1911 Colorado Business Directory, Westminster, Adams County http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/adams/history/directories/1911-westmstr.txt Transcribed by Joy Fisher December 26, 2004 This file was extracted from: 37th Annual Volume The Colorado State Business Directory WITH A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State, Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc. 1911 DENVER, COLORADO THE GAZETTEER PUBLISHING CO. ESTABLISHED 1871 JAMES JR. IVES, MANAGER 1911 ================================================= WESTMINSTER. Small town and postoffice in Adams county, on the Colorado & Southern Ry., six miles from Denver, formerly called Harris. Population 125. Berry F H, harness & shoemaker. Brown H L, poutlry. Calkins Richard, physician. Conley Hugh, plasterer. Cram J M, blacksmith. Green Miss Lucy, prin school. House Henry, carpenter. HURLBURT R H, postmaster. LUCE LUMBER CO, C K Luce pres. lumber and building material. Miller E E, civil engr. Moffett M S, with Luce Lumber Co. Morris H C, dairy. MULFORD L D, fuel and feed. Peace Al. teaming contr. Presbyterian Church. Rigg S R, commission. RILEY L W, prop Westminster Blacksmith Shop. Rose F B, R R & Exp agt. Rupard C E, real estate. RUSSELL RICHARD, physician & surgeon, phone Arvada 1771. Sherman Bros, teaming contrs. Spencer A C, carpenter. STRAWSON FRED S, real estate, insurance and notary public. WESTMINSTER BLACKSMITH SHOP, L W Riley prop. Westminster College (Presbyterian), Salem G Pattison pres. WESTMINISTER DRUG CO., Dr. Richard Russell, prop. Williams J H, grocer. ================================================================= All files are contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archives Project (http://www.usgwarchives.net/). USGenWeb Archives Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as the source and contributor name remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual without the express written permission from the author/contributor.