Mesa County CO Archives Biographies.....Mounson, Nels C. September 9, 1848 - ? ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Crook March 23, 2006, 1:34 pm Author: Progressive Men of Western Colorado Born, reared and educated in Sweden, and well trained in agriculture by a long and extensive practical experience there, Nels C. Mounson, of Mesa county, Colorado, living on a fine little fruit ranch of seventeen acres lying four miles northeast of the village of Fruita, has transferred to the land of his adoption his spirit of progress and enterprise, and with the dogged and persistent industry, and the intelligence and breadth of view characteristic of his people, has built up in this western wilderness a comfortable home and a profitable business. He was born on September 9, 1848, in Sweden, where his ancestors lived for many generations, and where his parents, Christopher and Eva (Ingeburg) Mounson, were native and lived and labored until death, that of the mother occurring when her son was yet an infant and the father’s in 1875. The father was a farmer and the son was reared on the paternal homestead, where he remained until he reached the age of twenty-one. He was well educated in the state schools, and after he attained his legal majority, being desirous of devoting his life to agriculture, he attended a school devoted to that branch of industry, remaining there two years. After leaving that institution he became superintendent of a farm of over two thousand acres, holding the position seven years. In 1881 he came to the United States, and making his way direct to Colorado, turned his attention to prospecting for a year in the vicinity of Silver Cliff. The next year was passed working in a smelter at Pueblo, and he then went to Montana and Idaho, where he was engaged in mining about a year. After that he spent several years mining at Leadville, and while there served two years as county jailor. In March, 1896, he moved to Mesa county, and in partnership with Gavin Leslie bought a fruit ranch. The next year the partnership was dissolved and Mr. Mounson bought the ranch of seventeen acres on which he now lives, paying one thousand nine hundred dollars for it. Much of it had previously been set out to fruit and he has since extended this area and made good improvements in the way of buildings and other necessary equipment. Here he has a comfortable home with sixteen acres of orchard which produces bountifully, his net returns in 1903 being in excess of two thousand dollars. On November 1, 1876, he was married to Miss Mary Pearson, a native of Sweden and daughter of Peter Pearson, a farmer and carpenter there. Mr. and Mrs. Mounson have had one child, their son Nels Otto Mounson, who was drowned in Sweden at the age of four years. In politics Mr. Mounson is a Republican, and fraternally he is connected with the Order of Washington. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. For some years Mr. Mounson has been a cripple, the result of a cave-in on him while working in the mines at Leadville which crushed and mangled his left side badly, laying him up for a year and leaving him with one leg about two inches shorter than the other. Yet he has been energetic and progressive in conducting his business, and has taken a genuine and serviceable interest in the local affairs of his community in every line of useful activity and enterprise. Additional Comments: From Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A.W. Bowen & Co., 1905 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb