NEWSPAPERS: THE STATE HERALD, Friday, January 3, 1908, Vol. 21 - No. 23 Compiled by Vicki Conklin December 27, 2001 Copyright notice at bottom of file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE STATE HERALD, Holyoke, Phillips, Colorado J.H. Painter, Editor and Publisher 3 Jan 1908, Friday, Vol. 21 - No. 23 Page One Ad - Holyoke, Colorado, Nov. 1, 1907. Dear Neighbor: Do You Remember The Old Adage, A Penny Saved is as Good As Two Earned? Well, if you do, why don’t you come down to the Phillips County Bank when you want to send money away, and get a draft? We will sell you one for less than you have to pay for a Post Office Money Order, Express Money Order, Registered Letter. Drafts Good Anywhere on Earth. Put the pennies saved in the Baby’s little iron bank to buy Christmas toys with. Yours very truly, Phillips County Bank. Ad - Clearance Sale of Winter Goods At The Big Store of LeBlanc & Scheunemann, January 1, 1908. It’s the greatest bargain harvest on record. 15 per cent off on all underwear, 15 per cent off on all overshoes. This means a saving of at least 25 per cent over our competitors prices on over shoes and underwear, always have been at least 10 per cent lower. Isn’t This Worth Saving? Our Low Prices on Dress Goods are startling. 90 cents per yard for Chiffon Panamas and Wool Taffetas, others ask $1.50. Just stop and think we save you 60 cents on every yard. Can You Make Money Faster? All 12 1/2c flannelettes now 10. Best 12 1-2c outing flannels now 10c. 15 per cent off on clothing and overcoats. Come and take your choice of the greatest clothing values ever offered. Childrens and ladies coats are now sold at prices to make them go. Look over our bargain tables. This store is full of them. Ad - A Great Big Snap. Talking about “snaps” reminds us of a big stock of boards we have on hand - the biggest snaps in this yard of ours, which is piled full of snaps. They’re just common pine boards - some eight feet long, some ten, some twelve and so on up to eighteen feet. In width, they’re anywhere from four to twelve inches. If any of you people happen to be needing new sheds, barns or granaries, here’s your chance to get the lumber at a low price. H. Sutherland. Page Four Ad - For The Best Line of Drugs, School Supplies and Toilet Articles, Go To Allen’s Drug Store. Ad - Look Here! If you need anything in the line of Grain Drills Call and see our Kentucky, Hoosier, Van Brunt and Monitor Drills. The very best makes on the market. Lay aside the old wagon and buy a New Moline, Old Hickory, Bain, Racine, Indiana or Mandt. We keep them in stock and also a fine line of Buggies. Implements carefully set up and satisfaction guaranteed. G.W. Garland. Ad - Holyoke Meat Market, Shepard & Slack Proprietors. Fresh & Cured Meats, Homemade Sausage and Bologna Always In Stock. We kill nothing but the Best Fat Stock that money can buy. Highest price paid for Hides and Tallow. See us before Selling your fat stock. “The Square Deal.” Noblet Building. Horses for sale. M.V. Summers Go to LeBlanc & Scheunemann’s for Queensware. Our low prices on this high grade ware will interest you. See Lyman’s big bunch of ladies solid gold watches. FEED FOR SALE! I keep on hand at all times all kinds of feed, baled hay, corn, oats, speltz and ground feed. M. Zoll W.H. Lyman, the jeweler, has received a large stock of new goods in his line. If you want to buy, now is the time. G.A.R. Post No. 51. Meets the last Saturday of each month at their hall. George Trego, Com., W.A. Olmsted, Adm. Services at the Catholic church. Holy Mass every Saturday before the first Sunday in each month at 10:30 o’clock a.m. Sunday School immediately after Mass. Rev. Father B.J. Froegel, Pastor. Hoyt’s Art Studio for “Fotografs.” See those newest creations in Art Folders at Hoyt’s. LeBlanc & Scheunemann handle ground feed, bran and shorts. Leave your orders. August Erdman returned the first of the week from a visit at Big Springs, Nebraska. The rainfall in Phillips County for the year 1907 is reported by E.E.T. Hazen as 16.77 inches. Mrs. G.W. Shuler left Holyoke Wednesday for a visit with relatives at Salem, Oregon, and will visit Los Angeles before returning home. The Colonial Saxophone Quartette and Victoria Lynn, reader, at the opera house Saturday evening Jan. 11. Tickets for sale at the post office. All parties who have not paid the quarterly assessment on their phones please go to the bank and pay and save me the trouble of coming. J.T. Jenkins, Mgr. On Christmas day, J.H. Barrett was shot by Lafe Allen and killed at Laird, Yuma County. The bad feeling which resulted in the shooting seems to have been caused by strong drink. Prof. Lee R. Briggs, Misses Jessie Gerrish and Minnie Conklin and Mrs. Estella Summers, county superintendent, attended the meeting of the State Teacher’s Association at Denver this week. Sometimes we have to read the Denver papers to get the Phillips County news. The following facts appeared in a recent write-up of eastern Colorado for a Denver paper by Prof. Olin of the Agricultural College: “Mrs. S.S. Worley of Holyoke shows how the hen works to “help out” on the farm. She started in the spring with eighty B.P. Rock hens. She raised 325 chicks, supplied her table with eggs and poultry meat and, after accounting for what grain she had to feed the chickens, besides what they picked up and thereby saved on the farm, she had $200 to her credit and has ninety good pullets to repeat her experience in the spring. She sold 500 dozen eggs during the season. She also cleared $220 from three dairy cows. The hen and the dairy cow should be welcomed and kept on every eastern Colorado farm. It is an astonishing fact, too, that when ten or more hogs are raised there is either no mortgage or it soon disappears.” Page Five Ad - Thompson & King - Coal, Posts, Stock and Storage Tanks Made to Order. Nails, Wire. Building material of all kinds. Harness, Saddles, builder’s hardware. Anything used in the construction of a building. Supplied by:- Thompson & King Ad - Peter Jones Livery and Feed Stable. Phone No. 15. We have the most Up-To-Date “turnouts” in Eastern Colorado. Our rigs are not old and worn out and liable to fall to pieces during your drive. Every rig is a new one. If you do not have time to come and order a rig call us up over the phone, we will bring it to you. Sterling silver souvenir spoons of Holyoke at Lymans. Ad - Hardware & Harness. We have added to our stock of Hardware the great Majestic Ranges, This gives us the most complete stock of stoves ever in Holyoke. Examine any of our Stoves and let us show you their Good Points, and you will find them far Superior to any stove in town at the price Quality which is more to You than Price and we offer you both. C.M. Mowry. Ad - A Happy And Prosperous New Year To all. Let us help you to make it so, by giving us a part of your trade. It stands you in hand these times to see where you can get the most goods for your money. We have a few youths and childrens suits we are selling at cost and selling dry good at great reduced prices. Call and see us and get prices. P.J. Peter Ad - Printer’s ink when used on good presses and neatly displayed type for your stationery is valuable. We have every facility for doing the best of job work, at a minimum price. State Herald Ad - Pioneer Meat Market. Fresh and salt meats. Fish on Friday. The top of the market paid hides. We give you no loud talk but if you trade with us you will have no reason to regret it. O. Feris. Ad - New Location. I am now located in a building where I can better display my goods and accommodate my customers. Reduced price will still continue till after the holidays on rugs, chairs and stoves. Will sell furniture cheaper than ever before in order to make room for new goods. Remember you get a $20 phonograph with every $50 purchase. I carry a full line of up-to-date Queensware that you cannot duplicate in price in Eastern Colorado. Call and be convinced. W.J. Harper. Get in ahead of the blizzard. Order your storm sash now from H. Sutherland. I handle a good grade of coal oil and gasoline, much better in quality than I have heretofore handled at same price. W.J. Harper. FOR SALE. A frame barn 16x24 feet, 12 foot posts, room for 8 horses, used about one year, for cash or on time, good bankable paper. M.C. Kelly. Dr. K.C. Sapero. Eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Denver, will be in Holyoke, on Jan. 18th at the Sears Hotel. Consultation and examination for glasses free. NOTICE. The Phillips County Farmers’ Institute will be held March 13 and 14, 1908. We cannot get assistance from the Agricultural College at an earlier date. A.C. Cauble, Sec’y. The ticket drawing the large doll at Allen’s Drug Store was 437, but so far the party holding the lucky ticket has not reported. A son was born to Mrs. E.W. Dearcup on Sunday, December 22. A masquerade ball was given at the opera house Tuesday night. Roy Sutherland is the jeweler during the absence of W.H. Lyman. D.F. McFarland of Spirit Lake, Iowa was in Holyoke Thursday on business. Mrs. and Mrs. Bliss Hendrix of the Haxtun country were in Holyoke Thursday. A pair of girls arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cheramy on Monday, December 23. Mrs. W.L. Irwin and daughter returned this morning from a visit with friends in Denver. Rex Evans left Holyoke this morning for Quincy, Illinois where he is attending business college. Miss Madge Johnson entertained a number of her young lady friends at her home Tuesday evening. Oscar, Henry and Emma LeBlanc went to Bridgeport, Nebraska Thursday for a visit with Ernest and Mr. and Mrs. Gene LeBlanc. Mr. W.A. Olmsted and daughter, Miss Lorena, returned Thursday from Lincoln, Nebraska, where Miss Lorena has been receiving medical treatment. EVERGREEN J.W. Webermeier has been on the sick list for the past week. Lee Johnson is working for A.A. Shafer. A farewell party for Mildred Copp was given last Friday night. All that were present report a good time. S.S. Worley and wife visited at the Carwin ranch a couple of days last week. Miss Rook and Elnora Carpenter went to Julesburg for Christmas. S.D. VanMeter and E.F. Mather each received a pickle off the Christmas tree, wrapped in nice pink paper. What does that mean? Hellen Stetter of eastern Nebraska spent Christmas with her folks in the county. The program given at the Evergreen school house Christmas eve was the best of its kind, the house was full and the pretty things on the tree took the eye of everyone. Ada Carpenter was sick a couple of days last week. --- Rattle Snake Pete. Wanted, a good milch cow. Paul Renck. Go to the Mont-Calm Restaurant for your fine Christmas candy. ESTRAY NOTICE. At my farm northwest of Holyoke a red cow branded on left hip. Owner paying for feed and this advertisement can have a cow. J.W. Jewell. Thompson & King have closed out all of their fly nets and summer lap robes & have just opened up a large assortment of fur and plush robes. Call and see them before buying. Page Eight I have some bargains in queensware. W.J. Harper. List your land with the Irwin Stock Company. CREAM. I pay the top market price for cream at the office of J.W. Young, in Holyoke. A.M. Anderson Ad - Dr. Ina Patterson, Osteopathic Physician. All Acute and Chronic Cases Treated Osteopathically. Office over Paul & Fulschers real estate office. Holyoke, Colorado Ad - Dr. J.E. Ford, Physician and Surgeon. Respond to all Calls. Haxtun, Colorado Ad - Dr. F.M. Means, Physician and Surgeon. Office in C.E. Allen’s Drug Store, Holyoke, Colorado Ad - F.M. Smith, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Diseases of Women and Children. Office over Farmers and Merchants Bank. Holyoke, Colorado. Ad - J.W. Young. Coal, Ice, Oil and Gasoline, Transfer Business, Holyoke, Colorado Ad - Millinery. Am running an up-to-date Millinery Shop. Everything First Class. You’re cordially invited. Mrs. J.W. Haver. Rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Millage. Ad - Dr. Fred D. Boyce, Dentist. Sterling, Colorado. Will be in Holyoke on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday every other week and at Haxtun Saturday. Ad - C.G. Cramer. Tonsorial Artist. First Door South P.O. Hot and Cold Baths. Hair Cut in all the Latest Styles. Shop Closes at 8 o’clock p.m. except Saturdays. Ad - Holyoke Hotel. Harry Wilson Proprietor. Good rooms, Good meals and everything first-class in every respect. Rates Reasonable. The management makes it a point to carefully look after the convenience and comfort of all patrons. Hotel Located one block from B. & M. Depot, on Inter Ocean Avenue. We respectfully solicit your patronage. Ad - Malcom Zoll. General Blacksmith. Feed Ground on Short Notice. 1st door east of Sutherland’s Lumber Yard. Holyoke, Colorado Ad - Pantatorium!!!! I have opened up a Pantatorium in the Noblet Building and am prepared to clean, press and repair clothing. Can also clean rugs, carpets and upholstered furniture. Prices reasonable. All work guaranteed. Fred Feidler. Ad - Dr. P.S. Struble, Resident Dentist. Holyoke, Colorado. Office Over Farmers and Merchant Bank. Hours 9 to 5 daily except Sunday. Ad - Mont-Calm Restaurant. First door north of the Post Office. Oysters in Season. I carry the finest line of Confectionery, Nuts, Fruits and cigars ever brought to Holyoke. Home Baking For The Trade. Call and see me. A.E. Patrick. Ad - J.H. Painter. Attorney at Law. Office In Herald Building. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION State of Colorado, County of Phillips, District Court Darwin M. Inman vs The London & Yankton Development Company, W.S. Stratton and E.E. Armour The northeast quarter of section twenty one (21) in township seven (7) north of range forty five (45) west of the 6th p.m. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION State of Colorado, County of Phillips, District Court Darwin M. Inman vs John T.M. and Annie W. Pierce, Harry Eller, The Inter State Land & Investment Company, W.S. Stratton, Isaac Pelton, E.E. Armour The northwest quarter of section nineteen (19) in township seven (7) north of range forty five (45) west of the 6th p.m. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION State of Colorado, County of Phillips, District Court Darin M. Inman vs Jennie M. Beggs The northwest quarter of section twenty seven (27) township seven (7) north of range forty five (45) west of the 6th p.m. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION State of Colorado, County of Phillips, District Court Darwin M. Inman vs Charles Pratt - Southwest quarter of section twenty five (25) in township seven (7) North of range 45 west of the 6th p.m. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Sterling, Colorado, 24 Dec 1907 Notice is hereby given that John V. Canaday of Holyoke, Colorado has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: H E No. 3086 made Sept 18, 1906 for the N E. 1/4 Sec 11 T 8N R 46 W and that said proof will be made before Register of Receiver at Sterling, Colorado on Feb. 5, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land: David McDonald of Haxtun, Colorado Sarah McDonald of Haxtun, Colorado Burt Riffenburg of Holyoke, Colorado Carl Shuler of Holyoke, Colorado SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF LAND State of Colorado, County of Phillips, District Court Darwin M. Inman vs R.N. White, L.A. Watkins - The southeast quarter of section twenty (20) and the southwest quarter of section twenty one (21) township seven (7) north of range forty five (45) west of the 6th p.m. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF LAND State of Colorado, County of Phillips, District Court Darwin M. Inman vs. Emily Keeny and Enock H. Harley The southeast quarter of section nineteen (19) and the northeast quarter of sec thirty (30) in township seven (7) north of range forty five (45) west of the 6 p.m. SUMMONS ON APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION State of Colorado, County of Phillips, in the District Court Darwin M. Inman vs. Samuel N. Reagle, John Forsythe and E.N. McPherrin Northeast quarter of section twenty six (26) in township seven (7) north of range forty five (45) west of the 6th p.m. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Lizzie Irwin Deceased......... dated at Holyoke, Colorado this 26, day of Nov A.D. 1907. William Henry Irwin, Administrator. First pub Dec 6 ALIAS SUMMONS State of Colorado, County of Phillips, in the county court J.S. Bennett and W.D. Kelsey a co-partnership doing business under the name, firm and style of Bennett & Kelsey vs J.B. Allen The said action is brought to recover the sum of two hundred dollars on account of professional services as attorneys rendered to the said defendants in quieting the title to the southeast quarter of section 22 in township 9 north of range 44 west of the 6th p.m. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ON PETITING FOR SALE OR MORTGAGING OF REAL ESTATE State of Colorado, County of Phillips, in the County Court in Probate In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Penner, deceased, M.C. Kelly, administrator Filed by Henry Penner, guardian of John P. Penner, an heir of said estate, for the sale of the following described real estate, or a portion thereof, to wit: Lot No. eight (8) in Block No. eleven (11) in the original town of Holyoke, Phillips County, Colorado, for the purpose of assisting said minor, John P. Penner, in his support and education. Ordered to appear: Peter J. Penner, Fred P. Penner and John P. Penner, minor, heirs at law of the estate of Pete Penner, deceased. SUMMONS State of Colorado, county of Phillips, in the county court The Huber Manufacturing Company vs W.F. Kortright The action is brought to recover from the defendant the sum of $1699 with interest ... and also to foreclose one certain mortgage deed upon the southwest quarter of section twenty six (26) in township nine (9) north of range forty four (44) west of the 6th p.m. ALIAS SUMMONS State of Colorado, County of Phillips, in the district court Daniel Roth vs. C.A. Olson Action is brought to enforce the specific performance of a contract of sale of the following described real property: The west half of section 33 in township 7, north of range 47, west of the 6th p.m. The plaintiff alleging that the defendant made an agreement in writing to convey the said land, and now refuses so to do. That the plaintiff is damaged in the sum of $500. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Sterling, Colorado, Dec 17, 1907 Notice is hereby given that Huber O. Lyon of Bryant, Colorado has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim viz HE No. 3943 made Nov 13, 1906 for the nw 1/4 of Sec 20 T 6 N R 46 W and that said proof will be made before clerk of district court at Holyoke, Colorado on Jan 31, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land: John H. Moore of Holyoke, Colorado John Y. Eckman of Haxtun, Colorado Elmer E. Young of Haxtun, Colorado L.A. Williamson of Holyoke, Colorado NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Sterling, Colorado, Nov 12, 1907 Notice is hereby given that Alphonso L. B. Smith of Holyoke, Colorado has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim viz Homestead entry No. 3825 made Oct 9, 1906 for the n e 1/4 sec 26 tp 7 n r 46 w and that said proof will be made before register or receiver at Sterling, Colorado on Jan 8, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land: Andrew M. Anderson of Holyoke, Colorado Frank L. McElroy of Holyoke, Colorado Elmer P. Nelson of Holyoke, Colorado George C. Nelson of Holyoke, Colorado SUMMONS State of Colorado, County of Phillips, in the district court E.N. McPherrin vs L.W. Tulleys trustee and Clarence K. Hesse The action is brought to quiet the title in the plaintiff to the northeast quarter of section ? in township 8 north of range 46. Plaintiff alleging that he is the owner of and in possession of said land and that the defendants and each of them make some claim to his title therein. SUMMONS State of Colorado, County of Phillips in the district court E.N. McPherrin vs Christina Seip, L.W. Tulleys trustee and Clarence K. Hesse The action is brought to quiet the title in the plaintiff to the south half of the southwest quarter of sec 9 in township 8 north of range 43 w of the 6th p.m. Plaintiff alleging that he is the owner of and in possession of said land and that the defendants make some claim adverse to the title therein. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Sterling, Colorado, Dec 20, 1907 Notice is hereby given that George W. North of Holyoke, Colorado, has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 1477 made Dec 31, 1900, for the north 1/2 northwest 1/4 section 2 and north 1/2 northeast 1/4 section 3 township 6 north range 43 west, and that said proof will be made before clerk district court at Holyoke, Colorado on Feb 14, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land: Robert Martin of Holyoke, Colorado Herman Poe of Holyoke, Colorado Joseph A. Elder of Holyoke, Colorado Coyle B. Summers of Holyoke, Colorado NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Sterling, Colorado, Nov 18, 1907 Notice is hereby given that Henry Mitchel of Holyoke, Colorado has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim viz: Homestead entry No. 1475 made Dec 29 1900 for the northwest 1/4 section 4 township 6 north range 43 west and that said proof will be made before clerk of the district court at Holyoke, Colorado on Dec 28, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the land: Andrew C. Cauble of Holyoke, Colorado Elijah E.T. Hazen of Holyoke, Colorado Harrison Norris of Holyoke, Colorado Hanibel Carpenter of Holyoke, Colorado =================================================== Contributed for use by the USGenWeb Archive Project ( and by the COGenWeb Archive Project USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.