Denver, History of Colorado, BIOS: BROUGHTON, JOHN S. (published 1918) *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman January 25, 2000 *********************************************************************** "History of Colorado", edited by Wilbur Fisk Stone, published by The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. (1918) Vol. II p. 469-470 JOHN S. BROUGHTON. John S. Broughton, president of the Colonial Amusement Company, has more than made good in the motion picture business since starting out in Denver in this connection four years ago. He has today one of the best paying theatres, on Curtis street and has built up his business by enterprising methods and close study of the popular taste. He was born in London, England, November 9, 1861, and is a son of the late John R. Broughton, who was born in England and was a blacksmith by trade. He spent his entire life in his native country and there passed away March 19, 1917, at the age of seventy seven years, his birth having occurred in 1840. His wife bore the maiden name of Sarah Gent and is still living, being yet a resident of London. John S. Broughton was the eldest in their family of six children, three sons and three daughters. He acquired his education in private schools of London and afterward served an apprenticeship in mechanical lines in the employ of the British government. After completing his term of indenture he came to America, arriving on this side of the Atlantic on the 19th of April, 1882. He first made his way to Cleveland, Ohio, and after a short sojourn there, decided to come still further west. Selecting Colorado as his destination, he arrived in Denver in 1884. In 1887 he went to Colorado City, where he entered the employ of the Colorado Midland Railway. Later, he went to Mexico, where he engaged with the Mexican Central Railway, remaining there during the ensuing four and one-halt years. Returning to Cleveland, in 1898, he entered the employ of the Upson Nut Company, as a machinist, later becoming general superintendent of the business, as well as a stockholder in the corporation. This association was continued for sixteen years during which period the adoption of numerous devices invented by Mr. Broughton, had proven important factors in a substantial expansion of the business. In 1914, Mr. Broughton again became a resident of Denver where he has since continued to make his home and is now numbered among the progressive business men of the city, and where within a short time following his arrival, he acquired ownership of his present business. This he has since developed into one of the leading amusement places in Denver. He has also secured a fifty year lease on his present building and fifty feet adjoining and expects immediately after the close of the war to erect one of the finest motion picture theatres in the west. Mr. Broughton was married on the 29th of December, 1886, in Denver, Colorado, to Miss Frances E. Home, a native of Oswego, New York, and a daughter of the late Henry and Anna (Walters) Home, of the Orkney islands, Scotland. They became the parents of two daughters: Frances, the wife of Joseph Shillinsky, a resident of Cleveland, Ohio; and Hazel, the wife of Max Tyler, also living in Cleveland. During the first period of his residence in Colorado Mr. Broughton was for eighteen months a member of the Colorado National Guard, his association with the company covering the years 1895 and 1896. Later the company disbanded. Mr. Broughton became a naturalized American citizen in 1890 and cast his first presidential vote for President McKinley, since which time he has voted with the republican party. As a member of the Masonic fraternity, Mr. Broughton has achieved both honor and distinction, all of his Masonic affiliations being in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a member of Lakewood Lodge, No. 601, A. F. & A. M.; Lake Erie Consistory, Scottish Rite masons, in which he has attained the thirty-second degree; and also holding membership in Forest City Commandery, No. 40, Knights Templar. He served as prelate for six years, having been successively elected to that exalted position, and was later elected and served as eminent commander. He takes deep interest in the order and is a close student of the mysteries of Masonic lore. Mr. Broughton is a self made man who came to America empty- handed. He earned his first money at teaching in his native land, for which he received the small stipend of two cents per day, the custom being at that time for the head teacher to select five of the best boys of the class to teach the class for one day during the week. At the age of twelve years, therefore, he began- teaching and soon had the entire room to himself. For this service he received twelve cents per week. He was ambitious and energetic, and the favorable reports -which he heard of American opportunities led him to come to the new world to try his fortune. Here he has made steady advancement, utilizing the means at hand, and each year has seen him a step in advance of the place he had attained the previous year. His continuous progress has been the result of close application and the wise use of the opportunities that have come to him, and today as president of the Colonial Amusement Company he is conducting a profitable and growing business, presenting to the public attractions which are of such a nature that make his patronage in excess of that given to any other moving picture house of the city.