CEMETERIES;Arapahoe County Colorado;Littleton - F http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/arapahoe/cemeteries/litteltoncem-f.txt Contributed by: Nancy Garrett September 20, 2003 F's LITTLETON CEMETERY PROJECT 1870's-1950's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME SEX AGE D OF DEATH BLK LOT GRV REMARKS: plot owner; nearest Last First relative or informant *nl=no info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Failing Charles E. M 69 12/28/47 5 43 5 Mrs Mary Helmer; Son Fairchild Sarah Wilson F 74 11/26/45 7 18 6 Harry V. Wilson; Children Fairleigh John G. M 81 11/10/29 8 13 4 Edith Fairleigh; Wife & Children Falk Elizabeth A. F 58 09/15/27 B 11 6 Otto J. Falk Falk Otto John M 82 10/04/50 B 11 8 Otto J. Falk; Son Faller baby M 15m 09/14/09 5 14 5 S.W. Fallers Faller Celia M. F 0 07/13/50 5 14 3 G.W. Faller; Husband; (ashes) Faller Donald D, Jr. M 6 05/10/42 5 14 2 (cremated at Fairmont)G.W. Faller; Father Fanth Lew nl 0 2/1892 3 15 3 W.W. Powers; Lew Fanth Farhart, William Bailey M 60 05/31/43 10a 6 1 none Farnell Edgar M 46 04/28/05 4 10 1 Rosa Farnell; Mrs Edgar Farnell Farnell Rose F 94 12/08/50 4 10 2 Rose Farnell; Children Farrer JohnWatson M 64 11/21/47 6 102 1 Mrs John W Farrer; Wife Farris Jeanette F 0 12/02/33 B nl nl Mother Faulkner Elizabeth F 92 12/04/19 4 5 1 Mrs Agusta Montgomery Faust baby nl 2 8/1890 C nl nl Mrs Faust; Mother Fay baby F 0 12/31/10 B 38 nl Ray Fay Feaker Edward Prosser M 83 11/13/43 4 2 2 Daughter Fears Jane E. F 86 12/12/50 7 37 6 Mrs Jane E Fears; Children Fears William Thomas M 84 04/26/40 7 37 5 Mrs Jane E Fears; Wife Feeker Mrs E.P. F 37 08/06/04 4 2 1 Mrs Feeker Fehlman Elwelda Beryl F 31 11/20/52 C 22 4 Ronald Fehlman; Husband Fenton Samuel R. M 67 01/01/32 A 12 6 Lillian Fenton; Wife & Son Ferarese Anthony M 53 06/05/38 7 27 8 Anrichetta Ferarese; Wife Ferarese Reno M 27 06/29/41 7 27 5 Anrichetta Ferarese; Mother Ferguson Arthur E. M 65 10/08/46 6 89 3 Mrs Arthur E Ferguson; Wife Ferguson Sally Eileen F 10m 06/02/50 8 56 4 S.E. Bradbury; Parents Fernandez Alvida F 1 11/28/46 8 46 7 Benito Fernandez; Parents Ferril Nellie May F 69 02/07/32 B 1 6 John Ferril; Husband Ferris John P. M 84 03/04/23 8 5 4 John Ferris; Mrs Ferris Ferris Melvinia F 82 05/03/34 8 5 3 Daughter Fetterhoff Bertha Mae F 54 11/12/48 6 109 4 Russell Fetterhoff; Husband Ficklin, Walter Homer M 63 07/13/36 6 46 2 Mable K Ficklin; Wife & Son Fiddelke Fred H. M 39 09/11/39 A 10 4 Mrs Fred H Fiddelke; Wife Fiddelke Gerald Lee M 15 10/10/50 A 53 4 Mrs A.K. Fiddelke; Mother Fidler Tressie Fay F 57 09/18/49 RA 123 2 Sam D. Fidler (husband) Field, Anna K. Anderson F 66 12/17/31 7 3 nl Anna K. Anderson; Husband Fikani Abib M 85 03/27/44 7 9 5 Sam N. Fikani; Son Fikani Assad M 65 04/12/12 5 57 3 no one listed Fikani Gabet M 93 09/01/27 3 37 8 John G. Fikani; John Fikani Fikani John Isaac M 37 07/26/31 8 8 8 Mrs John G. Fikani; Wife & Sisters Fikani Julia F 4 11/21/12 5 57 4 Isaac Fikani Fikani Julia F 70 05/13/25 3 37 7 John G. Fikani; Mr. Fikani Fink baby F 0 04/28/49 8 50 16 Fred R. Fink; Parents Finley Barney M 45 11/13/43 9 12 2 Dexter L. Finley; Mother Finley Cecil M 29 02/18/34 A 2 6 Mrs Charles Sanders; Wife Finley George M 79 12/07/35 10 1 1 William Frederic Finley Henry M 70 08/22/36 10a 1 5 Dexter L. Finley; Wife Finley Lillie F 59 08/26/33 6 13 2 Lillie Finley; Husband & Son Finn Mrs “Shell” F 84 10/15/00 8 21 5 Lewis A. Finn Finn baby M 18m 12/21/1896 8 21 1 Lewis A. Finn Finn baby F 3 11/20/1898 8 21 1 Boden Finn Finn Blanche F 13 03/08/05 8 21 2 Lewis A. Finn Finn Charles C. M 70 06/29/21 8 21 4 Lewis A. Finn Finn Lewis Albert M 80 09/02/37 8 21 6 Lewis A. Finn; Children Finn Martha J. S. F 72 06/21/27 8 21 6 Lewis A. Finn Finn Mary E. F 53 09/30/06 8 20 8 Andrew Finn Finta Elsen K. F 65 03/13/08 B 21 8 no one listed Fischback baby M 0 09/11/50 8 50 28 Edward Fischback; Parents Fischback Stephen M 1d 01/23/50 8 50 28 Edward Fischback; Parents Fisher baby M 7h 01/10/46 9 18 17 John K. Fisher; Parents Fisher(Fister) Hannah Amelia F 78 10/16/44 A 44 2 Floyd Fister; Son Fisk baby M 0 12/13/49 8 50 26 Dale Fisk; Parents Fiske Mrs. F 93 2/25/1896 8 20 5 P.L. Fiske (son) Fiske Archie M 6 5/30/1891 2 36 2 Father, Fiske Fiske Eugene M 10 5/6/1891 2 36 1 Father, Fiske Fiske Gertrude F 4 03/05/05 2 36 3 Father, Fiske Fitzpatrick Catherine F 77 02/13/18 2 32 7 Catherine Fitzpatrick;Mary Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick M 49 5/3/1891 2 32 8 Catherine Fitzpatrick Flanagin William Henry M 74 04/14/46 4 4 8 Mary F. Flanagin; Wife Flanigan Mary F. F 96 03/08/47 4 4 6 Mary E. Flanigan; Children Flannery Frank M 64 09/26/49 RA 202 2 Mrs Frank (Fennella) Flannery Flannigan Bernice F 2 11/25/04 4 3 1 Charles Flannigan Flannigan Edith F 13d 07/22/17 4 4 5 no one listed Flannigan Richard M 12h 03/03/18 4 4 nl W.F. Flannigan Flannigan W.F. M 62 01/14/06 4 4 1 James R Flannigan;Mrs WF Flannigan Fleener, Sarah Wilson E. F 34 02/27/05 3 8 3 Leyman Cornell; Mrs Coe (sister) Fleet Ben M 53 10/08/47 7 57 3 Mrs Benjamin D. Fleet; Wife Fleming Raymond Henry M 23 05/03/47 7 60 1 Mrs Ray Flemiing; Parents;Okinawa Flemming Anna Marie F 21 11/09/27 4 2 7 Margarite Flemming; Mrs Flemming Flemming Edward M 48 05/27/26 4 2 5 Margarite Flemming; Mrs Flemming Flemming Gary Maynard M 10w 01/13/31 4 27 6 G.W. Flemming; Parents Flinn George M 39 04/01/49 6 83 6 Mrs Otto E Herman; Mother Flint baby M 0 05/22/11 8 42 nl William Flint Flores Manuela F 1d 02/08/24 B 61 nl no one listed Florry Farinta F 35 01/29/17 B 64 nl no one listed Floyd Edna F 8m 02/14/37 9 8 4 Edgar Floyd; Parents Flynn baby M 2 02/02/05 5 60 8 Luke Flynn Folson John M 97 04/14/02 5 46 2 Mrs . Dove Forbes John F. M nl 10/08/47 8 49 8 no one listed Ford baby nl 0 10/18/08 4 18 1 Frank Ford; C.F. Ford Ford baby nl 0 06/26/10 4 18 2 Frank Ford; C.F. Ford Ford C.F. M nl 01/30/07 4 18 1 Frank Ford Ford Gershom F. F 39 01/04/17 3 72 2 C.F. Ford; Frank Ford Ford Lewis W. M nl 2/2/1897 3 67 1 Ella Wade; C.F. Ford Ford Margaret G. F 26 12/21/28 3 72 3 Frank Ford; Father Sister Ford William M 70 10/15/38 7 27 7 estate of William Ford Ford William F. M 26 12/26/26 3 72 1 C.F. Ford; Mrs William Ford Forrest Lee Loughlin M 29 06/02/29 2 29 5 Louise Boughton;Mother, wife & dau. Forry James M 4m 07/12/51 8 68 12 Donald Forry; Parents Forry James Edward M 19 07/01/42 6 51 5 Ray Forry; Parents Fortune Vivian F 26 08/07/49 7 88 4 J.E. Fortune; Husband Fosdick Eleanor W. F 59 03/24/50 6 108 8 Clyde Fosdick; Husband Fosdick Elizabeth Diane F nl 10/27/47 9 19 23 Courtney Fosdick; Parents Foskit Cheryl Lyn F 7h 03/29/46 6 83 2 J.W. Foskit; Parents Foster Annie K. F 38 8/13/1895 3 14 nl Robert J. Foster Foster Jermima F 62 12/16/1889 3 43 5 Nehemiah Foster Foster Lela F 72 11/05/52 B 66 1 no one listed Foster Louie F 12d 05/11/10 4 41 4 Michael A. Foster Foster Nehemiah M 71 4/12/1890 3 43 6 Nehemiah Foster Foster Retta Ellen F 22 11/26/08 4 41 1 Michael A. Foster Foster Samuel C. M 71 11/04/30 6 30 7 Anna M. Foster; Wife & Chldrn Foster Tula F 35 03/01/35 7 32 8 Charles Foster; Husband & Chldrn Fowler Jabes Lee M 73 01/17/33 A 7 1 Son Fowler Lena F 78 08/17/38 4 22 2 Lena Fowler; Children Fowler Leona L. F 2m 02/10/14 B 66 nl no one listed Fowler Lewis F. M 61 04/06/18 4 22 4 Lena Fowler; Mrs Lena Fowler Fowler Thomas M 73 7.28.1931 B 23 6 Alice Murril Sloan; Wife & Chldrn Fox Soloman M 45 09/10/02 3 39 4 Cromley & Fox; Mrs Fox Fox William H. M 64 03/20/40 B 59 2 no one listed Fraley Velma Irene F 34 07/16/50 RA 122 3 L.A. Fraley; Husband Fraley Virginia Lee F 3 03/02/49 RA 122 4 L.A. Fraley; Parents Frame George C. M 60 11/24/15 nl 5 2 Mrs Sadie Frame; Mrs Frame Francis Emma May F 69 02/09/47 4 32 5 H.M. Hyland; Husband Frank Nancy C. F 79 01/30/20 4 14 2 E.F. Street; Mrs Street Franklin Mrs.Benjamin F nl 03/04/05 2 26 7 Benjamin Franklin Franklin Benjamin M 82 05/26/27 2 26 4 Benjamin Franklin; Mrs Carey Grant Franklin Charles M 83 12/5/1895 2 1 4 John C. Mitchel; Mrs Franklin Franklin Littleton F 94 07/31/05 2 1 3 J.C. Mitchel (MrsJC Mitchel’s mother) Franklin Miss F 14 3/11/1890 2 26 6 no one listed Franklin William S. M 42 03/06/19 2 26 5 Benjamin Franklin; Mr. Franklin Frantz Daniel S. M 72 10/08/09 8 41 nl no one listed Franzen baby F 7 03/15/08 5 22 9 Cornelius Franzen Franzen Cornelius M 78 01/29/45 5 22 7 Cornelius Franzen Franzen Peter M 75 06/17/20 5 40 3 estate of Peter Franzen Frasier Rhonda M. F 42 06/30/47 6 58 2 Harry W. Frasier; Husband Frazier baby nl 2h 5/23/1897 B 72 nl Miller Frazier Frederickson John Albert M 61 03/26/44 6 69 5 Mrs John A Frederickson; Wife Freeland Michael E. M 3h 06/17/47 9 19 31 Fred Freeland; Parents Freeland William M 85 12/21/50 8 69 4 George W Freeland; Children Freeman Fred M 60 04/17/40 10 23 1 Mrs Fred Freeman; Wife Freese Minnie F 57 03/13/28 4 10 3 Arnold Freese; Mr Freese Freeze, Herman Arnold M 72 08/24/38 4 10 4 Arnold freeze; Children French Arthur Jay M 49 07/17/50 6 98 7 Belle French; Mother French John M 60 09/01/28 6 21 7 Nettie French; Wife & Sons Frerichs, William Gerhardt M 26 04/01/48 7 72 4 William F. Frerichs; Parents Freshour Earl W. M 39 01/23/25 4 53 6 no one listed Freshour Ida B. F 37 04/29/23 4 53 2 George E. Parks; Earl Freshour Freunhoff William M 73 02/04/32 7 4 5 William C Freunhoff, Jr; Wife & Son Frick Peter M 43 08/03/46 9 32 1 Sister Friend Willard M 16 09/13/34 B 3 7 Parents Frink Bessie E. F 45 07/31/22 6 6 1 L.E. Ewan; Mrs Frink Frink Fred F. M 64 01/26/33 6 6 5 L.E. Ewan; Children Fritz baby M 0 04/18/27 4 34 nl Fritz; Mr. Fritz Fritz,George (Leal)Neal M 28 11/29/41 7 26 6 Claude Fritz; Parents Fritz Thomas M 1 01/16/22 7 24 C John H. Fritz; Thomas fritz Fromlath Edward B. M 34 03/24/22 5 3 4 Anna Ruth Fromlath; Mrs Fromlath Fry,Cheridah May F 11 01/26/13 4 19 4 R.P. Bean; Mr. Frye Fry Leliah Rose F 25 06/21/32 2 11 5 Phillip G. Fry; Husband Frye Barbara F 45 09/04/17 4 46 8 W.E. Frye Frye Elizabeth F 1d 04/09/46 9 18 30 Ray frye; Parents Fulfer Jacob A. M 80 06/02/48 7 71 1 Mrs J.A. Fulfer; Wife Fuller Cora A. F 66 10/15/48 6 89 8 George E. Fuller; Husband Fuller Nelson M. M 40 11/24/1886 3 20 1 no one listed Fulmer Adolph M 57 04/01/35 2 3 2 Gassner; Wife Fulmer Bertha F nl 04/01/35 nl nl nl (removed from Sedalia Cem. and interred in same grave) Fulmer Emma F 63 04/30/38 2 3 6 Gassner; Daughter Fulmer Thomas M nl 04/01/35 nl nl nl (removed from Sedalia Cem. and interred in same grave) Fulner, Frank Branson M 56 12/02/36 10 10 1 Lucy Fulner; Wife Fulton Christine F 0 03/25/12 5 2 1 J.W. Fulton Fulton, George William M 19 03/11/28 5 2 4 J.W. Fulton; Brothers & Sisters Fulton Gertrude W. F 38 04/05/22 5 2 2 J. William Fulton Fulton, James William M 47 10/03/27 5 2 3 J.W. Fulton; James William Fulton Fuson Alvin M 26d 11/21/08 4 60 4 H.C. Fuson =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project (http://www.usgenweb.org) and by the COGenWeb Archive Project USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. 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