NEWSPAPERS: THE STATE HERALD, Holyoke, Phillips, Colorado: 14 Aug 1908, Vol. 22 - No. 3 Donated by: Vicki Conklin May 31, 2002 =================================================================================== THE STATE HERALD, 14 Aug 1908, Friday, Vol. 22 - No. 3 J.H. Painter, Editor and Publisher 14 Aug 1908, Friday, Vol. 22 - No. 3 Page One Ad - (Photo of the new store) THE BIG STORE. LeBlanc & Scheunemann have gone to Eastern Markets to purchase their NEW FALL GOODS. Watch the unusual large assortment of Dress Goods we expect to buy. The heavy business we have been doing since we occupied our new brick building warrants us to buy more extensively than ever. We are able to buy in large quantities and thereby save you money by trading with us. We don’t only save you money by trading with us but put all other stores in the shade regarding the high prices we are paying for produce. Did you ever figure how much more your eggs and butter bought at our store over and above what they would bring at other places? Buy at the Big Store where you can. BUY THE BEST GOODS at the Lowest Price and get the most Money for your Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Yours For Business, LeBlanc & Scheunemann. RUSHVILLE NEWS A few of our neighbors have finished harvesting and are commencing to make hay. Mr. Kenney’s spent Sunday with Mr. Lundy’s. Mr. Fetter’s visited at Mr. Wheatley’s Sunday. Ilene Pennington has been keeping house for her brothers on the homestead. Joe Dacan from Denver visited at Frank Austin's a week. Mrs. Charles Lindgren who has been ill of late is reported better. A crowd of the young folks intend to visit the reservoir at Sedgwick soon. -- CORN COB BILL WHITE - CONKLIN At the Methodist parsonage in Holyoke on Saturday evening August 8, 1908 Rev. G.A. Spence officiating, W.A. White and Miss Minnie Conklin were married. Both are well and favorably known in this county where they have resided for several years. W.A. White is one of the enterprising and successful farmers of the county and enjoys the friendship and respect of a large acquaintance in the county. The bride has for some time been engaged in teaching school and as a sales lady in one of the Holyoke stores. She has a host of friends and is highly thought of by all who know her. They will make their home on the farm in the south part of the county. They have the best wishes of the Herald. Page Four C.E. Paul left Holyoke Tuesday for a visit at Cowls, Nebraska. Dean Irwin has purchased a fine new delivery wagon for his business. Mrs. W.H. Slack went to Denver the first of the week for a visit. D.F. McFarland of Spirit Lake, Iowa was in Holyoke Tuesday looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. M.V. Summers and Mrs. E.G. Summers left Holyoke Tuesday for a visit at Memphis, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Lincoln, Nebraska, who had been visiting the family of G.W. Garland of Holyoke left for their home Tuesday. S.H. Johnson has resigned as police judge for Holyoke and Philip Zimmerman was appointed by the council to fill the vacancy. J.W. Jackson has commenced to build on his farm adjoining the Holyoke town site on the south. He will build a dwelling, a barn and granary. Mrs. Ed Donnelly and children from Ault arrived in Holyoke yesterday and we understand the family will make their home in this county. Miss Nellie Stoneberg of New Windsor is visiting relatives in Holyoke. The family resided in Holyoke for several years before moving to their present home. Mrs. August Scheunemann and daughter, Fay, left town Monday for Omaha. Mr. Scheunemann accompanied them and will go from there to St. Joseph to buy a stock of fall goods. Frank Johnson has resigned his position with the Burlington at Sterling. He has had a position with the Burlington for 10 years but has decided to engage in some other kind of work. J.B. Johnson, C.W. Sederburg, John Warren, W.E. Johnston and J.G. Richardson, the committee recently appointed by Judge Burke to examine the county treasurer’s books, have been making the examination this week. The Modern Woodmen will have a log rolling and picnic at Holyoke on Thursday August 20. At 10:00 the procession will form at hall and march to the school grounds; 10:30 addresses by prominent speakers; 12, dinner; 2 ball game; 3 sports of various kinds, tug of war and log rolling; 8:30 meeting of camp. General invitation to the public to bring well filled baskets and enjoy this day. Hans Johnson and Dr. Ford of Haxtun were in Holyoke Wednesday. L. LeBlanc left Holyoke Wednesday for St. Joseph, Missouri to buy a stock of fall goods. Judd Bernard, the little 7 months old babe of Mrs. J.B. Mahar of Holyoke died on Thursday August 13 from cholera infantun. The little babe was sick but a few days. The funeral will be conducted from the home this afternoon, Rev. Jenkins preaching the sermon. George Wilcox was badly injured last Wednesday by a four horse team and selfbinder. He had left the team for a few minutes when it became frightened and started to run and in an attempt to stop them he fell in front of the binder and the master wheel ran over him, breaking 4 ribs, some of the bones of the shoulder and otherwise injuring him very severely. He is reported as resting well. NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed bids, together with plans and specifications will be received at the office of the county clerk of Phillips County at Holyoke, Colorado, for the construction or erection of a wooden, wood and cement or cement bridge across the Frenchman creek on the section line between sections seven (7) and eight (8) in township seven (7) north of range forty four (43)* west of the 6, p. m. said bridge to be fifty five (55) feet in length with the floor of same to be six (6) feet above the creek bed. Bids for the wooden bridge to be for a three (3) span bridge with the posts or piling to be set in concrete foundation rising above the creek bed, instead of being driven, and bids for concrete with sufficient piers and abutments, the width of the roadway to be sixteen (16) feet. Bids and specifications will be received up till twelve (12) o’clock M. September 6th, 1908. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. -- Leon Kepler, County Clerk The engine and pump for the new steam water works plant has arrived and Mr. Hethcote has commenced work on the cement block power and pump house. Page Eight NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given that Martha A Towell of Holyoke, Colorado heir of Elisha D. Loree who on April 21 1902 made Hd E No. 1778 for the w 1/2 ne 1/4 and n 1/2 s e 1/4 sec 28 t 5 n r 44 w, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof to establish claim to the land above described before clerk of district court at Holyoke, Colorado on the 19 day of Sept 1908. Claimant names as witnesses Charles Sheridan of Holyoke, Colorado Everett E. Eambler of Wray, Colorado Benjamin Les Larzes of Holyoke, Colorado Andrew T. O’Connor of Holyoke, Colorado *This is correctly transcribed. It says "forty four (43)." =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project ( and by the COGenWeb Archive Project USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.