Maxwell Cemetery, Stanislaus County, California Submitted by Alvera Puls Jan 2000 This file is part of the California Tombstone Project USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. LAST NAME FIRST NAME BIRTH & PLACE DEATH & PLACE OTHER INFORMATION Maxwell Serena Primm Born, Dec.25, 1814- Tennessee Died, April 7, 1873 in CA Arrived in California from Arkansas in 1852, Settled in Stanislaus County i Maxwell Thomas Born , Jan. 11,1812- Tennessee Died, Jan.24,1882 in CA Maxwell William Monroe Born, Dec. 23 1834 - Tennessee Died, Feb. 11,1894 in CA Montgonery Frances Maxwell Born , August 13, 1839 - Mississippi Died, Nov. 24, 1869 in CA MONTGOMERY Josiah Chambers Born, Oct.9, 1824 - Tennessee Died, November 10, 1899 in CA Note submitted by Denise Armstrong 31 Jul 2007 This is the Maxwell Cemetery located right off the road between Crabtree and Willms roads. The street is not marked nor is the cemetery, but it is located in a little area called Warnerville, Stanislaus, CA. I noticed that you have it listed as Maxwell, CA. I don't think that area is called Maxwell,CA....but I may be wrong. I find it exciting that between different people we all work together to get this information out there. You are doing such a great job....keep up the great work! If there wasn't a barbed wire fence to have to climb over, I would have washed the bird mess off the monument. It looks like someone shot at it twice. I just used my camera to zoom in as close as I could. Thanks again for all that you are doing to help us share with others. Sincerely, Denise Armstrong