Dolores County CO Archives Biographies.....Dunham, John February 26, 1861 - ? ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Crook January 10, 2006, 4:32 pm Author: Progressive Men of Western Colorado Wholly a product of the farther West, and indebted directly in no wise to the culture and high civilization of the East, unfavored too by the smiles of fortune or adventitious circumstances, but having won his way in life altogether by his own efforts, John Dunham, of Dolores county, living and carrying on a flourishing farming and stock industry on Disappointment creek near the village of Lavender, is one of the leading men and most representative citizens of this section of the country. He was born in California on February 26, 1861, and is the son of John B. and Susan Dunham, natives of Pennsylvania and early settlers on the Pacific slope. In 1873 the family moved to Colorado and settled on Pine river, where they engaged in the stock business. Here their son John reached man’s estate and received the greater part of the district-school training he was able to get. In 1882, just after passing his majority, he set up in life for himself, coming to Dolores county and locating on his present ranch. Since then he has been busily engaged in improving his land, making a comfortable home for himself and his own family, and developing the stock industry which he conducts and which he has expanded into one of the leading enterprises in its line in this part of the state. His ranch is one of the best for stock in the country, and he has in addition an extensive and productive range for his herd of one hundred and fifty well-bred, high-grade cattle, and his band of superior horses. He was married in January, 1888, to Miss Lena Estes, a native of Arkansas, but reared in Colorado. They have two children, their son Irving and their daughter May. Coming to this part of the county when it was practically unsettled and undeveloped, Mr. Dunham has been potential and active in the improvement of the section, and in bringing its resources to the knowledge of the world. He has also borne an active part in its public life, and in developing and guiding the thought and activity of its people in channels of wholesome and beneficial progress. Among the citizens of the section none is more highly or more justly respected and esteemed. Additional Comments: From Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A.W. Bowen & Co., 1905 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb