Dolores County, Colorado Newspapers: The Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, Clipping from Sunday, March 8, 1959; section BB page 10 Dolores County Genweb Archives Submission by Marta Norton [MNorton @]on Thursday, December 16, 2004 ***************************************************************************** The Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph Sunday, March 8, 1959 section BB page 10 Dolores County Ore Discovered in 1869 Dolores County, in southwest Colorado, was visited early in the 18th century by Spanish explorers, and trappers form the St. Louis Fur Co. established a temporary settlement on the Dolores River about 1833. Miners followed the Dolores River to the present site of Rico in 1869 and discovered there the Pioneer Lode, which was developed into the Shamrock Mine. They also found another rich silver vein, named Nigger Baby from its black product, and built the first log cabin in the district. Dolores County was established in 1881. The county seat is Dove Creek. ***************************************************************************** Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Project ( Archives and by the COGenWeb Project Archives USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. ******************************************************************************