Notes for Bent County, Colorado Cemetery Records Contributed by Luella Marlman October 9, 1999 In 1975 Elva Tull was librarian for the Lower Arkansas Valley Regional Library and Bookmobile. She and her co-workers began the project of cataloguing the Las Animas Cemetery. The persons who devoted their time and summers to this project were: Elva L. Tull, Librarian 1971-1989 Donna Bowers, Assistant Librarian 1971-1981 Darlene Coffield, Secretary and Driver retired 1984 Seven Las Animas High School typists A great deal of research was done including cemetery, mortuary and city clerk records and books. Each stone in the cemetery was read and cross- referenced with cemetery books. This was made possible by Bent County grants. In the 1980s the following people also worked on this project: Norma Ferrell Clerk-Driver Norman Childers Clerk-Driver Brenda Ricken Clerk-Driver Evaline Kenworthy Friend Volunteers: Opal Wagner, summer of 1988; Martha Lowe and Phyllis Sinclair In the spring of 1998 Luella Marlman began to put the records on the computer. Some Las Animas High School students helped with the typing. Elva Tull proofread the results. This portion of the project was completed May 1999. In June 1999 Betty (Bond) Pennington began the task of further proof reading and preparing the material in proper form for printing. The legal description on the land where the cemetery is located was found in a local mortician, Mr. Powell, records. Las Animas Cemetery: $672.00 consideration 27th day of September 1915 Grantor: Anna Lee (Previous owner was P. G. Scott) Grantee: City of Las Animas, CO A lot of land lying in SE 1/4 Sec. 15, TWP 23, South, Range 52 West, 6th PM Bent County Colorado. Described as follows: Beginning at a point on Section Line between sections 22 and 15 TWSP 23 S R 52, West 6th PM, Bent County, Colorado. Which bears West 255 from SE corner of Sec 15, TWSP 23 R W 6th PM Bent County, Colorado. Which bears West 255 from SE Corner of Sec TWSP? 23 R 52 W 6th PM thence North 815' thence West 360' to point of beginning. 6.72 acres more or less. INDIAN ROCK CEMETERY GRANTOR: Fred E. Rider 2nd day of November 1922 GRANTEE: To Indian Rock Ass'n $1.00 & other consideration Following described piece of parcel of land to wit: Beginning at a point 1416.7 feet West & 30' North of the SE Corner of Sec 13, in TWSP 24 South of Range 50, West of the 6th PM, thence North 261 feet then West 323 feet to the point of beginning containing 1.9 acres more or less. We were also told there is supposed to be a doctor and an undertaker buried in Indian Rock. Their markers and stones are gone if they were there. Only 2 stones are here; Shinn and Johnson. HOME CEMETERY McCLAVE, CO DEC 3, 1914 FEB 15, 1956 FILED GRANTOR: B. T. McClave $1.00 O. G. & V. C. GRANTEE: L. H. Cline, R. L. Amos, W. D. Harris, Emil Peterson Trustees of the Brethern Church of McClave, CO and their successors. Conveying the described lands in Bent County, CO to wit: 178222-following described piece of land beginning at the corner lot #2 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec 19, TWSP 22 South, Range 48 west of the 6th PM, thence due East 25 rods, thence due north 32 rods, thence due West 25 rods, thence due south to the place of beginning containing about 5 acres more or less. This cemetery is located south of McClave. LITTLE KANSAS No deed. Sec. 20 TWSP 24 S R 48W BETHEL CEMETERY GRANTOR: Charley H. Service 25th Day of Feb. 1921 GRANTEE: Bethel Cemetery Assoc. $1.00 Consideration 2 acres of land located in the NE corner of the NE 1/4 of Sec 13 T 26 S of R 50 West of the 6th PM being a square parcel of land. This Deed is a Deed of Gift In Files 1948-1950 Land donated originally by Dad Sarvis It is believed there is a young boy in this cemetery who was shot-no proof of this, it is only hearsay. HIGHT'S CEMETERY 21st Day of November 1919 $1.00 GRANTOR: Arlo T. Hight GRANTEE: The Board of Trustees of Hight's Cemetery Owner before that was Henry C. Rogers A part of the N 1/2 of Sec 25 TWSP 23 S of Range 48 West of the 6th PM described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of said sub-division. Thence West 20 rods to a point, thence south 16 rods to a point, thence east 20 rods to a point, thence 16 rods to the place of beginning containing 2 acres, to be perpetually for burial purpose only. =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project ( and by the COGenWeb Archive Project USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.