Wednesday, and died on Sunday night, the 25th instant. He took great interest in the affairs of the country up to his last illness. He informed the writer that the first vote he ever cast was for James Madison for President of the United States. The funeral will take place to-day (Tuesday) from the residence of his son-in-law, John Walker. His remains will be buried in Pleasant Hill cemetery. UNDER THEM ALL The late Josiah Morin was the only man in the county, perhaps in the State, who had lived under every President of the United States, from George Washington to Grover Cleveland. FUNERAL OF JUDGE MORIN The funeral of Judge Morin took place Tuesday morning and was largely attended. The following gentlemen acted as pall bearers; Geo. P. Noonan, James P. Clark, T. N. Wilton, T. Beacom, Alex Wiley, D. Carson, of Ukiah, J. W. Kelley, and one other gentleman whose name we did not learn. The burial took place at Pleasant Hill Cemetery." END Additional Comments: This obituary was sent to "The Pioneer Wagon" by Dolores Stelling where it was published on pages 88-90. This is her transcription as printed in the newsletter. "The Pioneer Wagon" Jackson County Genealogical Society Jackson County, Missouri Vol. V, No. 3 [unknown date] File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.2 Kb