1890 J.M. Gingerich & Kate Benedict Marriage Certificate, Fremont County, Colorado http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/fremont/vitals/marriages/1890gingerich_benedict.txt Certificte and License for Mr. James M. Gingerich and Mrs. Kate Benedict Married December 21, 1890, Canon City, Colorado. Donated by Barbara Rivas Sep. 8, 2007 Document is Public Domain. ==================================================================== MARRIAGE LICENSE. The State of Colorado _Fremont_ County Know all men by this certificate that any regularly ordained Minister of the Gospel, authorized by the rules and usages of the church or denomination of Christians, Hebrews, or religious body of which he may be a member, or any Judge or Justice of the Peace, to whom this may come, he not knowing of any lawful impediment thereto is hereby authorized and empowered to solemnize the Rites of Matrimony Between, Mr. _James M. Gingerich_ of the County of _Rio Grande_ and _State_ of _Colorado_ and Mrs. _Kate Benedict_ of the County of _Venango_ and _State_ of _Penn'a_ and to certify the same to said parties or either of them under his hand and seal in his ministerial or official capacity and thereupon he is requested to return his Certificate in form following as hereto anexed. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said County at _Canon City_ this _Twentieth_ day of _December_ A.D. 1890_ __G.A. Cassedy__ County Clerk by J.W. Wilson Deputy ------------------------------ Marriage License (Book Stub) Mr. James M. Gingerich and Mrs. Kate Benedict Issued and Regist'd Dec. 20th 1890 Married Dec 21st 1890 Returned Dec 26th 1890 ------------------------------ =================================================================== CERTIFICATE OF MARRIAGE I _Chas. H. Koyl_ a _Minister of the Gospel_ residing at _Canon City_ in the County of _Fremont_ in the State of Colorado do certify that in accordance with the authority on me conferred by the above license I did on this _21st_ day of _December_ in the year of A.D. 1890, at _Canon City_ in the County of _Fremont_ in the State of Colorado solemnize the Rites of Matrimony between Mr. _James M. Gingerich_ of _Monte Vista_ of the County of _Rio Grande_ of the _State of Colo_ and Mrs. _Kate Benedict_ of _Pleasantville_ of the County of _Venango_ of the _State of Pennsylvania_ in the presence of _Isaac Thurston_ and _Mrs. C.H. Koyl_ Witness my hand and seal, at the County aforesaid, this _21st_ day of _December_ A.D. 1890_. In Presence Of __Isaac Thurston__ __Chas. H. Koyl__ __Caroline Koyl___ __Minister of the Gospel__ --------------------------------- 727 Marriage Certificate (Book Stub) Mr. James M. Gingerich to Mrs. Kate Benedict Filed for Record on the 26th day of Dec. 1890 at 5 o'clock P.M. and recorded in book B of Marriages, page 237. _G.R. Cassedy_ County Clerk by _J.W. Wilson__ Deputy --------------------------------- ==================================================== Notes: This was a second marriage for both of them. James M. Gingerich, born 1848 in Penn., married a Maggie E. Alexander in 1874 in Shawnee County, Kansas. They apparently had no children. Kate Nichols born 1858 in Penn. married Herbert Leslie Benedict in 1883. He died in 1889. She had two children when she married James. James and Kate had a son, James Donald, who was born in 1891 in Monte Vista, Colo. before the family moved to California. Kate died in 1921 in Pasadena, Calif. James died in 1935 also in Pasadena.