Delta County CO Archives Obituaries.....Hetzel, Amy August 31, 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Betty M. Baker April 1, 2002, 9:10 am The Daily Sentinel Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1921, page 6 MRS. HETZEL PASSED AWAY TODAY Well Known Lady of the Bethel District Succumbed After A Year’s Illness; Burial Tomorrow This morning, about 8:30, at the family home, Rose hill ranch, 2 miles north of Bethel, occurred the death of Mrs. Amy Hetzel, wife of E. M. Hetzel, well known rancher of that district. Death ended an illness that dated back for a year. Mrs. Hetzel was 49 years of age and is survived by her husband; two sons, Kenneth and Ellis, both of whom are at home, and a step-son, Raymond Hetzel. Mr. and Mrs. Hetzel have resided in the Bethel District since 1903 and have a wide circle of friends over the valley who will deeply regret her death. The funeral service will beheld from the home tomorrow afternoon at 2:30, with interment in Crown Point cemetery. Additional Comments: Amy Hetzel was buried in Crown Point Cemetery, Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado. For more information on this family visit File at: