PURDY, Samuel L., b 1843; 1905 Bio, Mesa County, Colorado http://files.usgwarchives.net/co/mesa/bios/purdysl.txt --------------------------------------- Donated August 2001 Transcribed by Judy Crook from the book: Progressive Men of Western Colorado Published 1905, A.W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, Ill. --------------------------------------- Samuel L. Purdy Samuel L. Purdy, manager of the Mt. Lincoln water-power house near Palisades, Mesa county, is a native of Pennsylvania and was born there in 1843. He is a son of Eli and Marantha (Haveland) Purdy. His father was a native of New York and a stone mason by trade. He invented the first screw propellor for boats, and applied his device to a small boat on the canal, which was washed away at the time of the great break. And he, being poor and not knowing the value of his discovery, made no effort to recover the boat or equip another, and so the credit for the invention went to another, although there was doubtless no connection between the two, as Mr. Ericsson never heard of this case. The father died in Pennsylvania and the mother, who was a native of Ohio, died in that state in 1879, when she was seventy-five years old. Their son Samuel passed his boyhood and youth in his native state, and about the beginning of the Civil war he enlisted in the One Hundred and Tenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and was later transferred to the Sixth United States Cavalry, regular army, and he saw three years of the memorable contest, being in active service all of that time and participating in several of the noted engagements between the opposing armies. After the war he came west to Iowa and in 1878 removed to Kansas. From there he came to Colorado and settled at Grand Junction. He is a carpenter and mason by trade, and for a time wrought at these crafts in this section; but he is now superintendent of the Mt. Lincoln water-power house, which controls the flow of water into the irrigation canal of the High Line Mutual Irrigation Company, that has done so much for the improvement of this section of Mesa county. In 1865 Mr. Purdy was married to Miss Eliza Sheeder, a native of Pennsylvania. They have had nine children, Mary, Elmer, Lottie, Carrie, Pearl, Willie, Effie (deceased), May and Harry. Mr. Purdy has been active and industrious through life, living acceptably among his fellow men and winning on his merit their respect, which he enjoys in a marked degree. =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project (http://www.usgenweb.org) and by the COGenWeb Archive Project USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.