1911 Colorado Business Directory, Brandon, Kiowa County http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/kiowa/history/directories/business/1911/1911-brandon.txt Transcribed by Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 November 20, 2004 1911 Business Directory listing for Brandon, Kiowa Co. This file was extracted from: 37th Annual Volume The Colorado State Business Directory WITH A Complete Classified Directory of the Entire State, Including Mines, Reduction Works, Etc. 1911 DENVER, COLORADO THE GAZETTEER PUBLISHING CO. ESTABLISHED 1871 JAMES JR. IVES, MANAGER 1911 ================================================= BRANDON. The town of Brandon is situated 20 miles west of the Colorado-Kansas state line, on the Missouri Pacific Ry., in the center of Kiowa county north and south. Four miles to the west is the Big Sandy river, from which the Chivington canal is to get its water to irrigate 40,000 acres in the vicinity of Brandon. Another great irrigation project is the Mammoth ditch, which is to irrigate a large portion of Kiowa county. One year ago Brandon was an unmarked spot save two small buildings. Today it boasts of some of the best buildings in Kiowa county, among them a fine brick bank building, a two-story brick hotel and a large brick school house. In the line of frame buildings there is a large general store, a hotel, printing office, garage, livery stable and lumber yard. There, are some fine residences that would be a credit to a town many times its size. Brandon and vicinity ofiers great inducement to the homeseeker as well as to the investor. For literature and further information address the Commercial Club, or any of the prominent business firms whose names appear in black type in the following lists. Population 200 and rapidly growing. Bell & White Engineering Co. BLANCHARD C D, genl mdse, notary public, postmaster. BODEY D, prop Brandon Livery, Feed & Sale Stable. Bodey Henry, autos. BRANDON BELL (w), Leslie F Randolph and Louie Wilson pubs. BRANDON COMMERCIAL CLUB, S S Sanger pres, W L Donohoe sec. BRANDON LAND & LOAN CO, L P Randolph mgr. BRANDON LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLE, D Bodey prop. BRANDON REAL ESTATE CO (J W Reed pres, A C Kensley sec, W L Donohoe treas). BRANDON TOWN CO, I S Ritchey pres, D E Reed vice-pres, L F Randolph sec, S S Sanger treas. Castor E A, justice peace, local mgr Western Lumber Co. DONOHOE W L treas Brandon Real Estate Co, sec Brandon Commercial Club. FIRST STATE BANK, J F Sanger pres, I S Ritchey vice-pres, S S Sanger cash. Fulton Dwight, billiards. FULTON P I, contractor and builder. Hotel Brandon, J M Crouse prop. KENSLEY A C, sec Brandon Real Estate Co. McAvoy J E, notary. McGrath Miss Margaret, prin school. Paulson Florence, photographer. RANDOLPH L F, mgr Brandon Land & Loan Co. REED D E, automobile livery. REED J W, pres Brandon Real Estate Co. Rupp V, section foreman. SANGER S S, cash First State Bank, pres Brandon Commercial Club. Sarah Philip, gasoline engines. WEAVER H H, hay, grain, feed, coal and seeds. Western Lumber Co, E A Castor local mgr. ================================================================= All files are contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archives Project (http://www.usgwarchives.net/). USGenWeb Archives Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as the source and contributor name remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual without the express written permission from the author/contributor.