1911 Colorado Business Directory, Paonia, Delta County http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/delta/directories/1911-paonia.txt Transcribed by Joy Fisher December 14, 2004 This file was extracted from: 37th Annual Volume The Colorado State Business Directory WITH A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State, Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc. 1911 DENVER, COLORADO THE GAZETTEER PUBLISHING CO. ESTABLISHED 1871 JAMES JR. IVES, MANAGER 1911 ================================================= PAONIA. An important town in Delta county, on the D. & R. G. R. R., in the best fruit growing belt of the West; 32 miles from Delta. Farming and fruit growing are the leading industries. Paonia has electric lights, pure mountain water system, excellent schools and churches, and is growing rapidly. Population 1,500. Altitude 5,696 feet. Allen Jno F, physician. ALPHA GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS, Chas Scales Jr and Chester A Cooper props. Austin C R, livery. Axford W ,T, blacksmith. Baetjer W T,cash Fruit Exchange State Bank. BALCH PARKER, agricultural implements, hay and feed. BAXTER J H, (Baxter & Stone), U S commissioner, atty, notary public. BAXTER & STONE, attys-at-law. Biggs H C, mgr Independent Lumber Co. BINFORD A L, cash First Nat Bank. Blake Geo 0, atty. abstcts.notary Boston J A, photographer. Bowie Morris R, physician. Bross W T, constable. BROSS HOTEL, W T Bross prop. Bunker J A, postmaster. Cady E S, carpenter. Castell A J, mgr The Gibson-Castell Lumber Co. Catterson A D, physician. Chapman Bert, marshal & street commissioner. Christian Church, Rev C G Stout pastor. CLINE & HUFTY, real estate, loans and insurance. COFIELD L S, sec & genl mgr Paonia Fruit Exchange Co. Colo Tel Co, Chas H Burns ex mgr Congregational Church, Rev E H Robinson pastor. CRAIG ARTHUR L, mgr North Fork Fruit Growers' Assn. Crawford L L, physician. Curtis E H, hardware. Curtis P C, jeweler. Davis A S, carpenter. Delta County Co-Op Tel Co, Dr W I Follansbee sec. DeWoody Bros, grocers. Dorrance Coal Mine, Geo Wildeman mgr. Douglas S H P harness. Dunbar T H, drugs Edwards W S, photographer. Eisenkramer Phil, meat market. Electric Light Plant & Water Works (municipal). Emry Shoe & Clothing Co, F G Emry mgr. Excelsior Fruit Co, U 0 Anderson pres. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, E R Morgan pres, C C Hawkins vice-pres, A L Binford cash, S C Henn asst cash. Follanshee W F, physician. Friends Church, Rev M D Branon pastor. Fruit Exchange State Bank, Weldon Hammond pres, Thos T Duffield vice-pres, W T Baetjer cash. Gayety Theatre, Mrs H B French prop. GIBSON-CASTELL LUMBER CO A J Castell mgr. GRAND MESA ABSTRACT CO, C C Hawkins pres. Grewell & Criswell, notions Haley B A, barber. Hall L M, nursery. Hamilton C B, dentist. Hart Bernard, ice. Hammond Weldon, pres Fruit Ex change State Bank. HAWKINS C C, real estate, loans and insurance, notary public. HAWKINS C C, vice-pres First Nat Bank. Hazlett H W, physician. Henn S C, asst cash First Nat Bank, notary. Hester G W, police magistrate, justice peace. HESTER V A, contractor and builder. Hockett & Rudolph, livery. Hooker H H, restaurant. Hubbard H C, cigars & confecty. HUFTY E E (Cline & Hufty), real estate, notary public. Hunt J, civil engr. Hussong H L, prin schools. Independent Furniture Co, F C Paist mgr, undertakers. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO, H C Biggs mgr. Jewell Walter P, electrican. Juanita Coal Co, Alex Bowie mgr. Kemp E B, blacksmith. KENNEDY LEROY, editor & mgr The Paonia Newspaper. King A A, dentist. Kohr K, tailor. Lamb W R, meat market. LANGDON & GROVES, contractors and builders. Lewis W H, R R & Exp agt. McCall H H, osteopath. McClenathan Merc Co J V, genl mdse. McCormick J C, supt high school. McFadden I D, atty, real estate. McKee A S, civil engr. McMillen J A, carpenter. McNAUGHTON JOHN, prop Paonia Hotel Martin E P, civil engr. Mathews E J, pres & mgr Paonia Packing Co mayor. Maxville H E, books & stationery. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev J Q Vermillion pastor. Miller Merc Co, J B Miller mgr, genl mdse. Moore Jno H, insurance, notary. Morford J H, see hd gds. MORGAN E R, pres* First Nat Bank. Morgan S C, restaurant. Morris Mrs H F, millinery. Mt Lamborn Ditch & Reservoir Co, C C Hawkins pres. Nelson Clarence, mayor. NELSON BROS FRUIT CO, Ira J Nelson pres, Clarence Nelson sec, wh fruit and produce. Newman G T. taxidermist. NORTH PORK FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION, Arthur L Craig mgr. NORTH FORK VALLEY PACKING CO, Paonia Fruit Exchange Co, operators. Oliver Clinton L, ed & pub Paonia Booster. Osboldstone W B, justice peace. OWEN C C, mgr Paonia Feed & Supply Co. Paist Myrtle, town clerk & treas. Paonia Booster (w), Clinton L Oliver ed & pub. Paonia Coal Co, A L Binford sec. PAONIA FEED & SUPPLY CO, C C Owen mgr, fuel, feed and seeds. PAONIA FRUIT EXCHANGE CO, T T Duffield pres, O Crush vice-pres, L S Cofield sec-genl mgr, H Klatt. treas, wh fruit & produce. PAONIA HOTEL, John McNaughton prop. Paonia Merc Co, genl mdse. PAONIA NEWSPAPER (w), The Paonia Newspaper Publishing Co pubs, Leroy Kennedy ed & mgr. PAONIA PACKING CO, E J Mathews pres & mgr, W H Baker asst mgr, canners of fruit Paonia Plumbing Co H B, French mgr. Paonia Rooming House. Mrs F G Horning prop. PAONIA STEAM LAUNDRY, F C Schmid mgr. Parkhill Realty & Inv Co, Fred W Parkhill mgr. Patterson Guy, barber. Potteiger Geo, cigars & confecty. Ray F L, photographer. Reynolds F H, harness. Rosenblatt J A, restaurant. Rosencrans Chas L, carpenter. Rusho T 0, genl mdse. SCHMID F C, mgr Paonia Steam Laundry. Shallenberger L R, town engr. Shaul & Co G W, plumbers, Smith Alvin E, real estate. Stewart Ditch, C C Hawkins sec. STONE C M, atty, (Baxter & Stone). TAYLOR & BIRD (W E Taylor & L G Bird), real estate, rentals and insurance. Uinque Hotel, Aaron Pierce prop. Verner Inv & Realty Co, E M Verner pres & mgr. VINCENT MERLE D, atty-at-law, town atty. Wade B P, carpenter. Wakefield J P, billiards. Welborn H E, drugs. Williams G E, restaurant. Wyman R F, carpenter. Yates Mrs W H, milinery. ================================================================= All files are contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archives Project (http://www.usgwarchives.net/). USGenWeb Archives Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as the source and contributor name remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual without the express written permission from the author/contributor.