Mesa County CO Archives Biographies.....Wheeler, Samuel N. 1857 - ? ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Crook March 23, 2006, 2:56 pm Author: Progressive Men of Western Colorado The legal profession, although laying its votaries under tribute for continuous and arduous labor to win success, and often requiring sleepless nights after toilsome days in its exactions, yet wins many of the best minds of the country to its fields of contest and loses none of its attractions to the ambitious because of the hard conditions of the service. Among the men who honor it and are distinguished in it, western Colorado has no more welcome or inspiring example than Samuel N. Wheeler, of Grand Junction, one of the leading attorneys of Mesa county, and one of its best and most representative citizens, who is prominent and successful in business as well as in professional life. Mr. Wheeler is a native of Clarke county, Virginia, born in 1857, and the son of Jackson and Jane (Triplett) Wheeler, who were also natives of the Old Dominion and lived there until after the Civil war, when they moved to Missouri, where the father bought a farm and on it they reared their family of eight children, five of whom are living. The father was a soldier in the Confederate army during the war in the command of “Stonewall” Jackson. His son Samuel accompanied the family to Missouri from his native state in 1863, and grew to manhood on the paternal homestead. He was educated in the district schools and at the Warrensburg Normal School, paying for his education by teaching school. He studied law under the direction of a well known Warrensburg attorney and counselor, and in 1882 was admitted to practice in the Missouri courts, after which he took a course of lectures at the University of Virginia. Going to New Orleans in 1884, he there taught a select school for eighteen months. In 1886 he began the practice of his profession at Odessa, Missouri, but in the following year moved to southwestern Kansas, and from there in 1890 came to this state and located at Grand Junction. During the next five years he was associated in practice with Judge W.S. Sullivan, and since the dissolution of the partnership with him has been alone. In his practice he has been eminently successful, rising to the first rank in this section and making a reputation throughout a much larger scope of country as a learned counselor, a skillful attorney and a forcible and eloquent advocate. Both in the elementary principles of the law and in its interpretations by the courts he is well versed, and his intellectual forces are always marshalled and ready for duty on call. But although the law is a jealous mistress and seldom admits a divided devotion from her worshippers, he finds time to give attention to an extensive real estate business and the cultivation of several fine fruit farms near Fruita in Mesa county. He is also attorney for the Grand Valley National Bank of Grand Junction and the Colorado Midland Railroad at that city. In politics he is an ardent Democrat, and, although averse to public office, served two years as city attorney. In the fall of 1898 he was a candidate for the nomination for district judge in his district, but for personal reasons he withdrew from the race before the nominating convention met. The best interests of the community receive his support at all times, and in all commendable phases of its social, public and commercial life he is prominent, helpful and stimulating. He belongs to Mesa Lodge, No. 58, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has filled all its official chairs. In 1888 he married with Miss Frances Hereford, of Missouri. They have three children, Rowena, Samuel N., Jr., and Virginia. Additional Comments: From Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A.W. Bowen & Co., 1905 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.2 Kb