1911 Colorado Business Directory, Gunnison, Gunnison County http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/gunnison/directories/1911-gunnison.txt Transcribed by Joy Fisher December 5, 2004 This file was extracted from: 37th Annual Volume The Colorado State Business Directory WITH A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State, Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc. 1911 DENVER, COLORADO THE GAZETTEER PUBLISHING CO. ESTABLISHED 1871 JAMES JR. IVES, MANAGER 1911 ================================================= GUNNISON. County seat of Gunnison county, on the D. & R. G. R. R. and the Colorado & Southern Ry. Center of an important and growing mining section, possessing mineral resources greater than those of most states. Gunnison is a natural and business center, and all lines of business are well represented. Good schools, six churches, pure water, large water works and electric light plant. Time only is necessary to make this the metropolis of the Western Slope. Population 1,500. Altitude 7,600 feet. ADAMS CLARENCE, furniture and undertaking. AIKINE O H, civil and mining engineer. U S mineral surveyor. Anderson B F, barber. ARNST B T, (Gunnison Commission Co). Berg Geo, mfr cigars. Blackstock Jos, clothing. Blackstock M R, vet surgeon. Bourdette C R, wall paper and paints. Boyles P C, books & stationery. Brown Ira, clerk dist court. Bullion King M Co. BUTTS J C, prop Gunnison Opera House. Canaday’s Drug Store. J S Foulke mgr. Carlson J, carpenter. Catholic Church, Father Wm Kipp priest. CITY LIVERY STABLES, Geo W Eastman prop. City Scales, Geo W Eastma weighmaster. Clark Jno A, barber. Clark W A, assayer. Collins E M, grocer and baker, mayor. Colo Tel Co, W W Byers mgr. Corum W H, town treas. Cuthbert Mrs M F, mgr W U Tel Co. Ditto W S, grocer. Dowling Tim, saloon. Downey Annie M, co treas. Doyle Mrs Lena, rooms and board Dunkel H F, dentist. Easterly Sarah B, co supt schools. EASTMAN GEO W, prop City Livery Stables, blacksmith, farm implements and automobiles. Eilebrecht Herman, steam thresher ENDNER LUMBER CO, Wm H Endner pres, L N Fontaine vice-pres, H W Endner sec-treas. European Hotel, Mrs Eva M Boyles prop. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, S P Spencer pres, A Hartman vice-pres, J J Miller asst cash. Forbes Mrs M, dressmaker. Foulke J S, drugs. Frank W A, prin county high school. Gavette L E, mfr confectionery. Gavette Bros, grocers. Gordon Jno, real estate. Graff Mrs Mary, lodging. Grand Union Tea Co, Mrs Belle Cooper agt. Gunn P J, saloon. GUNNISON BOTTLING WORKS, W E McNeil prop. GUNNISON COMMISSION CO, grain, feed, salt and hay. Gunnison County Hospital, Mrs D Unrah supt. Gunnison County Stock Growers' Assn, C L Stone see. Gunnison Gas & Water Co (municipal). Gunnison Hardware Co, Wm Snyder pres. GUNNISON NEWS-CHAMPION (w), Henry F Lake Jr prop. GUNNISON OPERA HOUSE, J C Butts prop. Gunnison Republican (w), C T Sills ed and prop. Halderman J F (Nourse & Halderman), atty, res Grand Junction. Hanlon Pat, co sheriff. Hards Robt, cigars and pool, brbr. HARTMAN A, viee-pres First Nat Bank. Heiner Jos F, surveyor. Hetherington Geo, atty, co judge. HOWLAND J H, mgr La Veta Hotel. HURLEY P J, co clerk & recorder Hyatt N J, physn. Jennings J D, marshal. Jennings Mrs J D, millinery. Johnson S S. restaurant. Keenan Ethel, stenographer. Klebsattel Gottlieb, tailor. Kreutzer Wm R, forest supervisor LAKE HENRY F, notary public and conveyancer. LAKE HENRY F JR, prop The Gunnison News-Champion. LAKE & SON HENRY F, real estate and insurance. Lamberty J C, justice peace. Large W S, photographer. Lashbrook B B, restaurant, Laub Geo, biliards. LA VETA HOTEL, J H Howland mgr. La Veta Hotel Bar, H Mauer mgr. LAWRENCE H C, farm implements, hay, grain and coal. Leahy J A. justice peace, police magistrate, shoemaker. McDOUGAL J M, atty-at-law, notary public. McKay P J, shoemaker. McNeil W R, prop Gunnison Bottling Works. Mackintosh N, physician. Maple Leaf Mines Co, Chas T Sills pres & mgr. MARTIN G D, harness and saddlery. Masonic Lodge Building, Opera House. MATTER HERMAN JR, lumber & planing mill. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev Stephen Lumley pastor. Metroz Jos, saloon. Miller Mrs Alice, furn rooms. Miller J J, asst cash First Nat Bank. Miller & Bro J D, meat market. Miller Bros, carpenters. Miller & Son S J, clothing. Millspaugh & Son J R, wh lumber. Mueller E E, jeweler. Murray G T, saloon. Myers Mrs L A, furn rooms. Nance C H, R R & Exp agt. NELSON NELS, beer hall and delicatessen. NOURSE E M (Nourse & Halderman), atty-at-law, U S commissioner. NOURSE & HALDERMAN (E M Nourse & J F Halderman), attys-at-law. O'Leary T, drugs, co coroner. Osborne Curtis, plumber. Parsons & Ferguson, transfer. Phillips Jas S, carpenter. Presbyterian Church, Rev Chas F Hubbard pastor. QUARLES GROCERY CO, W C Quarles mgr. Quinn M, saloon. Rogers Mrs La N, millinery. Rustler Mine, Jno Gordon prop. Sampliner & Co E J, dry goods. Sanford F D, physician. Sapp Dexter T, atty, county atty, notary. Sauer L G, barber. Schavers Ferdinand, barber. Schmidt Theo L, paints. Schmitz M Jr, town clerk. Shackleford Sprigg, judge dist court. Sills C T, real estate, ed & prop Gunnison Republican. Smith W H, blacksmith. Smith W S, civil engr, co surveyor. SPENCER S P, pres First Nat Bank. State Fish Hatchery. Strunk Wm, clothing. Sullivan Geo, dentist. Summers Nellie R, postmaster. Teachout R N, restaurant. Thomas A M, co assessor. Trine Mrs E, restaurant. Trine Mrs S L. harness. Union Pacific Tea Co, E M Williams mgr. Van Aken F D, carpenter. Voutaz Emma, furn rooms. Walker Franklin, cigars & confcty Weber House, Mrs N L Brunton prop. Webster H M, dry goods. Wegener B H, atty, town atty. Weinberger L, cigars. Young Frank, livery. ZEIGLER MARY E, dressmaker. Zoellner C P, agt D & R G Ry & Globe Exp. ================================================================= All files are contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archives Project (http://www.usgwarchives.net/). USGenWeb Archives Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as the source and contributor name remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual without the express written permission from the author/contributor.