WWII Casualty List, Adams County, Colorado http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/adams/military/wwii/casualty.txt Transcribed by Marta Norton June 23, 2004 WWII Casualties from Adams County, CO Year Book of the State of Colorado 1945-1947 2 TABLES ARE LISTED BELOW -- 1. All Branches of the Army 2. U.S. Navy, Marines and Coast Guard Please search each list. Enlistments and Inductions: "A total of 138,089 Coloradans elisted or were inducted into the Armed Forces during the period 1940- to Sept 1946, according to the Selective Service System which was in charge of inductions throughout World War II. Inductions were terminated in October 1946, and the volunteer draft boards which had bserved in every county during the War were relieved from duty." Casualties: "According to records compiled by the War and Navy Departments in 1946, a total of 3,469 Colorado men were casualties in World War II. Of the total, 2,441 are listed as having been killed in action or as casualties from battle wounds. Antoher 803 men are recorded as having died in prison camps or from non-battle causes. Finally, 225 men are missing and are presumed to have lost their lives." "On the following list is published a table of Colorado's casualties by counties. Lists of the casualties have been published in separate reports by the War and Navy Departments. It is from these records that the names of the casualties which are published in the succeeding section were secured." World War II: Total inductions and enlistments in Colorado, 1940- 1946, and total Army and Navy Casualties, by County. Adams County: Total Inductions and Enlistments: 2,639 Total Casualties: 47 Killed in Action or Died of Wounds: 38 Died in Prison Camp or Died in Non-battle: 7 Missing: 2 ALL BRANCHES OF THE ARMY: Aragon, Willie Brandenburg, John P. Brown, Neal Candelario, Manuel Custy, John J. De Graffenreid, F. R. Diercks, Emil A. Enright, Paul E. Falk, Gottfred N. Fischahs, Albert P. Fox, Jack E. Gallagher, Russell E. Gallegos, Joe M. Garcia, Alex Gomez, Frank Grogan, Paul Herbaugh, Cecil A. Hight, Willard R. Hollinsworth, J. W. Ito, Takashi Jones, Charles D. Jones, George D. Keen, Paul L. Lanford, Frank A. Lauridson, Thomas J. Leitz, Arthur P. Lopez, John B. Lynch, Bryan P. Middleton, Jay W. Noble, Thomas H. Ortega, Joe B. Penrod, William R. Phillips, Leonard H. Roberts, Robert K. Rogers, Charles W. Salmonese, Ralph Scheuermann, J. F. Jr. Schwab, Benjamin Tapparo, Andrew A. Taylor, Orlon V. Ward, Lee Weigel, Raymond P. U.S. NAVY, MARINES AND COAST GUARD: Hollingsworth, Albert L. James, Ernest C. Lampton, Alvin Leroy Sauer, Charles A. Sims, Robert William